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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 21/08/2016 23:54 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: First off I wanted to thank everyone for the fun times on this rp. I am going to be quitting I already talked to Lillypie about this so these next paragraphs is basically the ending of my characters. It does go into their future's a bit so I can have a conclusion. It's nothing personal against anyone. I'll see everyone around outside of this rp too. :) )


Iggy went to her mailbox and was very excited to find an acceptance letter to a prestige university of science. She was the first fifteen year old to ever be accepted and plane would leave that day. Excitedly she wrote a text to the entire school thanking them for their friendships and then she was off to become a true scientist just as she dreamed of always becoming.

A few years into the future one can see Iggy studying hard at the university still wanting to learn about everything and anyone. She writes letters to her sister, Ericka, and Lilly often. She finally in a place where her cheerfulness and her brain are both fully accepted.


Missy was pretty quiet for most of the senior year. She graduated high school, and lived in an apartment above a library. This library was owned by Charlotte and was also next to Charlotte's animal rescue. Missy and Charlotte lived together in this tiny apartment, and when Charlotte worked Missy was outside selling her fairy paintings. She never became a famous artist, but she made enough to eat, have shelter and be happy with Charlotte by her side. Sometimes the two would invite the others from high school for visits and would visit their old friends too.

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Posted: Sat, 20/08/2016 04:27 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: What was the theme for the prom or was there not a theme? I didn't see one when I read the pages I missed though I seemed to have missed most of it lol)


Iggy had actually been the first at the prom she was at a table reading books. She wore a yellow dress with white flowers all around the bottom half of it. She was smiling looking at the older students dance, sing, and play music. Prom felt a bit too grown up even for her.


Missy was late as usual, though even if the prom was shut down by the time she found Charlotte she didn't care. She was determined to have at least one dance, even if it meant on an empty dance floor and no music playing. She was currently rushing to brush her hair, and get Charlotte's corsage ready.

The corsage was made out of purple roses, and white baby breath.

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 03:06 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: I'm going to go get some sleep, early up I am tomorrow. See you all soon. Night)


"hmm interesting. Maybe someday I'll be able to learn this kind of magic you speak of."
Iggy murmmered playing with a strand of her bright pink hair then she added in,

"I do really like Ky though, he or she is a spunky little fire ball."

Then she noticed the time "Oops! I'm going to be late for College Literature. I'll see you later Erika."

With that Iggy happily bounced out of the cafeteria and down the long hallway to class.

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 02:50 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: BritishVivillon oh okay, so prom is a special dance that is held for Seniors who are graduating. Kind of a last school dance just for them. Some people go with a group of friends. Some go as a couple. It usually has a theme of some sort. They take pictures when you enter. This means that people have to buy a dress or costume as well as maybe ask a special person to go with them )


"What happens when you banish the fire spirit though, don't they feel sad?"

Iggy couldn't really imagine holding the power to banish and summon something whenever one wanted to. She put her fork down on her plate when she was with a slight clinking sound.

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 02:41 (8 Years ago)
(OOC : What exactly are you confused by britishVivillon?)


Iggy's eye lit up at the mention of magic "So you can make magic like a real witch or something? What kinds of magic do you do?"

Even though she had scientists mind she was still intrigued by things like magic and she knew many pokemon whom had their own powers. Iggy was told that was too young yet to figure out her own skills.


She rubbed at her eyes slightly. She had put the cell phone on silent as not to disturb herself while she sketched out the painting. Missy figured she would look at the RSVPs for Lilly's party later. Besides there was still plenty of time really to plan everything out. She would miss Lilly of course, but she wanted to be happy for her too. Missy tilted her head slightly something on this sketch was off, it would be a whole lot easier if she had a picture of Lilly.

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 02:22 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: Hey Lillypie when will the prom be? Was asking so I knew when to start getting ready for it)

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 02:06 (8 Years ago)

Iggy gladly took a cookie from Erika then seeing the sun rising she added.
"Well I guess I don't need that light switch after all. Thank you for the cookie. What are you studying to be after school? I'm going to go college and become a scientist. Did you do some sort of experiment to get Ky?"

she asked rather cheerfully unable to stay completely still even while sitting she tapped her feet as she talked.


