Forum Thread
Plushie Wish List
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Plushie Wish Listso for example if i wanted zorua plushies i could put that in my wishlist and any who saw it and wanted to be nice could simply click on my wishlist and send me exactly what i want.
and to answer the op i like this suggestion, and ive seen someone with a similar thing in their signature, where there was a phrase stating they were wanting fennekin plushies and then under was a picture of a fennekin and when i clicked on the picture it brought me straight to the dream shop with the person already typed in the gift bar and fennekin already chosen.
it would be nice if we could do the same on our profiles where everyone could just click and send.
In some signatures it shows, or says, what kind of plushies you prefer or are looking for, such as yours Vulpixie.
I really like the example you came up with Navuso.
There are some plushies I am truly not interested in and some I truly love (any horse types such as Ponyta, Zebstrika, etc) and I believe it true for other players as well.
Keife191 I like the idea as well to be able to just click and send
this is an example of what ive seen in peoples signatures, click on the pokemon to see what i mean.
this is the guide i used to emulate this. BBcode FAQ
this is what i think would be perfect for the wishlist, finding out the coding is somewhat difficult and if i didnt have this guide it wouldve been impossible for me. but if the wishlist let you pick a pokemon and automatically generated this picture link and posted it to your "plushie wishlist" that would make it much easier for everyone to enjoy this.
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