Tori shifted in her sleep, making soft whimpering noises and
rolling over. She would moan and whimper in her sleep, fear
enveloping her. She was terrified,
Finding Ray asleep, Maru smiled, picking her up bridal style.
Carefully making her way down the tree, Maru slowly made her way to
camp, while admiring Rays sleeping face. God, she was beautiful,
even more so when sleeping. She looked an angel to Maru.
Ricky came running to the camp grounds, flash light cutting the
darkness. He heard screeches and screams, and managed to win a coin
flip, so Anna was bouncing around in some tree ahead of him. "Be
safe you guys."
Name/Nickname: Ivy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight.
Appearance (description or picture): Ivy has red hair and green
eyes. She usually wears combat boots, Gray skinny jeans, a white t
shirt and an army jacket.
Personality: Ivy is very kind and friendly, but she'll tell it to
you straight.
History (Optional): (I don't like backstories!)
Ability: She is very practical, she can make a small sleeping area
out of a few just a few twigs and leaves!
Other: Has a crush on Ricky.
Once reaching the camp, Maru set Rayne down onto one of the beds,
before drapping her coat over her. Walking to the spot nearest to
the entrance, Maru closed her eyes.
"Guys!" Ricky yelled looking around. Did the demons get them? They
couldn't have! Could they? He had always assumed they were good in
combat, but if they died, he'd have to survive with the ninja who
apparently had a gambling problem. He held his pistol tighter for
comfort and continued on looking for the others.
Anna looked at the area once. There was a burned and weakened
demon. They had beat it. Obviously at least one of them survived.
She started thinking back. No, all of them survived. The monsters
were messy. Melina, Erin, and...and Riley were good examples of how
messy they could be in their killings.
Maru couldn't sleep, so she sat up, and took out her pendulum,
noticing that the string was badly burnt. The crystal had cracked
with the heat, rendering it unusable. Holding the weapon close to
her heart, Maru decided to go outside and practice her circus
routine, even if it hurt her to do so. Taking two fireproof but
dull pendulums, as well as the lighter, Maru went outside.
Tori awoke to yelling, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, everyone is fine,
why...?" She said, but noticed her twin freaking out. She jumped
up, sprinting to the girl. "Corri. Corri, come on, it isn't real,
snap out of it!" She said, waving her hands in front of her
sister's face. Corri just sobbed. "Grab my bag!" Tori yelled to
someone, anyone.
Setting fire to her performance pendulums, Maru began to swing
them, before launching into a dizzying setts if spirals, leaps and
acrobatic movements, the flaming pendulums left trails of fire in
there wake. Humming a tune as she went, Maru was completely
engrossed into her performance.
Maru sent one pendulum spinning, close to Ricky, and with a snap of
her wrist, the crystal spun in a deadly dance, making patterned
before it went right back to Mary's side. If it had been a real
weapon, her opponent would have been sliced into bits. Oblivious of
Ricky and Rayne Maru ended her routine perfectly, breathing
heavily, as memories flooded into her mind.