Forum Thread
Berry Garden/Patches
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Berry Garden/PatchesThe reason I am suggesting this is because since there are new users arriving to this site daily, that there will be more Pokémon on-site than the berries provided at the Shop!
Sure that the result will yield a lot of berries, but before that, it requires the user some work [as of planting, taking care, and plucking berries].

FCs for everyone! 1289-8881-6343
Thanks Kimie
Also on a side note I started thinking it'd be kind of cute if you could very rarely encounter a Pokemon you attracted with your berries. Then maybe you could be given the option to battle it and try to catch it? Maybe even another user's Rumbling Pokemon could visit and you could possibly give them a berry? I don't know. It was something silly I thought of. I'm random and it's quite late for me here anyway. Haha. c;
Anyways, this is a cute idea, I loved planting berries in the games, and it's an effective way to keep collecting them when the shop runs out of said berry for the day.
(not only that, but new features you can use are always so exciting)
I agree with the idea of having only four berry slots (or, if people are more towards bulks, you could have a small field, where you can buy more berry slots for a certain amount of points, or you get another batch of 4 added on each time your trainer level goes up 5) and plant them like that.
they'd be time-based, like they are in the games, which can be seen here, you could also add in berry drops, too (where the berries would rot away and you'd lose them if you didn't collect them within a certain amount of time, like in the games)
You could also add in the different mulch that the games supply as well.