Forum Thread
Diamond Box & Key EDITED
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Diamond Box & Key EDITEDWhy I want the keys to be not as hard to get (but still really hard to get) is so when people get the keys they wont give up trying to get the box. And if thier were only like 35 keys alot of ppl whould get the keys and some people will get the box so no one will get the whole set.
put a thumb up if this idea is ok with people of pokeheros (Y)
slanted face for so-so :/
and sad face for horrible :(
The players of pokeheros should vote to see if people enjoy it or not.
I say: (Y) (Y) (Y)
I may come up with more ideas later i am very creative.
(If you sell the diamond in stores it will be the usual amount so dont think of wasteing it)
If this is taken BETTER GET RUMBLING :)
(EDITED)-Number not limited but probally so rare 1 found each month- (key is also rare but easier to find)
Second, how could one of the boxes have infinite PD? Collecting PD is a major part of the game, and just getting infinite PD means that you'd easily get EVERYTHING you wanted. For example, you could win EVERY auction and NEVER give ANYONE a chance of winning, which kind of takes away from the fun...
Third, there's no reason for the keys to be that common if only five of them even matter. Besides; keys sell for a fair amount at the shop, so if they're "very common," you're easily getting a ton of PD.
I like the basic idea of having a Mystery Box (Diamond) that has a CHANCE of having a Legendary Pokémon Egg in it, but that's all. Overall, I do not support your current idea.
What you are suggesting is an item that would be useless, and would greatly unbalance the game. Also, if there are only 5 in the whole history of the site, the keys become absolutely worthless after those 5 are obtained.
All in all, not something that should be added to the site.
My vote:
:( x15
THIS IS THE LAST TIME EDITING...... *yawn* im getting sleepy its 12 AM where i am.
Let me be a little bit more specific.
"But you only have a 5% chance of getting a diamond box." - It's just too rare sorry.
"They are so rare and have Retro pokemon eggs that the world has to be lvl 50+ (and luck is added) and 5 have legendary pokemon the lengendarys should be only be found in a lvl 100+ (Adding the luck) place so you have to work hard for one." - I don't really understand the world has to be lvl 50+ part - you get them at 50+ level? Also I don't like the idea of getting high level pokemon out of them - you have to work to level them up... so it's no fun getting like level 100 Zekrom - It would be just easy to get strong pokemon.. Retros are meant to be rare and they are fine as they are now (Rare but everybody still has a nice chance of getting them)
"Why I want the keys to be not as hard to get (but still really hard to get) is so when people get the keys they wont give up trying to get the box. And if thier were only like 35 keys a lot of people would get the keys and some people will get the box so no one will get the whole set." - If you ask me that would only create fights- Let's say that I get the key and you get the box- Who would open the box and keep the prize? You see there are a lot of loop holes in your suggestion and that's why people don't support it - not because we'd want to make you feel bad or dislike you.

Happy Summerween - Candies
Cheat Engine is used to cheat/increase a specific number on a game. For example, if you're playing a game and you only have 3 life's, you can use cheat engine to make 50 or whatever.
Cheat engine wouldn't work with boxes, or anything on this game.
[i]"Shinah. It means