"I'm gonna go inform my troops about our situation. I'll be back in
a few minutes." Draco said. He swam off to where his troops were
stationed and informed them of what he had been ordered.
Nodding, Ryu motioned to one of her officers in the Warloards.
"Tell the rest." Was all she said, before watching the officer swim
off. "All right troops, since we're tasked with co-operating with
the commander's troops as well, I'm going to start today off with
battle training. "
"Huh." Ryu huffed, before turning to her men. "Line up in a
straight line." She barked, and her men did so. looking at them,
she sighed. "Now, I know how sad you guys all are, being stuck with
a puny woman like me. So I'll do this. If you guys can beat me in a
fight, you can take my position. If I win, you guys stop
complaining, and do your work." Ryu suggested. "But only people in
my squad." She quickly added, not wanting to fight Draco.
"I wasn't going to fight you in the first place. I already have my
troops and I do not want to have the hassle of more troops." Draco
said. Draco backed up a little bet and crossed his arms, ready to
in no time at all, Ryu was surrounded by her men, eager to get a
promotion. "greedy fish." Ryu sighed, swinging her tail around to
whack them ass in the head. "Keep your arms up, protect any vital
parts." She commanded, as she knocked out her troops. "punch with
your thumb on the outside, or else you'll break it. follow through
when you throw a spear, more distance. recover after a punch, and
make sure to know where your open to any attacks." by the end of
her lesson, her troops where lying on the ground, unconscious, or
groaning in pain. "Lesson end. Now move your scrawny tails and get
back to work."