Luke took out his pokedex and scanned the Charizard, "
Charizard, the Blaze pokemon. It is said that Charizard's fire
burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles."
Charizard yawned slightly and sent off a small ember as he did so.
"Tiger we need to get to Lilycove to find Lion" Cyndaquil said to
his trainer in pokemon Because Cyndaquil learnt human in his
life softly. Tiger nodded and looked at Charizard then at Luke.
"Hey I'm sorry to cut it a bit short but I've got to meet my friend
in Lilycove" he said kindly. "You're more than welcome to come if
you want" he finished. He then used his keystone to mega evolve
Charizard into Charizard X. It's risky to mega evolve charizard
here, but he flies faster as a mega pokemon the boy thought to
himself with a sigh.
Lion smiled as his Blastoise caught it, the blastoiseite shone
dimmly in the sunlight. "Blastoise was my starter pokemon" he said
outloud, just speaking his thoughts slightly to himself.
"Ah, alright. My Starly doesn't know fly, could I catch a ride? I
don't even have the HM, sorry--" He grabbed his pokeballs and
retured Flux and Icy. Star flew up to Luke's shoulder, chirping
"Wow..." Lewis said, "He's huge..." He looked at Axel. "I wonder if
you'll griw to be that big..." Axel shugged. "Dunno," he said, "Ive
seen arcanines, but i dont know."
"Sure" Tiger nodded kindly, he then climbed onto Charizard. His
Cyndaquil then darted up the mega pokemon and settled on Tiger's
shoulder. Tiger then held his hand out to help Luke onto the
pokemon. "Warning you now Charizard is pretty quick" he said
"Well Arcanine's are big enough to ride so he might be about that
big" Lion said kindly, he then looked up Arcanine's info in his
pokedex. "The tallest Arcanine recorded was about six foot nine so
he might be a bit taller than Blastoise" Lion said as he continued
to look at the pokedex.
Lewis looked down at Axel and imagined him being taller than Lion's
blastoise. "Wow..." Lewis said, realizing how it was common
knowledge, "I am REALLY new to this stuff."
He nods "Alright." Luke climbed onto the Charizard's back, "Let me
return Star, I don't want her being left behind." Star squawked, "
Hey! Just because I'm small doesn't mean I fly slow! " Luke
laughed lightly, "Still." He grabbed Star's pokeball and returned
her. "Ready," He said
Tiger nodded, and slightly laughed at what the Starly had said. He
then nodded to Charizard, "alright buddy lets go" he said.
"Alright" Charizard nodded and took to the sky he flew at
his fast as he could to Lilycove.
Lion nodded, "it's alright" he said kindly and put the pokedex
away. "We're all new at one point or another."
"After this, could I scan your Cyndaquil? I think Professor Rowan
would be happy to see a starter pokemon from a different region in
my pokedex-" He trailed off at the end, remembering that he
couldn't go back to the Sinnoh region yet
Tiger nodded slightly then remembered the last time someone scanned
Cyndaquil. "Uh just to let you know my Cyndaquil is a bit different
last time someone scanned him the pokedex gave all three enteries
of Cyndaquil, and his evolutions. Because he can use the energy
light when a pokemon evolves as a form in battle." He said
referring to what Cyndaquil did back in Mossdeep when Luke first
spoke to him.
Lion nodded, "It's Tiger's" he said softly he pointed out how it
was a shiny mega pokemon.
Lion nodded in agreement, "He and Tiger are super close, they've
been training for years, and Charizard picked up on speed in his
training" he said softly.
Charizard landed in Lilycove, and Tiger slid off his pokemon. He
then waited for Luke to get down, as he did the boy looked around
the city.
Lion shrugged, "not sure" he said. Cyndaquil then jumped off Tiger
and went to Lion. "Hey Lion" the pokemon spoke lowly in human. Lion
smiled and nodded a hello, "What's up with Tiger" he asked the
pokemon in concern due to the fight Tiger had been in hours before.
Cyndaquil shrugged, "He just needs to take it easy for a few days"
the pokemon continued before looking at Lewis. "So is this the new
trainer you were talking about" he asked kindly.