Forum Thread
Future Shiny Hunt
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Future Shiny HuntMy offer for map and summon item









3 Star pieces = 1 Jirachi when I start hunt
5 Star Pieces = 1 Jirachi + 50k pd when I start hunt
1 Griseous orb = Giratina + 20k when I start hunt
* you dont have to do all quests to get Giratina and you get some pd with it
1 Spooky manor map = Giratina + 35k when I start hunt
1 Dark Orb = Giratina + 50k when I start hunt
5 Dragon gems = Raylong + 25k When i start hunt
* you dont have to do all quests, you donthave to pay pd to get last orb and much more to get Raylong and you get pd with it
1 Resolute stone = Keldeo + 30k pd when i start hunt
* You dont have to find it in tall grass and you get pd with it
In Process
First shiny I will hunt

Another Shiny To Hunt

Another Shiny To Hunt

Another Shiny To Hunt

Another Shiny To Hunt

Another Shiny To Hunt

More Shiny hunts will come soon:P