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Forum Thread

<• Shiny Hunters •>

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs <• Shiny Hunters •>
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 19:17 (11 Years ago)

Current Population: 96

This is the 'shiny hunters' group. Here you can share everything about your previous, or current Pokemon hunts. You can post what you're hunting, what shiny Pokemon you hatch, and others may congratulate you, or complain on having a very long chain - Anything shiny related is acceptable. This includes conversations/gossips/opinions about shinies on other games, like Pokemon X and Y, etc. ^^

Here you can also ask if some has a Pokemon you need for your future hunt/s, example:
''Has anyone got a Female/Male *Pokemon* I can borrow for my hunt?''.
Just please do not beg and ask politely.

The rules
Quite obviously, this group has rules - we would all appreciate it if you would follow them.
- Please do no not double post
- No cursing or rude/inappropriate language
- Nothing non-shiny related.
- No insulting users.
- Please do not beg for shinies/PD

I want to join!
If you're willing to join, please make sure you own a Pokeradar. You can join if you don't have a shiny, but have a Pokeradar.
If you want to join, copy the forum below, and paste it as a post which includes the information needed.
[size=14]I'm a shiny hunter[/size]
[b]Username:[/b] *Your username*
[b]Have you got a Pokeradar?[/b] *Yes/No*
[b]How many shinies have you got?[/b] *If you haven't got any, but have a radar, put '0'*
[b]What Pokemon are you currently hunting?[/b] *Pokemon*
[b]How many Pokemon have you hunted?[/b]

If I say you're accepted, you will appear in the list below. If you're not accepted, I will state a reason why.

Below will be a list of hunters who have requested to join this group and have been accepted. This will be updated frequently.
Show hidden content

