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The Weapon Souls of Thain [Open and Semi-Lit]

Forum-Index Roleplay The Weapon Souls of Thain [Open and Semi-Lit]
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 16:37 (8 Years ago)

Powerful, mythic creatures have roamed the world of Orikose since the beginning of time. The Kingdom of Thain was often the prime target for attacks from these creatures and the citizen had always fought back, but to little effect. These powerful creatures were able to be killed, but; they were incredibly difficult to. Basic weapons such as swords and bows did little damage to them. But if multiple warrior's attacked at once, they had a possible chance of defeating a single creature.

The citizens of Thain were barely able to defend themselves and had to use hundreds upon hundreds of soldiers to even defeat 25 Ogre's. The only way they were able to send the creatures away from Thain was by handing them gifts in exchange for temporary peace as Thain did not have enough to give all creatures so that they would permanently stop. Thain soon went from a rich and power capital kingdom, to a poor and weak kingdom of peasants.

However, their was still hope. Odd looking people of different races approached the King and Queen of Thain and revealed their true origin. These odd looking humans were able to transform their souls and body into the form of a weapon. They offered their aid in defeating these creatures. The King and Queen accepted and accepted their help. These humans named themselves "Weapon Souls" and could only be partners with someone who had a soul that they would accept as a proper partner.

Now, with the power of the Weapon Souls, Thain was able to fight back against these creatures. The surrounding kingdoms heard of this but did not any Weapons Souls of their own. The Weapon Souls only exist in Thain. What mystery lies in the origin of Thain and The Weapon Souls? And why are they related? It doesn't matter for now. As long as we are safe, it does not matter.

Now you and your Weapon Soul must push forward and change from protecting Thain, to attacking the creatures yourselves while also still protecting Thain.

Our story begins here...


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Roleplay Rules
No God-Modding
No Power-Playing
Be Active! We the right to kill off your character if you haven't posted in about a week or so.
Subscribe! This will help make sure that your character won't be killed off!
Mild Swearing such as damn and hell are allowed (If you are gonna swear with more violent language then please censor it.)
No instant kills such as killing a player in one action. (Bob kills Tom.)
Do not take control of another user's character.
This roleplay is Semi-Lit. I do not expect perfect grammar and try not to complete at least 1 paragraph or 3 lines. But their are exceptions to this rule. Such as: when their is nothing going on, or you're character is in a conversation.

Character Rules
NPC's can be controlled by anyone.
You may have any number of characters at a time, but please be realistic about how many you are capable of maintaining.
I recommend you make two forms. One Weapon Soul and one Weapon Soul Partner.
You are allowed to be partner's with another user's character, but please ask them for permission
You're character may only be one of the given Races that are not Mythic Creatures
No characters from anime, cartoons, games, etc..

Other Rules
I am allowed to reject any form for any reason. As long as it's not a stupid reason such as "I don't like your appearance."", I can use that reason.
All PH Rules Apply
Be nice to each other when OOC
Do not cause drama when OOC


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Elves are the least uncommon race that live in Thain. They take up about 11% of the population of Thain. Elves tend to live in certain areas based on what type of Elf they are. If they are just a normal elf, they usually will live deep in the forests. Elves are highly skilled in magic and popularly, enchanting and healing magic. Elves are not known to be aggressive but they are known to be very territorial and cautious. Most Elves are not trained to fight and will usually not have any skills or knowledge about how to use weapons. However, it is not impossible to find an Elf who knows how to use a Sword and Damaging Magic such as Fire Magic. Elves tend to live longer than humans, on average of six to eight years. Elves tend to very in appearance but most have long, elongated gears. The males also tend to have their hair grow more out than what normal human males would. Elves will mate with other Elves and Humans.

Half-Elves are the only type of Elf born from two different species. Elves tend to usually mate with each other but when Elves mate with Humans, Half-Eves are born. As their name suggest, they are half Elf and half Human. Half-Eves are the second least uncommon type of Elf that live in Thain, at around 9% of Thain's population. Half-Elves are more known to be both balanced in magic and combat. They usually are taught multiple types of magic and combat. Half-Elves have higher magic capabilities than most humans, but not as much as other Elves. Half-Eves tend to live longer than humans by 2-3 years. All Half-Elves live amongst the human population is Kingdom's. Half-Elves vary in appearance as well, but they tend to share some features with most Elves. They keep their long, elongated ears but are not as long as normal Elves.

