Forum Thread
Winter Mareep and Autumn Mareep
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Winter Mareep and Autumn MareepOh, and more disclaimer, I'm aware of a other thread about these two Pokemon, but it wasnt that detailed as this one.

Before I suggest their appearence, Im
just gonna say something: you can always draw or suggest a
appearence instead of mine!
Analyzing the other Seasonal Mareeps, they always have their wool and skin color matching the color of the season. So Winter Mareep could have a white skin and a shade of blue for the wool. The orb on the end of the tail could be shaped like a snowflake or have a snowflake drawing. Since the other Seasonal Mareeps also have a accessories (Spring Mareep with necklace, Summer Mareep with ball) it can have one of those fluffy ear protector thingies.

Winter Flaaffy could have the white skin tone, snowflake tail and blue wool, however it could wear the ear protector and a sweater, since having your whole belly and legs not covered during winter can be quite painfull.

Winter Ampharos could have the skin tone, snowflake tail, blue wool, and no accessorie. Reason will be explained on their dex entries.
Mega Winter Ampharos could have swaped colors (no accessories, but with blue skin and white wool) but hear me out:
As a winter-themed Pokemon, the wool of a Mega Ampharos could EASILY be turned into snow, so the wool could still be white with the snowflakes-orbs.
First of all, lets look at Spring Mareep.

since it is made to represent spring, its wool is grass with flowers.
In Autumn Mareep's case, its wool could be autumn leaves! But if its too hard for the spriters, it could be a shade of orange with autumn leaves. Its accesorry could be a ribbon-shaped autumn leaf on its head. Its skin tone could be a orange shade, and its tail-orb could have the drawing of a autumn leaf or shaped like a autumn leaf.

Autumn Im not being creative with this one, but it could follow the same skin and wool color, and also the same ideia of wool and orb.
Autumn Ampharos...also not being that creative. Same wool color and ideia, skin tone, orb thing, BUT
It could be holding a bouquet of autumn leaves, just like Spring Ampharos is holding a bouquet of flowers.
Mega Autumn Ampharos. Again, skin color, wool ideia, orb ideia, bouquet of autumn leaves.
Analyzing the other Seasonal Mareeps, they always have their wool and skin color matching the color of the season. So Winter Mareep could have a white skin and a shade of blue for the wool. The orb on the end of the tail could be shaped like a snowflake or have a snowflake drawing. Since the other Seasonal Mareeps also have a accessories (Spring Mareep with necklace, Summer Mareep with ball) it can have one of those fluffy ear protector thingies.

Winter Flaaffy could have the white skin tone, snowflake tail and blue wool, however it could wear the ear protector and a sweater, since having your whole belly and legs not covered during winter can be quite painfull.

Winter Ampharos could have the skin tone, snowflake tail, blue wool, and no accessorie. Reason will be explained on their dex entries.
Mega Winter Ampharos could have swaped colors (no accessories, but with blue skin and white wool) but hear me out:
As a winter-themed Pokemon, the wool of a Mega Ampharos could EASILY be turned into snow, so the wool could still be white with the snowflakes-orbs.
First of all, lets look at Spring Mareep.

since it is made to represent spring, its wool is grass with flowers.
In Autumn Mareep's case, its wool could be autumn leaves! But if its too hard for the spriters, it could be a shade of orange with autumn leaves. Its accesorry could be a ribbon-shaped autumn leaf on its head. Its skin tone could be a orange shade, and its tail-orb could have the drawing of a autumn leaf or shaped like a autumn leaf.

Autumn Im not being creative with this one, but it could follow the same skin and wool color, and also the same ideia of wool and orb.
Autumn Ampharos...also not being that creative. Same wool color and ideia, skin tone, orb thing, BUT
It could be holding a bouquet of autumn leaves, just like Spring Ampharos is holding a bouquet of flowers.
Mega Autumn Ampharos. Again, skin color, wool ideia, orb ideia, bouquet of autumn leaves.
Pokedex Information:

