Forum Thread
[L]Ghost&Poison Gem Lotto! [MonthlyPrize: Sh. Hunt of ch
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L]Ghost&Poison Gem Lotto! [MonthlyPrize: Sh. Hunt of ch

Idea based in loketoke's Lokelottery
Have some Ghost and Poison gems on your item bag that you don't have use for?, Max needs them!
For only 10 Ghost/Poison Gems* you can win awesome prizes!
Last year I made my first attempt to hunt this beauty, sadly after 3,500 eggs hatched nothing showed up, so I'm back with it, Hopefully this time I'm going to get it!
So my goal is 15,000 of each gem so I can get a total of 3,000 eggs from the Gem Collector. So the deadline will be when I get enough gems for the 3,000 eggs (Currently I've for 1,000 eggs!). Of course I won't be getting all of them from here as I'm also buying them on my Trade Thread. If all the prizes are unlocked, more prizes would be up by that time!
Please, read all the information below before posting
▶ All PokéHeroes rules apply (no spamming, double posting, etc.)
▶ Use the provided form to enter, I WON'T take PM/Palpad entries.
▶ Please be patient, I'll do as soon as I can.
▶ Don't spam me with useless PMs/Palpad about the lottery unless you really need to ask something important.
▶ All trades will be completed via DID, you'd need to include "Gem Lottery" on the Description/message of the trade so it can count, all trades that doesn't have that, won't count.
▶You can buy as many tickets you want, and you can win more than one prize.
▶If you have already bought a ticket, you can't request a refund.
▶ The idea is buying tickets to enter the lottery. Each Ticket costs 10 Ghost/Poison Gems (Can be a mix of both).
▶ You can buy as many tickets as you want.
▶- Each single ticket can be chosen as winner once, but buying more than one ticket will give you chances to win more than 1 prize!!
▶ All tickets are given in order, so you can't choose your numbers.
▶ There are no refunds, once you buy a ticket it's done.
▶ Winners will be chosen by
▶ Step 1: Post the form below
[b]Amount of tickets I want to buy:[/b]
[b]Gems sent:[/b]
[b]Did you send the Gems already?:[/b]
[b]Amount of tickets I want to buy:[/b]
[b]Gems sent:[/b]
[b]Did you send the Gems already?:[/b]
Example of form

Username: -Max
Amount of tickets I want to buy: 3
Gems sent: 12 Poison & 18 Ghost gems
Did you send the Gems already?: Yep
▶ Step 2: Send the gems via Delibird Item Delivery and include "Gem Lottery" inside the Message box.
▶ Step 3 : Once I recieve the gems, I'll add all your tickets to the main post.
▶ Step 4 : Buy more tickets!
Prizes are updated depending on the tickets sold! This is just the first batch, once all are "unlocked" more prizes would be added.
Prize Pool:

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Shiny hunts would be from Easy to Rare rarity.
If all the prizes from the images are unlocked, more prizes would be added.

{01 ~ 06 } |- Solar-Moonlight
{07} |- 10eke
{08 ~ 33} |- Ruby*Mewtwo
{34 ~ 63} |- Leicester
{64 ~ 70 } |- Solar-Moonlight
{65 ~ 92 } |- Voltaik
{ 93-94 } |- PichuQ
{ 95 ~ 132 } |- Khristian_Leigh
{133 ~ 162} |- Leicester
{163 ~ 167} |- Start
{168 ~ 175} |- SasukeUchiha_
{176 ~ 181} |- Ninjapig
{182 ~ 211} |- Leicester
{212 ~ 241} |- Leicester
{213 ~ 293} |- Voltaik
{294 ~ 394} |- Argentis
{395 ~ 398} |- Suineko
{399 ~ 400} |- hrfontanez
{401 ~ 429} |- Leicester
{430 ~ 454} |- Dokku
{455 ~ 466} |- Ganz
{467 ~ 526} |- Leicester
{527 ~ 530} |- Kosovo
{531 ~ 533} |- Kamijo
{534 ~ 544} |- BlazikenMask
{545 ~ 605} |- Leicester
{606 ~ 706} |- Leicester
{607 ~ 716} |- Super_rishi

Next Month prize: Shiny Hunt of choice! [Jan 2017]
Amount of tickets I want to buy: 28
Gems sent: 280 (250 Poison, 30 Ghost)
Did you send the Gems already?: yes.