Dark Elves:
Dark Elves are the most uncommon elf to live in Thain, at around 2% of the population. Their are so little Dark Elves that they the percentage for them in Thain is only estimated. In reality, less than 5 Dark Elves live in Thain. Dark Elves tend to have only one appearance but every once in a while, Dark Elves with different appearances would be born. Dark Elves have dark, grey skin with their hair usually being a smooth, silky white. Their eyes tend to be black with yellow or red pupils. They specialize on the Dark Arts, which not just limited to Dark Magic. The Dark Arts can include Dark Magic and Dark Weaponry. Dark Elves live deep in dark caves, or deep underground. Dark Elves do not mate with other type's of Elves or other species. However, this is because of culture and beliefs, so it is possible for a Dark Elf to mate with others but only if that Dark Elf is disfigured from the other Dark Elves. The live span of Dark Elves are unknown.

Wood Elves:
Wood Elves are quite rare in Thain, only an estimated 5% of Thain's population are Wood Elves. But their are in fact, only 10 Wood Elves that live in Thain. Wood Elves live in large forests that bloom in nature. Wether it would be rain forest, or deep in The Amazon. Wood Elves only use two type of Magic. Any Magic that relates to Nature (Such as Growth Magic of Pollen Magic) and Healing Magic. Wood Elves do not participate in violent magics or combat whatsoever. They are incredibly peaceful and will guard the forests they live at any cost. Wood Elves don't commonly mate with humans but their has been Wood Elves in the past who have mated with humans. Wood Elves tend to however; mate with each other or other elves. Their appearances tend to vary but they are usually the same. Wood Elves have pale brown skin and grey hair. They usually live the average life span of a human

Hybrid Elves:
Hybrid Elves are Elves that were born from two different types of Elves. Such as a Wood Elf and normal Elf. Hybrid Elves tend to look like a combination of their parents. Their face will look like one type of elf, and their hair will be the other. But they can sometimes just look like only a single type of Elf. Hybrid Elves will tend to be taught in the skills of both Elves. Their lifespan varies based on what two types of Elves the parents are.

Elemental Elves:
Elemental Elves are Elves that are grouped together based on what element they are. Element Elves only use magic that are related to their element. So Water Elves will use Water Magic and Ice Magic. Their appearance tends to be the color of their element. So Fire Elves will tend to be red, orange, and/or yellow. They do not breed with other elves. All Elemental Elves are grouped together because it is unknown how many different versions of Elemental Elves their are. Elemental Elves take up about 6% of Thain's population. It is unknown how long their life span is.

Fairies look no different than humans, apart from the wings. Fairies have big, wide, and translucent wings that have different patterns and colors. Their are set specific wings that are uncommon and common. Each Fairy has their own unique wing design but can sometimes share the same color. Fairies also have the ability to change from human size to tiny fairy size. Fairies are not known for using any specific magic but they aren't usually particularly interested in combat or violence. Their life span is unknown. Fairies can mate with other species but their children are not called Half-Fairies as they are always one species or the other. (i.e. If a fairy mates with a human, their child will be fairy or human, nothing in between)

Dwarves are incredibly short, bearded folk. Dwarves are commonly male but female Dwarves obviously exist. Dwarves tend to take on Smithing as their occupation. Very rarely will Dwarves partake in combat. Dwarves do not breed outside of their race. Dwarves take up 12% of Thain's population.

Not much is need to explain Humans. They are very simple creatures

Mythic Creatures

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Dracon's are large serpentine, reptilian, and/or avian looking creatures. They have 4 legs and have large, wide wings that tend to be either leathery, feathery, or scaly. They typically spew out fire but they have the ability to spew our different things, such as: condensed, high pressure air and acid. Their appearances vary and are broken into different sub categories such as Fire Dragons and Avian Dragon's. Dragon's have above average human intelligence and are incredibly hostile towards other.

Wyverns have the exact same possibilities in appearances, however; unlike dragons, wyverns always have two legs and a barbed tail.

Demons come from the Nine Gates of Hell and the most common type of creature that attacks Thain. They very in appearance. Some look more like humans, some look like sea serpents.

