Forum Thread
Autumn And Winter Mareeps
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Autumn And Winter MareepsMirej told me this, "Actually it was planned originally to have a full year of season mareeps, but as some Users complained about them, we stopped after 2 seasons. We didn't do an autumn Mareep, so there will be no Winter Mareep. Sorry."
But I think that you should still finish it out, especially when there's already two seasons.
It would be cool to have Mega Evolutions of them too.
I'm not saying that I would die without these, but I think it would be really nice to finish off the collection, instead of it being incomplete.
Anyways, I didn't know where else to post this, so please excuse me if it's not in the right place.
Thanks ahead of time :)
EDIT: I'm not saying to add new Pokemon really, I'm saying we should just resume the series. That's the suggestion. It was cancelled, and my suggestion is that we continue the series. While it is new Pokemon, I was more in the idea that the series be finished off so it doesn't look incomplete.
I also asked a mod about putting this in the suggestions and they never said not to.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
We're already working on adding all missing Pokémon and all of them will be added sooner or later"
Since this pokemon series was CANCELLED, I'd say that its not "being worked on", and won't actually be added sooner or later... I see no problem in posting this suggestion, since otherwise the mareep series wouldn't be resumed ^^
The suggestion is the finish the series, only because it looks incomplete and was cancelled most likely from another suggestion.
Plus they said filling in the missing Pokemon, which they wouldn't because it was cancelled.
So yeah carrying on, the seasons of the mareeps is still suggesting new Pokemon and if someone said it was cancelled I am sure it wont be implemented, as it was cancelled from the decision of Riako.