A dragon sent a fire ball at Draco and sent him into the ground.
Draco was able to get back up and flew straight at the dragon.
Draco cut off the dragon's wings and legs, causing it to crash into
the ground. Soon the other remaining dragons flew back through the
crack as it was closing. After all the dragons left, the crack
Draco's armor faded away. The army sent vehicles to take the
dragons that were left to test on them, especially the one that was
left alive.
Amy looked in fear at the dragon Draco had pretty much butchured.
It was putting up a fight, struggling. It wriggled back and forth,
knocking a few soliders and into buildings and trees. She figured
this dragon was younger than the others, as it was easier to defeat
and full of energy. Amy got up to her feet, feeling a little dizzy
after her head hard taken s nice hit from the trunk of the tree.
The scientist back at the lab of the army began their testing on
the live dragon. The dragon started speaking in english, "Humans,
what do you want from me? I will tell you anything, just leave me
be and return me home." it said. "I'm sorry but we need to find out
how to easily kill your kind for us to survive. We can stop the
testing for now until tomorrow if you answer our question." a
scientist replied.
The dragon sighed, "Fine. Our Queen, Queen Vandevia issued an order
for us to attack the alternate Earth. Our Queen wanted human blood
to cast a spell that would destroy your Earth and make ours the
only one." it said. The scientist raised his hand "Stop!" he said,
"Thank you, more testing will begin tomorrow afternoon. Take a rest
please." he added and everyone walked out of the room.
Amy was in the armory, putting allow her weapons away. Why are
these dragons insisting to destroy us? What did we ever do to
them... So many questions... She thought to herself. She sat.in
the armory, brainstorming ideas to help put the isle owned
together, kettle did she know that the scientists had already
worked everything out.
The scientist began testing on the dragon again. The dragon looked
at Draco who was walking past the lab "Who is that boy?" it asked.
"Oh, that's just a stupid trainee soldier here. Don't mind him."
the same scientist from yesterday replied. "I can't just simply
ignore him. That's the queen's missing son..." the dragon replied.
The scientist stood their still, in shock "Wait what?!" he
The Dragon nodded "The queen started this rampage because of him. I
will offer you help, to fight back against my queen but only till I
can return him to her." it said. The scientist thought about it
"Let's see what we can do." he said
Amy was by a few trees just outside the base where all the soldiers
were. She was practicing to handle and swing a sword, using some
trees for target practice. She made one deep dent when she thought
about her past, gritting her teeth. "Where is everyone?..." She
murmured to herself quietly.
Corrie walked to the training grounds, deep in thought. Remembering
the butchered dragon, she felt bile rise to her mouth and she dove
to a nearby bush, emerging a few moments later.
The girl soon saw someone else make a dent in the training walls.
Tori twisted in midair, a leg snapping out to knock the straw head
off the training dummy clean off. Landing on her feet, she
continued to destroying the dummies with ease, scientists watching
from an observation deck. Finishing, Tori felt electricity course
through her and she fell to the floor, limbs twitching. The shock
came from the electric collar around her neck. "Faster. You are 2.5
seconds slower than expected." A scientist on the deck snapped,
holding the remote that controlled her collar. administering one
last shock, the scientist looked coldly at Tori. "One more
Shin sighed. Yesterday had been a mess. The data he collected from
the fight had made absolutely no sense, and nothing matched up. He
had pulled an all-nighter just to find out more about the
mysterious cracks in space.
Going into a clearing of a small forest, Aurora looks in a log
taking out a bow and a quiver. Smiling she strings the bow and
shoots at a small target a distance away.
Corrie soon found herself in a small clearing. She took out a thin
katana and was soon hacking a tree fiercely. She was angry at
herself for feeling sorry for the butchered dragon, even if she
knew there was no need to.
The scientist looked down a Tori's withering form. "I suppose we
will have to call it a day. You will get half a meal a day for a
week, or until you improve your score." Curling his lip in disgust,
the scientists on the observation deck filed out and the collar
around Tori's neck clicked open and fell to the ground with a soft
thump. Massaging her neck, Tori stumbled out and headed out to the
courtyard to create her mind from the numbness the electricity left
in its wake.
Corrie was startled into dropping her weapon mid swing when loud
rock music blared out of nowhere. She soon found the culprit: A
fellow girl. Corrie sighed. "Can you please tone it down?"
looking at herself in the water, Tori scowled. "before long, people
are going to suspect. I need to do something about the food
problem. Pacing around in the courtyard, Tori started brainstorming
of ways to acquire more food. The past moths had been harsh, her
food supplies were getting cut off, thanks to those high
expectations the scientists had for her. She was pretty sure she
was going to starve to death soon.
Yawning Aurora jumps onto a branch of a tree and climbs. Looking
over the small forest she see's a larger building. "Maybe I should
go and see if I can try practice over there, with a few people"