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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from QueenGengar.
Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 17:57 (8 Years ago)
(This is why I stopped posting here. Every single little thing is an argument and it gets so whiny and cringy because some people don't know what maturity is. It is a great idea, and it is fun, but real life for me right now is awful, so I come here to calm down and have a good time, and I can't even do that because of all of the dumb arguments because certain people don't get what they want. Love you guys though :/)

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 02:01 (8 Years ago)
Charlotte grinned and nodded approvingly. "Well that DOES seem like a strong willed and great fairy, if I do say so!" Chuckling, she yawned once more before stretching out her limbs, and standing up. "Well I think that would be a great idea! and don't worry, you can go make Lilly her present, I'm not a clingy girlfriend." With a smirk, she held out her hand to help Missy up and then picked up some of the stuff she brought, ready to help her put it all away.

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2016 01:45 (8 Years ago)
(Let em leave if they want to leave. That rule makes no sense.)

Charlotte awoke on the ground and rolled over onto her back with a yawn. Opening her eyes, she laid there and stared up at the sky, slightly confused for a moment. Turning her head, she noticed Missy and smiled brightly, sitting up. "Well good morning to you too, sunshine. What are you drawing?"

Charlotte wobbled over to the tree and wrapped the blanket around the both of them, leaning her head on Missy's shoulder, still a bit tired.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 03:19 (8 Years ago)
Charlotte finished her food and lemonade as well, leaning back against the grass as she stared up at the night sky with a big grin. At this moment, she couldn't possibly be happier. Just the sound of Missy's voice as she talked gave Charlotte butterflies, and she never wanted it to stop. It comforted her, and all of her anxiousness in general.

Turning her head to her, she made a scrunched up "thinking face". "Hmm... Well, Lilly is a violinist, it is her passion. I am sure she'd be very happy if you asked her to play for you, or maybe even give you a lesson? She loves to show off talent." She grinned cheesily, before looking back up at the sky. She lifted her hand to point out the big dipper to her, before slyly scooting a bit closer.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 03:05 (8 Years ago)
Charlotte laughed and nodded her head in agreement. "Alright, I will make the food next time. Surprisingly, dessert is what I am good at! Regular food, not so much. It'll be a disaster. I am sure if I follow the directions closely it won't be THAT bad right?.." With that, she began eating the spaghetti and a pleased expression on her face, greatly enjoying it.

"Ahh well Lilly has been very busy, and so have you! I am sure you will get time to talk to her, don't even worry about it." Already nearly done with her pasta, she began to drink down her lemonade. "Say, the period right before lunch, I work in the Library, you should come visit me some time. Find an excuse or something." She grinned mischievously.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:53 (8 Years ago)
Charlotte nodded with a big smile, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "Hah yeah, I was hanging out with Lilly in the art room and I thought of you, so I made that for you. She gave me the bell in an act of friendship and I thought, I'd pass it on to you, because I care so much. And maybe you two can talk more often, because she is a good friend and..." she stopped herself from rambling on and drooled a bit at the smell of all of the food. She immediately grabbed a plate and stacked some spaghetti onto it, taking a glass of pineapple lemonade. "You made all of this?... For us?.. You are so amazing.. I wish I contributed." She looked down with a slightly guilty expression.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:33 (8 Years ago)
(ohfine I will stay tonight but only cause I owe Missy a date!)

Charlotte's grin spread from ear to ear as the glow of the candles lit up her presence. She hopped from the tree and gave Missy a gentle kiss on the lips, before sitting down on the ground with a childish grin. "Oh, me? The entire time." She then smirked playfully at her, before patting next to her. "Show me what you made!" Her eyes then lit up. She forgot something.

"ONE MOMENT, BE RIGHT BACK!" She up to the school building and floated up to her room and through the window. Once inside, she grabbed the mega Gengar plushie that was holding a heart in its hands that she had hand stuffed and stitched. It had a little bell that was around a blue ribbon on its neck. She opened the window and floated back out, handing it to Missy in a rather embarrassed way.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:20 (8 Years ago)
Well this has been ruined yet again like always. Be back tomorrow.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:16 (8 Years ago)
(I don't blame you. Goodbye dear, take care of yourself!)

