(I thought I saw one of your charries has it so it should be up to
you if you want to use it or give it to someone else)
Snow flew above Hoenn he then saw Lilycove in the distance. "Maybe
we should try Hoenn...I mean Tiger was missing in Sinnoh there's a
chance Lion found him and he's in Hoenn now" Noivern said. Snow
nodded, "alright then land here" he said and looked at Lilycove.
The Pokemon then landed, Tiger saw a Pokemon land he then saw a
trainer that looked familiar to him, "hey Victor is that Snow?"
Tiger asked in a whisper he then pointed to the boy in a cloak.
Lion nodded, "alright then, as long as your alright" he said to
Lewis kindly with a nod.
Tiger nodded, "then again I look like him too" he joked. He
then nodded to Cyndaquil who followed him over, "I'm going to
check" he said to Victor lowly.
Luke let out all three of his pokemon to stretch their limbs. He
then sat down, petting Flux, Star, and Icy before looking to
everyone else, "Do any of you want poffins? I have some."
Lewis took a deep breath. The vision had ended. "That pokemon was
beautiful..." he said, "It was huge, at least a foot taller than
me. It looked sort of like a huge canine pokemon, and its fur was
blue and reflected light like crystal..."
Lion thought for a moment, "hmm I don't know any Pokemon like that"
he said softly.
Tiger walked over to Snow, "Snow?" Tiger asked cautiously. Snow
then looked up and toon the hood off "thank Arceus you're here
listen you're in danger" he said lowly. "What do you mean" Celebi
asked she had been hiding on Tiger's hat.
Lewis thought about it. He didnt know any pokemon like that either.
"Hey, I know! is there a library anywhere!?" He asked, a bit
excited to find out what pokemon it was.
"Suicune is a part of the legendary dog trio. As far as I know, it
is a water type, has blue fur and canine like appearance. Very few
have seen it." Victor said. He searched in his pokedex, and found a
mysterious picture of a Suicune someone had captured long ago. He
showed the picture to Lewis.
(I jumped the gun at blue that looked like crystals, also Japanese
sun and moon trailer is awesome sorry super hyped, might make a
side roleplay not related to this roleplay time line once more info
Snow nodded a hello, "well most guardian legends can speak to their
protecting trainers by telepathy. And that telepathy can be built
on with the bonds you share with your Pokemon" the ex grunt said
Luke looked up from his pokemon, "A guardian? That's cool! You said
it was Suicune, right?" Luke picked up Icy and pat his head while
Star flew up to Luke's shoulder and Flux sat at his feet. (Could I
change my Guardian to Arcticuno instead of None?)