She took Charlotte's hand and got up.
"Well as long you are clingy sometimes. Thanks for the date I'll see you at the library later for whatever mysterious thing you are up to" Missy told her with a giggle.

Then with a wave goodbye she picked up the picnic basket and walked back inside towards the art room. She decided then one of the best gifts she could give Lilly was something she made herself. Missy began painting a fairy whom was as cheerful and brightly dressed as Lilly always was, playing a violin.

She texted the entire school, except for Lilly of course, and wrote "Lilly will be leaving to Italy upon graduation so two hours before our graduation ceremony I was thinking we should have a surprise congratulations party for her. Bring food, gifts and yourself."

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 01:54 (8 Years ago)
(Sami Serpe punched Erika for no reason and seems to be wanting to fight with everyone. Bane is working on a poem for Lilly. Missy and Charlotte are still outside and woke up. It's still after midnight...but hopefully it's turns morning soon lol)


Iggy grinned "Hi Erika! I couldn't find the light switch so I decided to it was better to eat in the dark then not to eat at all. "

Then sniffing the air slightly she added in "hmm cookies. May I have one please? Is your little fire ball friend around too?"

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 01:49 (8 Years ago)

She was enjoying her pancakes when she heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Since the lights were still off, Iggy called out "Who's there?"

She added more syrup as she waited for a reply.


Missy smiled at Charlotte "Oh just a little bold sleeping fairy with drool and a smirk on her face," She mused. She snuggled into the blanket tightly.

"I wish I could stay here all night but I just thought of a gift for Lilly and it will take time to make. Also what do you think about a congratulations party for Lilly? We could do it a couple hours just before the graduation ceremony"

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 00:36 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: Well okay then LugiaRevival. Good luck with your other rps. I'm just hanging in their for prom and graduation lol)

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 00:30 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: Nerd with a pencil. Serpe is picking fights with everyone it seems like just punched Erika for no reason. Charlotte and Missy had a date and fell asleep under the stars. Bane wrote a poem for Lilly. Iggy played with Ky which is a fireball that Erika keeps in a hat most of the time. It is currently after midnight.)


Since Ky was gone Iggy went into her room and tried to sleep. After much tossing and turning she gave up. Then wandered into the kitchen for a midnight snack. She found some left over pancakes and heated them up, her belly growled at the smell. Then sat down and began eating them.


Missy awoke still under the stars. She could feel Charlotte's warm breath against her cheek and turned towards her. She was surprised how close her face was to Charlotte's face. She smiled, Charlotte was cute and peaceful when she slept. She gently wiped a bit of drool off of Charlotte's bottom lip. Then slowly and quietly she picked up the leftovers from the picnic leaving the blanket on top of Charlotte. She then leaned against a tree and began sketching a sleeping fairy in her sketchbook.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 03:14 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: I'm going to have to go bed. We can just say that Missy falls asleep under the stars and Iggy is playing with Ky until she goes to bed)


Iggy's eyes widened at fire ball, "What should I call you? Can you change colors too?"

She said to the ball of fire memorized by it's flicker.


Missy finished her last bite and then her last sip of lemonade before returning Charlotte's smile,

"I'm glad you liked it, so basically I need to make the regular food and you can make the dessert and together we would make it perfect."

She twirled a strand her of hair looking up at Charlotte curiously, "Oh you have peeked my interest now I shall visit you tomorrow at the Library then. Yeah Lilly and I have been busy lately. I do want to do something for her before she leaves to Italy. I'm just not sure what yet."

Then Missy laid down on the blanket looking up at the stars and the crescent moon. It was a beautiful night, she glanced back at Charlotte. This is what dreams was made of she thought.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:58 (8 Years ago)
(If someone wants to interact just jump right in if you want. :) Good night britishvivillon )


Iggy gave her own kind of squeak of delight when the hat jumped into her arms. She gave the funny hat a small squeeze unsure if the hat could actually feel it. Then when she heard the voice, she nearly dropped it.