Fallen Angels:
Fallen angels are the 2nd most common type of creature that attacks Thain. They attack as they seek revenge against the angels, and because the humans are affiliated with angels, they are prime targets of them.

Dark Elves:
Dark Elves sometimes attack Thain as well. Please read about them in the "Races" section to find out more information about them.

Phantoms and Ghost are the exact same thing. Phantoms and Ghost are unaffected by physical attacks. Sword strikes and arrows will not affect them. The astral bodies of Phantoms and Ghost can only be dealt damage by Magic. Phantoms and Ghost are the third most common creature to attack Thain.

Weapon Souls Info

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Weapon Souls come in many races. Weapon Souls are usually humans but can be Elves, Fairies, etc. They are not able to use Magic but as the name suggest, their Weapons who are based off of souls. Weapon Souls have the ability to transform themselves into Weapons by changing the wave motion and form of their soul. Weapon Souls often choose partners based on soul compatibility. The more compatible the souls, the strong the two will be. Weapon Souls can become any weapon, even baseball bats. The way their weapon form is determined, is based on their soul and personality. The more hostile and aggressive they are, the more dangerous their weapon will be. However, if a weapon soul has a partner and hasn't figured out what weapon they are, it will be based on different factors. This time it is based on both partner's souls and how they work together. If the two don't get together, their weapon will be something they both do not like. However, if the two are very close and are on good terms, the weapon that the weapon soul becomes; shall be a weapon that combines the wishes and desires of the two.

The Kingdom of Thain

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The Kingdom of Thain is where this story shall be taking place. The population of Thain consist of many different races. The population mainly being human with small amounts of other races. However, the amount of other races that live in Thain have been growing over the years. The number of elves has now doubled from the amount of elves in Thain from 10 years ago. Thain is the prime target of the mythic creatures due to the fact that Thain is the capital Kingdom and has the most abundant amount of resources and population.[/center]

Weapon Soul Form

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Insert Appearance Here
[b]Weapon Type[/b]:
[b]Weapon Form Appearance[/b]:
[b]Special Abilities/Skills[/b]:

Weapon Soul Partner Form

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Insert Appearance Here
[b]Weapon Soul[/b]:

My Forms

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Draco Himeragi
Weapon Soul:
Alex Shokugeki
Draco grew up in an orphanage in Thain. Their were many kids at the orphanage. Draco kind of always acted as the leader figure for the group of kids at the orphanage. He wasn't bossy but he always tried to take the lead and help the other kids, and sometimes the adults. However, the orphanage was attacked by Dragon's and Demons and the building was destroyed. However, Draco and 9 other kids were able to escape. Meaning, 7 of the kids died. Draco was 12 at the time and two of the kids that died, included his best friend, Damian. And his childhood crush at the time, Tanya. Draco doesn't blame himself or any of his friends for what happened. He is just depressed and sad about the them dying.

Draco and the 9 other kids from the Orphanage escaped to Thain, but barely. Because their kingdom was in the desert and was far from Thain, they ended up passing out during their journey. But, they were saved by Asuka and he family. After being rescued and going to an orphanage in Thain, some of his friends were adopted and left. Leaving Draco and the remaining of his friends. However, Draco and friends were able to gather enough money to buy a small house. And they even had enough money to steadily pay for rent. The house was not the biggest and had two bathrooms, one living room with kitchen, and 2 bedrooms. However, the bedrooms were big enough for some of them to share.
Draco still somewhat has that leader side of him still, however most of that part of him has faded away. Draco wanted to forget about the past and so he tried to change his personality but so that he was a new person. Just so he wouldn't remember about what happened every time he spoke. Draco can be very kind and helpful, however; you don't always see that side of him and he is often kind of awkward and boring to be around. Draco can be also described as a thick and dense person who likes to tease people.
Draco is master of Lightning Magic. He is able to not only use lightning, but he is also able to change the properties of the lightning he uses. He can change up to three properties or he can complete change the way lightning works. For example, he could make it denser, brighter, and more powerful. Or, he can change the lightning into a sphere of condensed lightning.
Draco has a little sister named Asuka. He is also an incredible cook.

