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Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP RP IS DEAD
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:35 (7 Years ago)
(LOL I know it has taken forever! but finally, it has happened c ; )

A big smile spread on Charlotte's lips and she sat down beside Lilly and gave her a tight squeeze, a relieved sigh escaping her lips. "Honestly, before you interrupted me I was actually going to tell YOU how I feel, but I guess you did it for me aye?" Laughing nervously, she slowly brought her pillow up to her face to hide it, muffled talking behind it. "I'mgladthatyousaidyes"
my darlings
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:36 (7 Years ago)
(Ok, can we time skip now?)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:37 (7 Years ago)
(Yay! It took so long, but I suppose it's worth it .W. And probably??)
Amour nodded a thanks.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 509
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:39 (7 Years ago)
Lilly snuggled in her covers as she slept. She could imagine Charlotte and Missy holding hands, and kissing. Lilly thought it was cool, but has never really kissed a girl, or confessed her love to a girl, so she really didn't know how awkward it must have been.

(Time skip in next post)
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:40 (7 Years ago)
Erika jolted awake, then went to check the door.
i eat kids
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:41 (7 Years ago)
(Thank you! I just got back on now BTW)

*Lucia woke with a yawn and started to get ready for class*

Hope I can meet some students today...
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:42 (7 Years ago)
(I need to go for a bit, I'm on so many active roleplays and it's killing me.)
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:43 (7 Years ago)
Pepper waited out the rest of the night, but when morning arrived, the medicine started to work. "Ugh, better never than late..." Pepper thought to herself, opening her door and trying to get out if the room, but she was almost dragged to her bed, where she immediately fell asleep on.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:44 (7 Years ago)
Amour returned to her own dorm in the morning and Leaf let her in. Amour promptly fell over and passed out, but Leaf woke her up quickly, dragging her off her bed.
"Lez go, wake up." Leaf said impatiently.
"Hdjksksksks fine."
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:47 (7 Years ago)
Erika picked it up and set it where it wouldn't melt. Stretching, she changed and put her hat back on.
i eat kids
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 509
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:48 (7 Years ago)
Lilly planned her outfit, hair, and makeup and slipped it on. She then got her stuff ready for class.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:49 (7 Years ago)
(Good night. I'm gonna go to bed because in my timezone, it's late.)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 509
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:50 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 20
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:52 (7 Years ago)
(Night night BritishVivillon)


Missy gave a squeeze back,

"Well for once I guess I just didn't want to be the last one." She said with a slight giggle, then she poked Charlotte gently in the ribs at her muffled pillow voice. "Hey Charlotte, how about we finish the movie."

She put her head against Charlotte's shoulder looking at the T.V. This was most positively the best sleep over Missy had ever had. Of course Missy fell asleep in this position a a few mins. later.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:52 (7 Years ago)
Lucia put on her hat, and grabbed her book bag and phone, and walked down the hall.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:54 (7 Years ago)
Pepper dragged herself into her clothes, and out the door with her backpack. She put on her most loud, obnoxious playlist with her earbuds. She still only barely got herself to homeroom with her school supplies.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:55 (7 Years ago)
Lucia went inside homeroom and saw Pepper.

Hi there! She said.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:56 (7 Years ago)
Toady woke up at an absolutely obscene hour to shower, then picked out a cherry read leather jacket and black distressed jeans for her first day. Soon after, she was back in bed, asleep. She woke back up at a regular time to don the outfits and a fresh face of makeup. She blinked at her mirror and pursed her lips. "Eyeliner is on point today," she complemented herself, winking at her reflection and grinning a slightly bucktoothed grin. Then she snatched her studded designer backpack and hoped out the door to join the flood of freshly awoken teenagers on a crash course for their first period.

(( I'm gonna head to sleep as well. See y'all in a bit! ))
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:56 (7 Years ago)
Charlotte nodded her head and laughed, her arm curled around her waist and her head rested on top of hers. Once Missy fell asleep, she gently lifted her up and put her in the bed, pressing her lips to her forehead one more time before turning the movie off and crawling into bed with her.

Charlotte stared at the wall. Even though it was morning, the two ghosts loved to sleep during the day, and they planned to do so now, since they didn't get the chance last night. Picking up her phone, she sent Lilly a text that simply said "I asked Missy out. I'm so happy." After pressing send, she immediately passed out, her phone slipping from her hand and to the floor.
my darlings
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 02:57 (7 Years ago)
Pepper sleepily waved. "Hi..." She said before dozing off. "Sorry, I barely slept last night..." she added on while holding her head on her hand.