"This school is so boring!" Frosty thought to herself as she
planned her outfit for the next day. She then went to sleep,
snuggling in her fuzzy blankets and pillows.
Touching the end of the wall, Ryu swam butterfly back , catching a
glimpse of Corrins swimming style. "Pretty good, if I don't say so
myself." She thought, before her head when back underwater,
continuing to swim.
"Come on, I turned into a brick!" Sam said, dusting off more
rubble. She smiled. "Where are you going?" Sam asked, as she looked
around the staircase he was going up.
"I don't know to be honest, I think my dorm's this way, not too
sure though," Joseph replied.
He continued up the stairs, stuffing the matches into his pocket.
Sam walked off, and she looked for her dorm. She spent 4 hours
looking, then at almost midnight, she found her dorm. She didn't
bother to decorate it yet, she flopped on her white bed, and went
to sleep, with her cloak taking itself off.
Joseph slowly opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling.
"Well, I'm still in this place... I need to find someone who'll
answer all the questions I have...", he thought to himself.
(Come on? Would it be that much to read? Basically some new
students joined and most of them met in the lobby, Lillian (Frosty)
was quite bitter towards Joseph (My character) because he likes
playing with fire and she's an ice fairy. She was also bitter
towards Braedan because he isn't very optimistic. You'll find
everyone's forms and what's been happening if you took a little
time to look back.)
(We came in at page 11, if you can't read that, I'm happy to tell
you what has been going on.)
Sam groggily rolled out of bed, as she took her cloak from the
nightstand in front of her. She was too tired to notice that at
night, the cloak created little helpers to decorate her dorm. That
cloak could really be a good friend sometimes. She stood up, and
headed to breakfast.
Frosty woke up o the tiny sound of ice magic. She was partly happy
there was somebody else who had ice magic, bit was worried they
would be cooler. "What am I thinking, I'm an ICE FAIRY for crying
out loud! Of course I'm better! I'm unique! I'm the only fairy at
this school! And fairies are rare in general!" Frosty reassured,
putting on her clothes. She wanted to find the source so she let
her pointed ears with blue ice at the tip lead the way to
somebody's dorm. Frosty knocked on the door.
(Yep, but she is sweet if she likes you!)
Amy opened up her door, seeing Frosty. "Oh, hey there!" She
greeted. "What can I do for you?" Amy asked,giving her a warm smile
as she looked at her. "I think I've seen her in class
before..." She thought.