Asuka Sakamoto
Weapon Soul:
Asuka was separated from her big brother, Draco; at birth. While Draco grew up in the desert with his father, Asuka grew up as a rich, aristocrat family in Thain. Asuka's mother married the son of a noble family in Thain, thus why they were an aristocrat family. Despite Asuka being technically classified as a noble, she was not treated as such. The other nobles who would visit them, would pick on her because of her non-noble blood. However, to prove her worth; she studied incredibly hard and eventually became smarter than some of the pure blooded noble children in her family. That was when she started gaining respect.

To celebrate her success, her mother and father took her to different kingdom's out of Thain. And as they were leaving the desert kingdom of Fang, they stumbled upon Draco and friends. Asuka recognized Draco as her big brother since her mother had informed her before. And so they rescued them and treated them. Draco and his friends were offered to become part of their family. Some of them declined and Draco was one of them. The rest of them just went to an orphanage and some of them were adopted, leaving Draco and only a few of his friends left in the orphanage. Asuka was planning on telling Draco the truth, but ended up not to. And since meeting Draco again, she still plans on telling him.
Asuka is quite friendly and nice. She is easily approachable and uses her easy approachability to full use and often goes to talk to new faces if they seemed nice. Asuka always tries to useful and often volunteers for part time jobs and school work. And because of how flexible and how much volunteering she has done, she is incredibly skilled in many different things such as sewing, cooking, and building.
Despite Asuka being skilled in so many things, the one thing she is not capable of is magic. She cannot use magic but she has had mad many moments where a spark of her magic appears. Her magic is actually wind magic and she has noticed that sometimes when she would reach for things, a breeze would come her hands and knock the object she is reaching, over.
Asuka is Draco's younger sister.

Alex Shokugeki
Weapon Type:
Sword, specifically a Long Sword.
Weapon Form Appearance:

Draco Himeragi
Unlike most Elves, Alex and his family lived amongst the other races in Thain. Alex grew up like any normal kid at the time. He however; was unfortunately bullied for being different. Luckily, Alex and his parents already expected this to happen but they were not sure if it would actually happen. To prepare ahead of time, Alex was given permission from the school to be able to fight back but to a certain extent and for only self defense. And so, Alex trained in martial arts during the summer before school. When Alex went to High School, he met Draco and they got along right away. And soon, they became best friends despite the differences between them.
Alex is quite awkward, but mainly is awkward around girls. As Alex grew up in school, not many girls talked to him since they were afraid of him since he was an Elf. So, Alex doesn't really have much experience talking with them. Other than that, Alex is quite typical. He isn't over the top kind, or over the top nice. He just acts how he feels. But, he easily embarrassed.
Special Abilities/Skills:
Alex has the ability to boost any Magic that is used on him. He is able to increase the output of that magic by up to 7%. Alex is also specialized in Martial Arts like I mentioned before.
Alex almost blushes every single time he talks to a girl. Alex isn't very talented in much and so, he is easily impressed.


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Weapon Souls:
- Alex Shokugeki/16/Male/Elf/Page 1/Partner: Draco
- Ria Snow/18/Female/Wood Elf/Page 1/Partner: Alexis Black
- Yuric Castle/18/Male/Elemental Elf/Page 1/Partner: Gale Akolt
- Kaze Lates/16/Female/Fairy/Page 1/Partner: Ryu Hoshizora
- Sage/17/Male/Elf/Page 4/Partner: Colt

Weapon Soul Partner:
- Draco Himeragi/18/Male/Human/Page 1/Partner: Alex
- Asuka Sakamoto/17/Female/Human/Page 1/Partner: Available
- Alex Black/17/Female/Human/Page 1/Partner: Ria Snow
- Gale Akolt/18/Male/Human/Page 1/Partner: Yuric Castle
- Ryu Hoshizora/17/Female/Half-Elf/Page 1/Partner: Kaze Lates
- Colt/16/Male/Dwarf/Page 4/Page 4/Partner: Sage

- Alex Shokugeki/16/Male/Weapon Soul/Page 1/Partner: Draco Himeragi
- Sage/17/Male/Weapon Soul/Page 4/Partner: Colt

Half Elves:
- Ryu Hoshizora/17/Female/Weapon Soul Partner/Page 2/Partner: Kaze Lates

Dark Elves:

