Forum Thread
Pumpkaboo Giveaway!
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Pumpkaboo Giveaway!My last Shiny hunt was Pumpaboo and now I have many Pumpaboo on one of my boxes, so I'm giving them away :3

- Please, be polite :3
- I'm not giving away my Shiny Pumpkaboo ;3
-Password is: Shiny Pumpkaboo

[color=SlateBlue]I would like to have
[b]How many?[/b]
[b]What genders?[/b]
[b]How many?[/b]
[b]What genders?[/b]

The real password is my Shiny Pumkaboo's name, click the Image above, so you can see it!
- Please, edit the form that people can't see the real password
Take good care of them :3

Username: Gothbutter
How many? 2 (I would like an everstone on one, please. I can send you an everstone on another Poke'mon, if you'd like. :3 )
What genders? 1 male, 1 female
Username: dinosonzii
How many? 2 (One with an everstone plz)
What genders? 1 male, 1 female
My Clicklist
May the Stars Shine Down on You
Username: Blackscorpion2
How many? 2
What genders? 1 male and 1 female

My Clicklist
May the Stars Shine Down on You
How many?2
What genders?both please
How many?2
What genders?Both
Password:L_____a #6_

Happy Summerween - Candies