Forum Thread
This Digiheroes stuff
Forum-Index → General Discussion → This Digiheroes stuffFirst thing - Starters. I see that Starter evolve above 300-400 lvl when you go to Prof. Oak. Simple, but I see many people ask about it on the news topic.
And for now that's all.
If you see something interesting and you want to share this or if you have any questions, please comment!
And... Do you know how to evolve non-starter digimon? I saw Growlmon and Unimon and I wonder how...
And yes, i see also see some Growlmon but no where did they come from? (Maybe from Calumon? o.O)
Oh, thanks for open this thread (Y)

It also seems like there are a few digimon per person (type wise) so it's not possible to get one of everything TT_TT (such as I have Sala, Mucho, and Vee as my egg options. But Calu, and the others aren't available for me)
If you continue to hatch eggs of those 3, eventually the Professor will give you 3 more different egg options~

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Why don't we got all the same species? Maybe, because of the possibility to trade? Who knows ;) (We have much to do, to find the answer...)
(*Still hopes this game is a real spin-off*)

Next, I have a Greymon, 2x Veemon, 2x Salamon, 2x Muchomon, 3x Gabumon, 3x Gabumon and 4x Calumon. And... Digi- Factory? What is this and when I can discover it? I click Neighborhood all the time and I have only basic options - Index, Lab, Digi-Dex, Neighborhood and Event Distribution... Hmm.
I really want to obtain Seadramon, I love dragons :D
Unimon can evolve from Salamon, and Growlmon from Veemon... Uncle Google says that :D
*listen to german and japanese Digimon soundtrack while typing this*