Like I sad, were in the middle of nowhere. What use do we have for
money." Maru sighed. "And don't count on me doing it again. That
routine brings back to many bad memories."
Rayne follows her path into the forest that she had found by
accident it was slightly off the normal path. She stopped after a
while and listened to see if anyone had followed.
Seeing Rayne leave, Maru felt a twinge if your, but pushed it away.
She survived more than a week here. However when Anna followed,
Maru did as well, going through the trees silently.
Anna smiled to herself from her perch knowing Rayne was listening
to see if she was followed. She knew she would never be heard. She
had spent years perfecting her craft. Only one could find her and
he was...was dead now.
Rayne couldnt hear anything but her instincts told her otherwise.
She shrugged it off and jumped and disappeared into a fern covered
open manhole which lead to her tunnels.
Maru reconised the place where Rayne went to. It was where they
first meet. Slightly embarrassed when she remembered that she has
their to kill her at first glance, Maru silently stayed in the
trees, watching.
Anna dropped silently near the bushes, and realized it appeared on
her map. Beneath the bushes was a tunnel. In the two weeks she was
around she only went down in there the first four days. She slowly
crept down.
Seeing Anna, Maru immediately launched her spare pendulum, as the
rope wrapped around Anna's throat and yanked her back. Leaping to a
different tree, Maru stayed silent.
Corri was picked up by Tori, who set her by Chris. "Watch her
please." She said. She followed Anna, Maru, and Rayne. She was
silent as she followed, eyes scanning.
Anna sighed, "Don't test me again Maru. You honestly didn't think I
knew you were following me. I didn't expect the attack though.
Respect." and then she tossed down a smoke grenade before dropping
back into the tunnels.
Rayne unaware of what was happening above she crept forward into
her tunnel she took a left and there was a crack she crawled into
which opened into a small cavern completely enclosed except for the
crack she grabbed her bag her laptop and her grappling hook. She
left the crack and covered it with rocks to make it less visable.
She started to crawl back.
Rayne body shivered but she recognized the voice from the group.
She didnt believe in lying so she replied "Getting the rest of my
gear. I thought i could help benefit everyone with some stuff ive
had stashed." she felt kind of emberassed for hiding it in the
first place.
Snarling, Maru passed. How the hell did she know her name? She felt
a need to protect Rayne, but she knew that she couldn't be to
protective of her. When she headed Rayne replying to Anna, Maru