Name: Sage Age:17 Gender: Male Race: Elve Weapon Type: He can become a weapon depending on his and his
partner's wishes, but he is mostly a hammer thanks to his
supportive nature. Weapon Form Appearance: He can even be a chandelier if he's on
fire. Partner: Colt History: Sage was grown with his parents deep hidden in the
woods. He was constantly being picked n by his parents, who tried
to teach him magic. However, not even a spark would happen.
However, when a phantom attacked his home, a bunch of warrios
appeared to attack it. When his father picked him by the arm to run
away with his mother, Sage ended up turning into a axe. His father
didn't resitate to smash the phantom with the hammer. After that,
Sage was able to turn back into elve. He currently lives on his own
home. Personality: He is mostly friendly, but is also a prankster
and naughty when he wants to be. He also won't resitate to be
territorial or aggressive, though. He also puts himself over his
friends. Special Abilities/Skills: He can turn into green weapons.
Duh. Crush: Nope Other:
Weapon Soul Partner Form
Name: Colt Age: Surprisingly, 16 Gender: Male Race: Dwelve Weapon Soul: Sage History: Colt was also picked on and trained by his parents
when the first bit of beard appeared on his face, still when he was
a kid. However, he was actually trained on being a blacksmith. He
had to confess- it was NO easy job. But over time, Colt was able to
make up even axes out of metal. However, his favorite weapon is his
hammaxe, painted and decorated the way he wants to. Now he always
can fight monsters. One day, while fighting one, he ended up seeing
a green volley ball lauching itself at a ghost. He picked the ball
up, and it quickly ended up changing into Sage. That was no time to
greet or anything- but, using Sage's powers, they were able to
defeat the ghost with other warriors. After that, they became
partners. Personality: TBRPed. Dwelve is mostly quiet and focused on
his job on whatever he is doing. Although stubborn, he does
appreciates the other's helps. Magic/Skills: He can craft handful iron weapons. Crush: None Other:
Gale sighed and told Yuric "Let's head back to your house I'll
explain there, for now we can leave it to that guy.
When they arrived Gale told Yuric what he had in mind "I don't like
those two girls, especially the one that noticed you, killing a
demon outside the walls of Thain, no matter how bad something is...
sorry I'll deal with her if we see them again, that place just
didn't feel like the time and place to do it." Gale then went
outside for some fresh air. "What a mysterious guy" Yuric said to
Gale thought to himself while outside, "Violence...." he remembered
the destroyed orphanage "Rin.....," before finding Yuric Gale had
despised everything, at one point his wind got weaker which fed his
anger. After seeing the wind dissapear at the girls hand. "Able to
control the wind eh... as if," Gale muttered.
(@yosaflame Please actually add a personality and after you finish
your history, you will be fine.)
Draco and Alex left and went back home. After Draco got yelled at
and attacked by Asuka, they had dinner. They had a simple stew with
a very light flavor. The three of them didn't say a word as they
were eating.
Finishing up cleaning their area, Alexis and Ria gave each other a
thumbs up. They headed towards a very tiny house in the village,
opening the door and heading inside. "We did well today, don't you
think?" Alexis asked Ria, receiving a nod in reply. "You even found
a boy--" Alexis began, getting whacked around the head by a tray.
"Shut up, says you." Ria replied, laughing. The two made a truce.
(Accepted. We're time skipping to morning for story progression
It was 1 AM in the morning. The moon was still high in the sky and
the streets were dark. Draco had woken up 15 minutes prior to now.
He had just awoken from a nightmare and was sweating from head to
toe. He sat on the edge of his bed with his hands clenched
together. Draco was panting but decided he should take a walk.
Draco took a quick shower so he didn't smell of sweat. He got
dressed and took the streets. The cold and smooth breeze hit him as
he slowly walked through the streets of Thain.
Yuric was sleeping deeply but Gale continued to stay awake as
always looking out the window. Then he saw Draco, wondering why
he'd be up so early he decided to go down and check. After getting
dressed he went outside without yuric noticing.