Charlotte stopped humming when Missy came out, and smiled as she looked down and watched her set up the picnic for the two of them. She decided to stay silent and listening to her singing to herself. She was so beautiful in Charlotte's eyes, and she was lucky she got to her before anyone else could, she wouldn't want anyone else. A dumb grin on her face, she continued to happily watch the female.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 02:02 (8 Years ago)
(I don't understand why it is a big deal for a lot of people wanting to sing in an rp forum. It is made for fun, not competition and fits.)

Charlotte left her room close to the time she was to meet up with Missy for their date, and headed to the courtyard. She crawled up the tree and waited in a branch, leaning there comfortably until Missy showed it. To pass the time, she quietly hummed to herself and sketched doodles on a pad.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 00:30 (8 Years ago)
Charlotte leaned back and lifting her legs up onto the table, her pizza in her lap as she stared at her phone. Where could Missy be? Perhaps she should just go to bed early. She had already exhausted herself on interaction the first few days the new year started. With a tired sigh, she stared up at the ceiling.

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Posted: Thu, 18/08/2016 00:22 (8 Years ago)
After classes ended, Charlotte began to head to the cafeteria, she was starving. nothing really mattered at that point other than food. And Missy. If she were around. If not, then food was top notch. Sliding up to the line, she grabbed a few slices of pizza and put olives and pineapples on them. If anybody were to judge her, they'd earn a punch to the face.

Plopping down at a table, she began to eat the pizza as she scrolled through random sites on her phone, too distracted to acknowledge anything around her.

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 20:01 (8 Years ago)
Leaving Serpe on the ground, she sneered and went to her english class. She did her work quietly up until the period right before lunch, which is when she worked in the library. Her favorite period, honestly. Rubbing lotion on the bruise on her cheek, she sighed in irritation and set to work sorting out books.

(No need to time skip, I'm just setting up where I'll be when I come back in an hour or two after I get off work irl~)

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 19:32 (8 Years ago)
"Well I'm not exactly the type to let people push me around. That's my job." She clenched her teeth and titled her head up, taking the punch in the jaw. She winced before lifting her leg and slamming it into his stomach, sending him backwards and onto the floor. "Buzz off, curly fry"

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 19:27 (8 Years ago)
Charlotte turned her head so the punch would hit her cheek, bruising it. At the same time, she slammed her fist into his stomach hard, growling in mere irritation. "Yes."

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 19:24 (8 Years ago)
Charlotte turned her head and narrowed her eyes at him
She wasn't the type if gengar to mess with, and she wasn't afraid to take a punch or shove a shadow ball down his throat. She stood up and stared at him, waiting for him to make a choice.

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 19:17 (8 Years ago)
Charlotte rolled her eyes at the male. "If you don't care about the consequences then you wouldn't have ran to your room a nervous wreck and decided not to hit him again. You obviously care. You just pick on those you think can't hurt you. Which makes you a scaredy cat bully." Shrugging her shoulders, she went back to eating her pancakes.

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 19:03 (8 Years ago)
Charlotte turned her head to look at Serpe, some of the gothic kids jokingly making hearts at him. She nodded her head towards the male and replied "that's fine, I understand. I'm sure it was pretty traumatizing." She stuck her hand out to shake his. "I'm Charlotte, it's nice to meet you."

Feeling her phone buzz, she took it out and read Missy's text, a small smile on her face. She quickly texted back "deal, gorgeous." Putting her phone away, she smirked back up to Serpe.

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 18:47 (8 Years ago)
Waking up on Lilly's floor, Charlotte yawned and stood up, grabbing her three plushies and placing them in her own dorm before showering and changing clothes, heading to breakfast. Quickly grabbing some chocolate chip pancakes, she shoved them in her mouth before even sitting down at a table with a large group of goths who were yammering about music and their parents.

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 03:11 (8 Years ago)
A brow raised, and she lifted Lilly up into her own bed, tucking her in. She then laid down on the rug and fell asleep shortly after.

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