[Founder] Toothless| Shinies: 76 | Currently Hunting: Grimer
Tina | Shinies: 25 | Currently Hunting: Fennekin
DemonShade | Shinies: 14 | Currently Hunting: - Rayquaza
Sturmtochter | Shinies: 89 | Currently Hunting: - -
jiyuan | Shinies: 5 | Currently Hunting: - Scyther
bourkey| Shinies: 127 | Currently Hunting: - Onix
Frankenstein| Shinies: 14 | Currently Hunting: - Charmander
Ufimtsev| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - -
Uchiha_Sasuke| Shinies: 4 | Currently Hunting: - Gulpin
ninotaurus| Shinies: 59 | Currently Hunting: - Skrelp
Herbstpoet| Shinies: 8 | Currently Hunting: - Amaura
Abby| Shinies: 20 | Currently Hunting: - Tyrunt
humza| Shinies: 4 | Currently Hunting: - -
oddybell| Shinies: 22 | Currently Hunting: - -
Aerith| Shinies: 4 | Currently Hunting: - Squirtle
Honigdieb| Shinies: 56 | Currently Hunting: - Fennekin
Pitibruna| Shinies: 5 | Currently Hunting: - -
KevinXDE| Shinies: 7 | Currently Hunting: - -
hiddenhell| Shinies: 5 | Currently Hunting: - -
Blackmamba| Shinies: 14 | Currently Hunting: - Seviper
pucky| Shinies: 32 | Currently Hunting: - Meditite
-Max| Shinies: 60 | Currently Hunting: - Scatterbug
Takuto| Shinies: 4 | Currently Hunting: - Tyrunt
DragonSumedh| Shinies: 6 | Currently Hunting: --
Finhawk| Shinies: 13 | Currently Hunting: - -
Oddballme| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - Pidgey
Cynderrocks78| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - Fennekin
Azul| Shinies: 59 | Currently Hunting: - Scyther
JuneyJaneJade| Shinies: 8 | Currently Hunting: - -
Nighty| Shinies: 5 | Currently Hunting: - Larvitar
fuzzyirulz| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: - -
Diana| Shinies: 11 | Currently Hunting: - Castform
Raikou| Shinies: 4 | Currently Hunting: - Tympole
infernape_king| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: - Caterpie
Liirah| Shinies: 89 | Currently Hunting: - -
remy1| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: - Charmander
KingNut| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: - zubat
Leptro| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - -
Angell| Shinies: 17 | Currently Hunting: - Furfrou
puppy| Shinies: 3 | Currently Hunting: - -
Masky| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - -
Remy| Shinies: 34 | Currently Hunting: - Charmander
NES-FlashBack| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Skiddo
Talha| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Timburr
DonnieTheMawile| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: Froakie
ShreyashJain| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Jirachi
ivo200198| Shinies: 4 | Currently Hunting: Riolu
noobly_face| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: Fennekin
moonrise| Shinies: 3 | Currently Hunting: Festival Ralts
Volcarona| Shinies: 5 | Currently Hunting: -
NaeltheAwesomeXD | Shinies: 4 | Currently Hunting: -
Mimilop| Shinies: 5 | Currently Hunting: -
Aeonie| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: -
Mandarina| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Luvdisc
Gothbutter| Shinies: 3 | Currently Hunting: Spring Mareep
Woona| Shinies: 3 | Currently Hunting: - Ponyta
Harkness| Shinies: 19 | Currently Hunting: Gastly
Criticdraco| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Dedenne
~Eclipse~| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: Furfrou
mariecolo| Shinies: 3 | Currently Hunting: Sableye
SUCRAM| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: -
123ash| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: - Scyther
Sayan| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: - -
Jintao| Shinies: 17 | Currently Hunting: - Swirlix
fastrun25| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - Sewwadle
Annaya| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: - Azurill
Pookeboo| Shinies: 9 | Currently Hunting: - Cryogonal
Sithu2002| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: - Glameow
RedRidingHood| Shinies: 3 | Currently Hunting: - -
Skyfox| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - Ducklett
Professor_Joe| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: - Derpatung
Dragon_Queen| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: - -
Mirej| Shinies: 9 | Currently Hunting: - Heracross
Pasta_Cat| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: - Electrike
Kimie| Shinies: 106 | Currently Hunting: - -
Power| Shinies: 27 | Currently Hunting: - Baltoy
Zorgedlikesfroakies| Shinies: 3 | Currently Hunting: - Gastly
Kyogre_Pumpkaboo| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - Charmander
Stephanotis| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - Misdreavus
Pikachu_King| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: - -
~LittleMareepQueen~| Shinies: 3 | Currently Hunting: - -
Senrier| Shinies: 8 | Currently Hunting: - Shuppet
KiraTrikk| Shinies: 13 | Currently Hunting: - -
UCantFlimFlamTheZimZam| Shinies: 2 | Currently Hunting: - -
Book| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Zorua
Nekaya| Shinies: 13 | Currently Hunting: Amaura
WhiteAndBlack2| Shinies: 4 | Currently Hunting: -
Ninetales-Laura| Shinies: 1 | Currently Hunting: -
PokemonTrainerM| Shinies: 3 | Currently Hunting: -
Glue| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Pinsir
Aeryon| Shinies: 29 | Currently Hunting: Shuppet
oshawottLOVE| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: -
LazyHoneydew| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting:-
Aro_Volturi| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: -
ShinyHoundoom14| Shinies: 6 | Currently Hunting: Magikarp
Aldeiabragues| Shinies: 8 | Currently Hunting: Furfrou
VipAIexandra| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Elgyem
ShinyYveltal| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Furfrou
Arcanineemerald| Shinies: 0 | Currently Hunting: Litleo

Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 1,269
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 19:20 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: Tina
Have you got a Pokeradar? Yeshh o3o
How many shinies have you got? 16~
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 19:24 (11 Years ago)
Accepted ^^

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 19:33 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: KitKat
Have you got a Pokeradar? Yes
How many shinies have you got? 2

I haven't really been at this for that long (a month at max...) so hopefully I'll get more shinies as I actually work more at the hunts. (Like I'm doing a serious hunt now, but everything after the Gastly hunt until now wasn't serious hunting as I was only looking to get the events >.<)

So my shiny hunting is off and on, but I do shiny hunt :3

My current hunt is Van Bagon. I think my next hunt will be Tynamo.

