"Y-Yeah! That's me! I kinda look weird as my year and skin are the
same colour, sorry if I come across creepy. It used to scare people
who passed by..." Ria answered, her ears twitching. "I'm glad I'm
not the only one who thinks that then." Alexis giggled.
"O-oh! No, it's fine!" Alex exclaimed. "I just wanted to clarify is
all..." he pointed out. Alex was now blushing less but it was still
highly noticeable. Draco smiled at Alexis "We should probably help
clean this mess up." he said, looking around at the corpses of
Demons and Phantoms along with piles of rubble.
"Oh! Okay! That's good!" Ria said smiling. "Well... It's been nice
meeting you! I'm going to help the others clear up the corpses!"
Ria said happily, running over to a few demons and picking up a few
corpses. "Hey! Give up some work too!" Alexis exclaimed, exchanging
a glace with Draco and running off to grab some corpses.
"Wait... Wasn't there more than one dragon?" Ria pointed out,
looking a little concerned. "Do you think that they flew to the
other side of town?" Alexis added, carrying the corpses on her
back. "Damn, these things are heavy."
(Sorry after posting the form I had to go for the night yesterday
Gale was having a cup of coffee while Yuric bought a couple of kids
some candy. Suddenly a jet of flames shot at the kids, Gale barely
managed to shoot a wind strong enough to spread the flames away.
They looked up and saw 2 fire dragons, as the kids ran away Yuric
changed into a longbow and Gale grabbed him as he ran to a more
open area, while at the same time shooting the dragons to lure them
to a large open area with a fountain.
Upon reaching there one of the dragons shot flames at Gale, he then
called upon a small tornado which grabbed the water from the
fountain and he threw it at the dragon's mouth. So the dragon
decided to go for a physical attack, but once it was a foot away
from the ground Gale used a wind to suprise and pin it to the
ground, he then shot it with a with a piercing arrow up its throat,
killing it.
The remaining dragon suprised Gale and shot fire at him, barely
able to roll away from it the flames slashed at his right arm,
"Gah" Gale said in pain. "You ok?" Yuric asked,"Yeah, but taking
one on was hard enough we might need some help for this one."
"Well. That's one down." Draco said, as he saw Gale and Yuric take
down one of the two remaining dragons. Draco raised his hand up
into the air. Suddenly, a thunder bolt suddenly came down from the
skies, striking down the remaining dragon. Draco's hand was smoking
and was in pain. Draco shook his hand, still not used to the pain
that he gets from summoning Thunder Bolts. Draco looked at Gale and
Yuric "Thanks for the help" Draco said to them.
Alexis and Ria sighed in relief. "I'm glad I remembered that. You
guys were awesome!" Ria said happily, giggling. Alexis narrowed her
eyes, she noticed something strange about Draco's hand, pulling
some bandages out of her pocket. "I had a feeling these would come
in useful! Please, allow me." She said politely, wrapping the
bandage around his hand. She didn't wrap it too tight, yet not too
"Alexis! Don't forget your would." Ria facepalmed. "You need to go
and get it cleaned soon, before it gets infected. It wouldn't be
that great if it did get infected, trust me. It stings like hell."
Ria told her.
Noting that Gale went to a nearby public restroom to wash his
bleeding right arm from the flames, meanwhile Yuric changed back to
normal."What a day, even though we chose to protect this place,
it's still such a bother hope those children are alright" Yuric
said as Gale quickly came back.
Ria sighed, noticing the two men didn't reply to her. She shrugged
it off, grabbing an extra corpse and throwing it onto her back.
"I'll wash it later. Let's just clear this battlefield as fast as
we can. With all the fun, it comes at a cost. Clearing up what we
leave behind."
Name: Ryu Hoshizora Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Half-Elf Weapon Soul:Kaze Lates History: Scorned and reflected by both Elves and Humans, Ryu
learned the hard way that not everyone was as kind and caring as
her parents. Withdrawing from the world, She started spending more
and more time with her elven mother, perfecting her hand-to-hand
combat, as well as learning a bit if dark magic, from her mother's
Dark Elf heritage. When she decided to explore the city, she
encountered Demons. When she realized that she could kill them,
granted with a bit if difficulty, she started to find a purpose.
