Forum Thread
Pokemon Meadows (The RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Meadows (The RP)Gender:M
Opinion On the Trainers:Simply stays away:neutral
Appearance: shiny umbreon
Roleplaying Example:Transformice,I've done many rps,pokemon,Super natural,you name it
Moveset :Shadow ball,Dig,Quick attack,Curse
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First of all, you're posting this in the wrong thread.
Second of all, in the RPing example you don't simply say "[insert site here]" no. You have to give actual proof.
Third of all, you did the form wrong.
Fourth of all, you didn't read the rules.
Please pay attention if you try to do RPs. Thank you.]
Cheri nodded. "Thank you."
Sky's eyes widened as he saw a vent close to the cage. I bet that leads outside! He thought.
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Even Bella seemed to agree, jumping through the hole in the top of the cage and scrambling onto the top.
Cheri smiled cheerfully.
Sky went up to the vent. He used Razor Leaf to cut the bars of the vent open. He reached in and took the vent cover off. "Everyone, please go in one at a time."
Bella went into the vent first. She was nimble and quick, and she was making her way down the narrow vent tunnel.