"Hi there, so you talk do you hat? What else can you do?"


Missy was happy that Charlotte liked the food and replied,

"Yes I would like to spend more time with Lilly. We seem to have grown apart over the summer, I don't know why. "

She swirled some noodles around her fork and plopped them onto her plate before continuing,

"Maybe when prom comes we should all go together as couples. Rent a limo or something along those lines. I mean I'm assuming you will go to prom with me. Don't feel guilty about me making the food, it's one of the things I am good at. Well except dessert, don't ask me to ever make dessert,"

Missy laughed thinking how she almost poisoned Lilly and Pepper when they made a cake for Charlotte a year ago. "Besides next time you can cook."

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:46 (8 Years ago)
(lol I love how your Character Wobbu just answers everything in order without questioning why Iggy asked so many questions. That's just great).


Iggy frowned when the hat went back to Erika.."I was so close too!" She exclaimed. Then turning back to Wobbu she told him,

"I'm fifteen, so I guess that means you are pretty smart too right?"


Missy went pink at the kiss and then as red as a tomato when Charlotte came back with the Gengar stuff animal. "Awe he's so cute. Did you make him?" She played with the bell for a moment, this must truly be love she thought as her heart skipped a beat. Missy squeezed the stuff animal before placing him in her lap on the ground.

She then opened the picnic basket, as well as the food containers the steam coming up, "Feel free to help yourself. You said you like spaghetti, and I made pineapple lemonade."

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:31 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: I prefer to be positive Sami. I've seen people leave sites before then come back later. :) )

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:27 (8 Years ago)
(I understand purple, have fun with your break and good luck with the homework. :) )


"Wobbu..Wobbu...Wobbu" Iggy repeated almost singing it like some kind of song. "I like that name. What kind of things do you like at school? What's your favorite color? What kind of music do you like? Is Bane your brother? How old are you? My sister is Missy, though I don't see a lot of her"

Iggy asked rather quickly still watching that hat.


Missy finished her song just as she put down the two plates. Then using the trees natural knots and holes she put the battery powered candles inside them. In the dark they gave off an eerily yet beautiful glow. She felt a bit of dirt from up above and looked up there she saw Charlotte's foot dangling on a branch. Her cheeks went red,

"How long have you been there?" She murmured.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:16 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: Don't quit Kuseria others will interact with you and if they don't go interrupt them. My character Missy just happens to have been on a date today. Lilly don't even threaten that please.)

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:14 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: Awe, bye-bye Purple. See you soon ?)

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:12 (8 Years ago)
(Missy is a painter of fantasy art. It's doesn't matter to me how many others are also artists. )


Iggy looked up at Wobbu, "Hi I'm Iggy. I'm trying well hoping to catch this funny hat today. It seems to be rather shy though. Who are you?"

She put her eyes back down at the bouncing hat, patting the flow as if to signal it to come closer to her.


"I only saw a little bit, sorry if I was interrupting you." Then glancing at her feet feeling shy she added "Your new right? Sorry I can't talk too long I have a date tonight"

Missy blushed, "Well I uh better get going. You know if you get lonely I know how having zero friends can feel like, here is my phone number. "

With that Missy gave the new girl her number and then made her way to the oak tree. Unaware that Charlotte was above her she began singing as she set out the picnic blanket.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 01:56 (8 Years ago)
(Oh that's so cool PurpletheTortilla that you are in Acapella. Pottery would be fun too)


Iggy bent down and began calling Erika's hat like a puppy, "Here funny little hat...come here...over here little hat." She smiled and wiggled slightly in excitement watching the hat for any movement in her direction.


Missy took the now warmed food and put it into containers which fit perfectly inside a picnic basket. The countdown to midnight was on. The food would stay plenty warm enough in the basket which was lined with foil to keep it that way. The pineapple lemonade would stay nice a cold packed with ice. She walked back into the hallway and then into the courtyard on her way to the oak tree. There she was surprised to a new student dancing.

"You dance very well." Missy called out to her, "I'm Missy by the way"

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