Tiger blinked slightly, "it might be telepathy" Cyndaquil said
softly. Tiger nodded and remembered the first time Lugia spoke to
him that way he was in a similar fashion. "Just don't fight it it
won't hurt you as bad" Tiger said softly.
Victor recalled torterra and Blaze and jumped on Flare. He flew to
Lilicove Pokemon Center, and landed, noticing two new people.
"Hi!" Victor said to Tiger and Lion. He called Blaze out again. The
Pokemon had been living outside of his pokeball for a long time,
only being recalled at some times
"She must be with Tiger. I've heard that Pokemon are closest to the
ones who hatch them. Victor's super typhlosion, shiny dragonair and
that doggy haven't left him since they were born with him." Sara
said thoughtfully, remembering Blaze, Shine and Ruff.
"I guess we must capture tiger, then that Celebi will come here to
rescue him, won't she?" Mike said,
"Perfect" Sky nodded, "we will get prepared then we will leave but
it's safer if we do so at night so we can be stealthy." He said
Snow watched from the shadows just outside the HQ he was hiding in
a tree and was wearing his black cloak. "I've got to warn him" he
whispered lowly, and snuck away from their HQ he then called out a
Noivern. "We need to get back to Johto" Snow said lowly, Noivern
nodded and flew off.
Lewis tried to relax. The pain was subsiding. He took a deep
breath, and another vision came. It was a huge pokemon, a whole
foot taller than him at least. It's fur was a beautiful blue,
shining like crystal. "I... I know this pokemon..." Lewis
Sky nodded and went back to his room where he got his bag
Snow nodded to Noivern who went to the top of the dome. The Noivern
then used a screech creating a hole in a weak spot. The two then
flew out, the dome reseeled itself once they flew out.
Tiger looked at Lewis, "really are you sure" he asked.