Wood Elves:
- Ria Snow/18/Female/Weapon Soul/Page 1/Partner: Alexis Black

Elemental Elves:
- Yuric Castle/18/Male/Weapon Soul/Page 1/Partner: Gale Akolt

-Kaze Lates/16/Female/Weapon Soul/Page 2/Partner: Ryu Hoshizora

- Colt/16/Male/Weapon Soul Partner/Page 4/Partner: Sage

- Draco Himeragi/18/Male/Weapon Soul Partner/Page 1/Partner: Alex
- Asuka Sakamoto/17/Female/Weapon Soul Parner/Page 1/Partner: Available
- Alexis Black/19/Female/Weapon Soul Partner/Page 1/Partner: Ria Snow
- Gale Akolt/18/Male/Weapon Soul Partner/Page 1/Partner: Yuric Castle

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 868
Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 17:24 (8 Years ago)
(My weapon form is first, my actual character who wields the weapon is after, worry for the confusion.)

Name: Ria Snow
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Wood Elf
Weapon Type: Sword, a Rapier.
Weapon Form Appearance:
Partner: Alexis Black
History: Once living in the forest, Ria lived a peaceful life, always finding the best spots for hiding from demons. When Alexis came along, everything changed. She could finally fight back, after all the years of hiding from them, she could finally attack back, in the hands of someone else, who was her best friend. She was okay with that, even though she secretly thought she was like Amy's big, overprotective sister.
Personality: Ria can be very protective of her friends, and would give anything up to protect them, hence being a Weapon Soul. If it meant death, she wouldn't even think twice. Ria can sometimes daydream, thinking about the future and the people she may meet in it.
Special Abilities/Skills: Ria surprisingly has no special skills.
Crush: Alex Shokugeki
Other: -

Name: Alexis Black
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Weapon Soul: Ria Snow
History: Once from a rich family, Alexis was born to be a rich and powerful woman, capable of inheriting tons of money. Despite such a happy future, Alexis did not want something so stuck up to be her future. She wanted to have a life where it wasn't so luxury, yet not so poor, somewhere between. One day, in the darkest of nights, 12 year old Alexis snuck out of her house through the window, heading out into the forest. She encountered a few demons, and she knew she was going to meet her demise, until Ria came along.

Alexis and Ria fought together, scaring away the demons. They lived like this for many years, until Alexis was able to get a house of her own. The two usually walk around together, Ria not normally being in her sword form, until the time comes for combat, when she must fight to protect her dearest friend, who cures her from her loneliness.
Personality: Alexis is usually positive in battle, having faith in Ria. Despite the most negative of times, she still has a smile on her face, trying to cheer her comrades up.
/MagicSkills: After being with Ria for so long, Alexis developed the power to track down people that are close to her, but only within a certain radius. If she cannot track someone, it's either due to being out of the radius, not being close enough to them, or her powers messing up, as they are still not fully developed.
Crush: Open
Other: Open
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 21:22 (8 Years ago)
(Accepted. We can start and I shall begin.)

Loud footsteps were heard outside the walls of Thain. Civilians slowly started to back away from the outer regions of Thain and began to run towards the center of Thain. Loud and terrifying screams started coming from them. Dragon's started to surround Thain while Demons and Phantoms broke through the walls and entered the inside. The loud bellow of horns started sounding off, warning all civilians to get away and to alarm the Weapon Souls that the enemy had arrived.

Draco and Alex were sitting down in a small coffee shop, having a conversation about some new combat techniques they could use in combat, and how they could further improve their training so that it would more rapidly help them. As the bellow of the horns went off, Draco and Alex both flinched to the sudden noise. They looked at each other in the eye and nodded. Draco and Alex ran back to their home so they could get changed into a more combat appropriate outfit. Draco and Alex soon stormed out of their house, breaking their door as they charged straight through it.

As they ran to where explosions and tall pillars of fire were, Alex's body reformed into a type of energy and then shaped itself into a sword as it moved into Draco's hand. Draco looked at the overwhelming amount of Mythic Creatures at the area. "It looks like their are 4 dragon's the sky, and maybe 20-30 Demons and Phantoms each. I'll have to pick off the Demons and Phantoms that are away from the large groups since Alex and I can't handle all of them at once." Draco thought.

