Back at the other centre, Victor's poke hear began to ring. It was
Prof. Oak.
"Hello, Victor? Is that you? I was experimenting on your grotle
before, and according to my research, Grotle can evolve anytime
from now, video call me when that happnes so that I can observe the
whole process..." The Prof. Said.
Just then Grotle had began to evolve.
"Grotle!" Victor said and then fixed his call to video mode for Oak
to see.
Grotle began to grow, and slowly the Pokemon evolved into torterra.
The night was smelling of flowers.
"Tor (Thanks)” The Pokemon said to Celebi.
"Oh, congratz! Grotle's been a help for me in the lab, and
Torterra's been to in my study!" Oak congratulated over the phone
and hung up.
"Shouldn't we go to Lion? I guess it's not safe to leave
anyone alone at the time." Victor said.
Mike went into the grunt's room. "When are we stealing the
cyndaquill egg, and both the fire mice?" He said.
Name: Luke
Age: 16
Looks: Deep Brown hair, Light blue eyes, rather pale, Hair ends at
upper neck
Wears: Heavy Navy Blue Parka, Cap, Grey shoes, Jade green
Friends: His Pokemon
Team: Piplup (M, Icy), Starly (F, Star), Shinx (M, Flux)
Region: Sinnoh
Badges: 5 Sinnoh badges
Special ability: Able to speak to Pokémon
Other: N/A
(Will this work?)
(Yeah Wildstar239 awesome user name by the way is it related to
the warrior cats series? it's acceptable, and you're in. The
others are in Lilycove, and two of them are in Mossdeep. Which is
in Hoenn because Sinnoh is unaccessable due to the dome that Dialga
had made surrounding the region. Just so you have a vague clue on
where we are)
Tiger nodded, "yeah I think he's near the border of Sinnoh now.
I'll go contact him" the trainer said, and grabbed his pokegear
which was fully charged now. He then dialed Lion's number.
Lion shrugged slightly, "you can pay if you want, I don't mind. I
mean I've been training with Falkiner for the past few weeks to
become his successor so he's been paying me. So I won't mind paying
for it" the boy said kindly. He then heard his pokegear ringing,
"huh wonder who that is" he said lowly, and saw the contact ID said
Tiger on the front of the pokegear.
Sky sighed at Matt before replying, "We can't time travel yet.
Dialga's powers aren't strong enough to send a team back to take a
couple eggs. That and it would be risky if we were spotted with a
large pokemon" he began lowly. "What we need to do is get a hold of
Celebi and use her powers to send us back instead. Then we can be
more stealthy in the process" he said lowly, repeating Grayson's
(Thanks, and yeah XD i do miss the warriors name maker on the
website though--) Luke sat in the Mossdeep pokemon center, holding
Icy, "I miss home, do you too, Icy?" The piplup nodded, chirping
softly. Luke lightly pat Icy's head, "Should I bring out the
others? Sure why not--" He set the piplup down and pulled out two
pokéballs, "Come on out Star and Flux!" A small grey bird pokemon
and a small blue cat pokemon appeared, Star chirping and Flux
Lion nodded, "Yeah it is" he replied before answering the pokegear.
"Hey Tiger what's up?" he asked his friend. "Hello Lion where are
you right now?" Tiger asked, Lion then responded simply. "Lilycove
I had to pick up my pokemon from Joy" he replied. Tiger responded
with an "alright could you meet us at the center we should be there
soon" Tiger asked. Lion responded with, "how about the new cafe
that opened up, I met a new trainer and I'd like to get some food
before we head out anywhere else" he asked. Tiger responded with an
"Okay" before hanging up. Lion then turned to Lewis, "he said he'll
meet us at the cafe" he replied to Lewis kindly.
Luke set Icy down next to Flux and Star, "Everyone's here, now who
wants poffins?" His three pokemon nodded, speaking over one
another, " I do! " Luke grinned and pulled out three poffins
from his poffin case, giving Icy a sweet poffin, Star a bitter
poffin, and Flux a spicy poffin, "There you guys go. Now what do
you say?" " Thank you! "
Tiger looked over his shoulder slightly, and grabbed Charizard's
pokeball. "Victor I'm going ahead. Lion is in Lilycove if you want
to meet me there later" he said to his friend. He then let out his
shiny pokemon out and nodded to his Cyndaquil. The three of them
then walked out of the center passing Luke on the way.
He looked up before looking down at his pokemon again. Luke then
quickly looked back up, "Wait-- Did I just see a former champion--"
He stood up, "Come on guys." Luke left the pokemon center and waved
at Tiger, "Hey! Are you a champion? I think I saw you once on my
Tiger froze and sighed slightly, Cyndaquil then looked at Tiger
slightly and turned into the light outline of a Quilava. "Cyndaquil
no" Tiger said warningly, the pokemon then looked at his trainer
reluclantly, and nodded. He then sighed and went back to a
Cyndaquil, "Yes I'm a former champ, but I'm no longer the champion.
I stepped down three years ago" he said kindly. He was now holding
Cyndaquil protectively. Charizard looked at Luke slightly examining
the trainer.
Lion sat outside with Lewis. He then let his Blastoise out, and
tossed the pokemon a pokepuff that he had in his bag.
He nods, "Ah, sorry for the mistake. I haven't checked the
television for a long time." He looked at Tiger's Charizard and
Cyndaquil, "That's pretty cool, I've never seen a shiny Charizard
before. May I scan your pokemon for my pokedex?"
Lewis was watching Lion feed his blastoise, when he saw two people
out of the corner of his eye. One of them had a cyndaquil and
charizard. "Hey, is that Tiger?" Lewis asked, taking a stab in the
dark and inferring that it was him.
(Oh lol
Ignore dat)
Lewis just sort of watched Lion and his blastoise. They seemed to
have a fairly simple relationship, not really understanding each
other, but being friends either way. Lewis' relationship with Axel
was way different. They were both really different in many ways.
Lewis appreciated it, but it was really odd in a way. It was like a
human relationship. Youd never know what will happen next.