Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → InteractionsFirstly, Why I think the Digiheroes system has advantages:-
•It is more faster to interact.
•There is no next button.
•It does take a minute or two in a bad network connection to load the next button. And we have to do it after each Pokemon.But on the other hand, we only wait for this one or two minutes on bad network connections only once after clicking a lot of Digimons(i.e the reload button).
Next, Some features present in Pokéheroes interaction system but not in Digiheroes:-
•Showing of Earned Exp and owner.
•Showing of PD and GGC earned.
•Feeding Berries.
How to solve those problems:-
•Add another little box with a small picture of the berry the Pokemon wants to eat.
•Add another page named 'Earnings'.It can be present in a box below the reload button box and clicking on it can redirect to the Earnings Page, where all pd and ggc earnings can be seen(only for that click list you are using presently).
•On clicking the 'Train Box' instead of disappearing, it can change into a box with 'Earned [ENTERRANDOMNO.] EXP!'
•For events (like shaymin, hoggy and kyurem) the task bar is there to show icons when they appear.
•To See the Owner, just click the Pokemon to go to the Pokemon's page
Thus can be made only for the clicklists.One Pokemon interactions can remain same.
So simply what I want to say is change PH interaction system to DH interaction system(or give a choice of which to use before starting to interacting.
Thank You.
I don't interact much but I do found the DH interaction to be faster. Maybe it could be interferfaced like unreturned favors and maybe a whole page with the train widget? No need for new fancy coding.
As for your suggestion however;
As someone who participates in the Most Berry Fed Medal Rally from time to time, instead of a small button that shows the image of the berry (and the numbers, if possible) maybe a switch-button? Train becomes Feed a Berry, and for eggs it just stays.
This is a very good suggestion as it would also help the people who use mobiles and tablets to interact more easily. Yesterday while I was playing on my tab, I noticed that it was easier to interact on DigiHeroes. So hopefully, this suggestion is implemented ^^
However, for desktops the current method is just fine, in my opinion.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
I press the "N", held my mouse over the "Train Button" and start clicking ... that´s for me 500 clicks in usually about 3 minutes.
The Digi-Heroes-System was way more slow for me owo
So, I have to say, no support from me.
If that would just affect Mobile Users, I would totally support this, but if it is meant for all systems ... well yeah, I honestly can´t support it, cause for me it would make it harder to interact and I know for sure, I wouldn´t interact as much as I do now.
Just my two Cents, though!
~ Bramble
(Also sorry for any wrong grammar D=)
But I agree about this being just for mobile users. It could be added to the union room under Clicklists and be called "Mobile Clicklists" or "Mobile Friendly Clicklists"
I probably wouldn't use it, though, considering I use Dolphin with Stylish and use my simplified interaction pages on my phone for ease of access. (Literally larger buttons, easier to click the links, and less hassle for everything, lol)