Draco charged at the Demons and Phantoms who were separated from the larger groups and started attacking them. Draco locked swords with a demon and Draco started pushing it into a corner before finally finishing it off with a loud strike of lightning from the skies. Draco looked around and noticed that Draco was now the center of attention by the Demons and Phantoms. Draco raised his sword, ready to guard himself so that the other could arrive.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 21:31 (8 Years ago)

Name: Gale Akolt
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Weapon Soul: Yuric Kastle
History: Gale and his family had all the money they needed to live healthy and happy lives, he also had a little sister, Rin, who treated him so well. One day Gale's father went missing, and the worst part was that he was the one that had helped get most of the money we had. Without him the family was thrown from a peaceful loving family to one that had to work extra hard and even have night shifts. Eventually Gale's mother passed away from a sickness and Gale decided to leave Rin at an orphanage so he could travel and get as much money as he could. When he heard that the orphanage was destroyed, he rushed back and found nobody. He then waited there for over a week hoping Rin would come back. When she didn't he decided to travel to Thain.
Personality: Gale trusted close to nobody, and the main reason for this was his feeling of unfairness and he often asked himself, why? Although when there were people he trusted around he was very active and usually was up for anything.
/MagicSkills: Gale can make himself completly silent which helped get information, he could also cast winds and control them from small breezes and gales (see the name thing there xD) to small tornadoes.
Other: uh.... Jingalingadingdong?

Name: Yuric Kastle
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Elemental Elf
Weapon Type: Longbow
Weapon Form Appearance:
Partner: Gale Akolt
History:Yuric and his family lived in Thain and they helped anybody they saw who needed help, one day yuric found Gale sitting in an alley and offered him a stay at his house. At first Gale refused but after seeing Yuric and his family treat a few kids to food and clothing, he decided he couldn't blame others for what happened to him or at least some others. Yuric's family treated Gale almost as good as his own did and Yuric treated Gale almost as a brother they played together happily and they still do. When Yuric decided to help as a weapon soul he chose Gale as his partner.
Personality: Very joyful and can make mistakes yet always comes through when Gale needs him.
Special Abilities/Skills:Yuric can call upon flames that offer as protection and warmth but he has never used them as an offensive power other than on mythical creatures.
Crush: none
Other: yay
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 868
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 12:33 (8 Years ago)
Alexis and Ria were taking a wander around town, their noses alive with the fresh scents of spices, coming from a few stalls around the town. As Alexis went to buy one that she needed for a dish, the two heard the monsters, followed by a swarm of horns sounding. The two exchanged glances, hurrying off to the scene.

As the pair arrived, they saw the flurry of Demons and Phantoms, as well as the Dragons that were taking an aerial attack. Ria instantly turned into a weapon, Alexis taking her and stood her ground, ready to fight. She noticed Draco, but that was it.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 12:59 (8 Years ago)
Draco heard the sound of fast paced foot steps that were coming towards them. As Draco turned around, he saw as Ria transformed into the form of a weapon that appeared in Alexis's hand. Noticing that they were just looking at him and just standing their, Draco yelled "What do you think you're doing just standing there!" Draco exclaimed. Draco immediately turned back around and fired a few bolts of lightning from his hand at the Dragons in the sky. Draco missed 2 of the dragons but he hit the other two. The bolts of lightning hit a Fire Dragon directly on their wing, causing that Fire Dragon to immediately drop to the ground. However; it was not dead but simply grounded. The other bolt of lightning struck a Water Dragon directly in the eyes, blinding it. Draco decided to ignore the grounded dragon for now and decided to focus on the Water Dragon since water conducts electricity.

The Water Dragon who was now blind, started shooting blast of high pressured water in a rampage. Draco waited for the right moment and sent a bolt of lightning at the stream of water. The electricity passed through the water and deep into the body of the Water Dragon, killing it. Draco ran over to the grounded Dragon before it run off. Draco left Alexis to deal with some of the Demons and Phantoms for now but he knew he had to be quick so that he could give Alexis back up.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 868
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 13:03 (8 Years ago)
Alexis sighed. "Well... I kinda just got here. Apologies..." She said quickly, heading towards a Phantom and clashing with them, within a few more clashes, she eventually shoved her sword through the stomach of the Phantom, turning around and now facing a Demon. A few more began to swarm her, she had to think fast.

Moving back slightly, Alexis swung her sword around in a circular motion, killing one, and lightly injuring the other four. She sighed, knowing she needed backup for this. She went for one of the four Demons.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 13:28 (8 Years ago)
Draco was a kept at bay since the grounded Dragon was constantly breathing fire, preventing Draco from being able to get close. Draco also wasn't able to see through the flames because they were blocking off the body of the Dragon. Draco looked at Alex and they both knew what they had to do. Draco aimed Alex and through him through the flames. The sword went into the Dragon's head, killing it. The flames dispersed and Draco ran over to grab Alex.

