We... didn't find the Warloards of Atlantis, my Lord. However, we
did find much information, although it is in code." Ryu reported,
chewing her lip, not daring to look up. Roaxis' eyes hardened, and
frowned, getting up.
"Ryu, you know the consequences of not fullfilling by requests to
the end, correct? Were going to have to have to discipline you."
"No my lord! I selfishly inclined for Ryu to hurry up in her
search! I also aided her in attempting to find them but I did not
try my hardest. I could have possibly found more if I wasn't so
lazy." Draco said to Roaxis, looking up. Draco glanced at Ryu and
winked before Roaxis could notice.
"Of course, my lord." Draco said. Draco raised his head and grabbed
Ryu's arm and dragged her away. "I don't mean to offend Roaxis but
this isn't really a punishment." Draco whispered to her.
"I know it's not bad but if he is punishing people like he is doing
is, then he must be bad at punishments." Draco whispered. Draco
sighed "Well let's get to it." Draco said