Description: "The wool from this Mareep protects it from the cold winter."
Species: Winter
Types: Electric/Ice
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
Winter Flaaffy:
Description: "These Flaaffies prefer to stay at their hand-made igloos rather than coming out during the winter, and for a good reason, since they have to wear their sweater during the winter."
Species: Winter
Types: Electric/Ice
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
(Mega) Winter Ampharos:
Description: "Unlike the rest of its evolutionary line, these Ampharos love the cold winter and likes to build snowmans."
Species: Winter Light
Types: Electric/Ice
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
Autumn Mareep:
Description: "These Mareeps love to jump on leaf piles when autumn comes, so that could explain why they have autumn leaves all over their bodies."
Species: Autumn
Types: Electric/Ground
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
Autumn Flaaffy:
Description: "Unlike their pre-evolved forms, Autumn Flaaffies actually use autumn leaves as clothing and accessories."
Species: Autumn
Types: Electric/Ground
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
(Mega) Autumn Ampharos:
Description: "Unlike their evolution line, Autumn Ampharoses don't like jumping or using leaves as clothing, but collect them instead. The trades of autumn leaves between Autumn Ampharoses is a sing of loyalt and friendship, but if the shade of the leaves are too dark, it could be a sing of rivalry and hate, too."
Species: Autumn Light
Types: Electric/Ground
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
Description: "The wool from this Mareep protects it from the cold winter."
Species: Winter
Types: Electric/Ice
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
Winter Flaaffy:
Description: "These Flaaffies prefer to stay at their hand-made igloos rather than coming out during the winter, and for a good reason, since they have to wear their sweater during the winter."
Species: Winter
Types: Electric/Ice
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
(Mega) Winter Ampharos:
Description: "Unlike the rest of its evolutionary line, these Ampharos love the cold winter and likes to build snowmans."
Species: Winter Light
Types: Electric/Ice
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
Autumn Mareep:
Description: "These Mareeps love to jump on leaf piles when autumn comes, so that could explain why they have autumn leaves all over their bodies."
Species: Autumn
Types: Electric/Ground
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
Autumn Flaaffy:
Description: "Unlike their pre-evolved forms, Autumn Flaaffies actually use autumn leaves as clothing and accessories."
Species: Autumn
Types: Electric/Ground
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
(Mega) Autumn Ampharos:
Description: "Unlike their evolution line, Autumn Ampharoses don't like jumping or using leaves as clothing, but collect them instead. The trades of autumn leaves between Autumn Ampharoses is a sing of loyalt and friendship, but if the shade of the leaves are too dark, it could be a sing of rivalry and hate, too."
Species: Autumn Light
Types: Electric/Ground
EHP: 5,355
EXP to level 100: 1,059,860
Egg group: Monster/Field
Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female
Ideias by other users:

a sprite by windsweptVoyage.
"Maybe the bulb at the end of the tail could be a snow globe?"
by GoldShinyGod
However, as this suggestion is a lot more detailed and worked out than the previous two, I think it's best to keep this around as the main suggestion, rather than go back to the previous ones :)
(Also, you might want to keep in mind that the hide-boxes are a lighter shade of blue than a normal forum-post; it was kinda difficult to read the white explanation, but maybe that's just me)
[However, as has been mentioned in the second linked thread, Winter/Autumn-line were actually planned, before the spriters decided to drop them, because some users complained about them. I'm not sure whether or not they changed their mind about this, though I figured I'd give you a head's up, in case they haven't ^^' ]
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
I fully support it. Mareep events are just simply adorable and I feel as though we should complete the seasons.
I'd also like to congratulate you for writing a detailed and organized forum instead of simply suggesting it. It's nice to see that people like you are still around..
errr, no offense to anyone....
I hope this happens soon ^.^
Winter Mareep Suggestion...? :
Also one thing... Since Mareep somewhat represents a sheep, I think it's fine of it doesn't wear a sweater... They have wool, which kind of acts as their sweater.
The winter line, though, I think we should hold off on. Why?
Santa Bird, Winter Numel, Frosty Kecleon, Snowling, Polestar and Aurora are all winter themed as it is. Skugar and Scattercube can be argued with being winter themed. If we add another winter themed line, I think that it'll be a bit much for one seasonal theme.
That's really the main reason that I don't support this suggestion. I just don't want to see a strictly winter themed Mareep line or any other line until the other seasons get a bit more love. Though I would love to see a Fall Mareep line join the site, lol.
Also, half of those that you mentioned (Snowling, Polestar, Aurora and Santa Bird) are here just because of Christimas, a holiday that happens yearly on PH that always have ice-themed Pokemon. If there was no Christimas (which would't be fun) the only winter Pokemon would be Winter Numel and Frosty Kecleon. So yeah.