Alex was hot but it wasn't to the point where Draco couldn't pick him up. Draco ran back over to Alexis and leaped at one that behind her, slamming the Demon into the ground by piercing it's chest. "Sorry that took so long." Draco said, now prepared to cover her back. Draco started slashing at the Demons and Phantoms that were in front of him/behind Alexis.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 868
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 13:39 (8 Years ago)
"I owe you one. Thanks a bunch." Alexis replied, slashing at the demons and phantoms in front of her. Her teeth were gritted as she did so, one of them catching her arm and drawing blood. She winced in pain and let out a yell in anger. "You idiots!" She screamed, slashing faster now in rage, blood trickling down her arm.

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 13:42 (8 Years ago)
Draco put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back, slightly. "You need to calm down." Draco demanded as he held her still so that she wouldn't move. Alex returned back to his Elf form and while Draco waited for Alexis to calm down, he started fighting the Demons and Phantoms using his Martial Art skills.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 868
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 13:51 (8 Years ago)
Alexis sighed. "Sorry..." She murmured, sighing. "It just... reminds me of the past, when I first found Ria..." She added, slowing down but still figthting, getting flashbacks in her head from when she was attacked in the woods, Ria coming in to the rescue. She gripped Ria tight, her teeth still bared due to the pain she was going through.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 13:57 (8 Years ago)
"Well hurry up. We're almost done here." Draco said. Alex returned to his sword form and entered the hand of Draco. Draco charged at the last few phantoms but made sure to leave some for Alexis so she could let her anger and sadness out onto the Demons and Phantoms.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 868
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 14:01 (8 Years ago)
(You didn't accept that other dude back down there by the way)
Alexis headed toward the remaining Demons and Phantoms, bringing her sword back, and as she headed towards them, she slashed at them, killing one, she spun around, shoving her sword into the other. There was one still remaining. She clashed with it, it seemed to be putting up a bit of a fight.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 14:11 (8 Years ago)
(Yes I did.)
Draco and Alex watched from afar but made sure to be ready just in case tragedy struck.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 868
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 14:16 (8 Years ago)
(I didn't see that, it was sneakily at the bottom)

Alexis lunged forward, eventually stabbing and killing off the final one. She flung her sword up, Ria transforming into a wood elf ands landing on her feet, hi-fiving Alexis. She two bowed. "Thank you for helping us out." Alexis said to Draco and Alex. "We really appreciate it." Ria added.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 14:26 (8 Years ago)
"It's no big deal. We would've been overwhelmed if you two hadn't arrived in time." Draco replied. He noticed that Alex was still in his sword form and that Alex's soul motion and was moving rapidly. "Sorry about my partner. He's really shy around girls. He didn't really talk with them much since they almost always avoided him at school." Draco said. Alex eventually decided to show himself and reappeared beside Draco. Alex was trying to his face and was blushing brightly like a fresh tomato.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 868
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 14:30 (8 Years ago)
"Don't be shy, we won't hurt you." Ria said, putting her hand out. "I'm Ria. I guess you should make a start on talking to girls. I'm sorry that you're so shy..." She murmured, now also being a little shy. Alexis stood there in shock, watching the two chat.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 14:32 (8 Years ago)
Draco walked over and stood beside Alexis "It's like I'm watching two little kids meet each other for the first time." Draco said, quietly; to Alexis. Alex was hesitant at first, but eventually shook her head. "I'm Alex. Alex Shokugeki." he said in a somewhat quiet tone.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 868
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 14:36 (8 Years ago)
Amy nodded. "Yeah, I know. Kinda cute, but I somewhat find it funny." She whispered back to Draco. "Ria. Ria Snow!" She said smiling. "See? I don't bite. You don't have to be afraid." She said, once again in a soft, friendly tone, hoping not to scare him.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 14:39 (8 Years ago)
"Are you a wood elf?" Alex asked her, noticing her pointed ears and how her skin and hair were dark brown like a tree trunk while her eyes were a vivid green. "It's very funny." Draco replied and chuckled as he watched the two.