One day when traveling, Ryu spotted a fairy, who was attacked by
demons. Acting unconsciously, Ryu helped the Fairy and later grew
fond of one another. Kaze, as the Fairy was known by, became Ryu's
weapon soul. Personality: A loner by nature, Ryu despises the human race
for rejecting her. She doesn't really say who her weapon soul, or
what her powers are, keeping them a secret from everyone. Her time
alone has hardened her and she has many rough edges, however, most
if them can be sanded down. /MagicSkills: Ice manipulation. Capable of drawing moisture
out if the air and freezing it, Ryu can also solidify water, using
the ice to create a wide variation of weapons and tools. Crush: Open Other: She also doesn't really like to use Kaze, as she
believes that long raged weapons sent her thing, and that Kaze's
weapon form has a "shape made for reaping lives."
Name: Kaze Lates Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Fairy Weapon Type: two doubble sidedded Kusarigamas Weapon Form Appearance: Partner: Ryu Hoshizora History: A violent Fairy, Kaze had always been as free as
the wind. Her parents and clan were so fed up with her, that they
kicked her out if the village until she learned to mellow down.
only laughing, Kaze began roaming the lands, in search of worthy
enemies. One day, when facing half a dozen demons, a human showed
up and the two fought back to back, much to Kaze's annoyance. Once
the fight was over,the two spared and got to know each other in the
process. Kaze learned that her would be partner was a Half-Elf, and
something clicked with in her. Forming a pact, the two started
fighting as a pair. Personality: Contrary to her appearance, Kaze is ruthless in
battle, taking joy in killing her enemies. She is not afraid to use
dirty tricks and cheats to do it either. She does attack people, ti
preoccupied to fight back, or injured, claiming that it is her duty
to kill whoever is in her path. However, when she meet Ryu, she
mellowed down a tad, her berserker attitudes changing slightly. Now
she knows when her enemies are finished,instead of killing all of
them off. Special Abilities/Skills: Wind control to a certain degree.
For example, Kaze can fly useing her wind powers, but she cannot
use it as a weapon, such as turning wind into a blade when against
anyone other than what she seems an enemy. Crush: Open Other: She always carries twin needles with her, as a
protection precaution.
"Thanks for patching me up." Draco replied to Alexis. "Alex and I
have to get going. Sorry that we couldn't chat much or be able to
help you clean up a lot. We'll make up for it." Draco said. Draco
and Alex waved goodbye and ran off. Civilians and Soldier's started
arriving and dealt with the bodies and rubble as well.
Ryu sighed, watching the soldiers clean up the mess. "Too bad we
couldn't make it in time huh Kaze?" Ryu sighed, as the Fairy beside
her nodded. "We could have wrecked them if we where there." Kaze
scoffed. "Hehe, alright Ms. High and Mighty, let's find some
actually good opponents." Ryu smirked, before jumping off, Kaze
close behind.
Draco and Alex went back home. Draco's sister, Asuka was in the
kitchen making lunch for them. "Sheesh. You two just barge in, get
changed, and leave without a single word." she pouted. "Asuka. We
live here too, you know?" Draco said. "And plus, we do this every
time. Remember?" Alex said. "Whatever." Asuka pouted. Draco sighed
and went into the shower while Alex plopped down on his bed.
Gale gave the dragon bodies to the soldiers, then he and Yuric ran
back to yuric's house eager to get something to eat. When they got
there Yuric insisted on cooking but Gale remembered the last time
Yuric cooked..., very toasty. So they went to a nearby restaurant
and got a meal.
Draco got out of the shower, now in more casual clothes. Alex got
up and went into the shower, planning on taking a shower too. "When
you and Alex are ready, I need you two to get some thing
ingredients from the farmers that are selling produce nearby."
Asuka said. "Okay." Draco replied and waited for Alex.
Finding a Demon outside of the city, Ryu sighing. "Wanna do it
without pairing up?" Ryu asked, proposing a challenge to her Fairy
partner. "Duh, if it's just one measly demon, I'd rather take it
down one on one." Kaze grinned. The two girls started fighting the
After the meal, Gale and Yuric went for a walk, well more of a
walking candy shop that sells everything for free, "Do you have an
infinite supply of those?" Gale asked as Yuric continued tossing
candy at the pàssing children, "You could say that" Yuric responded
Alex got out of the shower and him and Draco left the house. Draco
and Alex lived near the edge of the Kingdom walls. As they were
walking to the farmer who sold produce near them, they heard the
sounds of a demon along with the sounds of fighting. Alex boost
Draco up the walls so he could what was going on. Draco saw Ryu and
Kaze fighting a demon.