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 19:42 (11 Years ago)

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 117

Forum Posts: 388
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 01:38 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: Sturmtochter
Have you got a Pokeradar? Yes
How many shinies have you got? 42

hi (: I'm currently hunting for Cottonee `v´ ..and at first the chain was awesome! :> (41/47)... but after I gave them away, the chain became horrible... ^^'
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 213
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 01:44 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Have you got a Pokeradar? yes
How many shinies have you got? 2
hello , i will shiny hunt riolu when one of the eggs hatch :D

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 02:09 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: bourkey
Have you got a Pokeradar? Yes
How many shinies have you got? 53

and im currently trying to hatch my final shiny eevee that is needed then onto Doduo :)

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 02:22 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: Frankenstein
Have you got a Pokeradar? Yes
How many shinies have you got? 2

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 05:58 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: Ufimtsev
Have you got a Pokeradar? Certainly!
How many shinies have you got? One (#89)- Trelys the shiny Kecleon!

I'm starting my second K hunt to get another shiny (hopefully female). After that, I think I'll hunt Lotad (or something else that doesn't have a Shiny form here, yet. Preferably of Hard or Rare rarity 030).

(edit) Next hunt is Sandile! *w*

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 06:02 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: Uchiha_Sasuke
Have you got a Pokeradar? No Yes :P
How many shinies have you got? 2~

Art made by Charingo! Please do not steal!
Poke tags made by Queen Pumpkaboo!

Click me!~

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 10:56 (11 Years ago)
Added everyone! :D
Good luck on your current hunts, and future hunts everyone o3o

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 383
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 11:03 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: ninotaurus
Have you got a Pokeradar? Yes
How many shinies have you got? 21
What Pokemon are you currently hunting? Deerling (Winter)

I'm usually not into things like this but now I feel like I need to :D
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 321
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 11:04 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: Poet
Have you got a Pokeradar? Yes! °A°
How many shinies have you got? 3 atm :>
What Pokemon are you currently hunting? Aron <3

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3

(c) by Pein
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 11:09 (11 Years ago)
Added both of you! ^3^

I'm glad you're interested in this Nino ^0^

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 11:19 (11 Years ago)
Toothie doing advertising on her profile gets more people :p

I'm a shiny hunter
Username: Abby
Have you got a Pokeradar? Of course yes
How many shinies have you got? Uh, do shiny legendaries count? If yes then 7, if not, 3.
What Pokemon are you currently hunting? Mienfoo (and getting annoyed -A-)
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 11:29 (11 Years ago)
Hehe, yes it does xP
Added chuu sista o3o

And chain 137 isn't that bad xP If it get over 190, then yeahh. That would be quite un-lucky lol.
Just don't give up. ^o^

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 11:39 (11 Years ago)
I'm a shiny hunter
Username: humza
Have you got a Pokeradar? Yes
How many shinies have you got? 1(A shiny goldeen)
What Pokemon are you currently hunting? I haven't thought about which pokemon to hunt next.

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 11:42 (11 Years ago)
I know it's not exactly a bad chain, specially considering some people needed like 220 eggs to get two shinies, but considering I am so slow...I got my only shiny I think around egg 53 or so and that was like a month ago :p So I am just getting out of my nerves 'cause I have to order an egg from the gem collector and start hatching certain pokemons like a crazy.
C'mon Mienfoo, I just need one shiny more, I don't mind the gender <w< I already got my male shiny Mienshao called Mephisto Pheles (AoEx)
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 11:45 (11 Years ago)
Whenever I get over chain 200, I end the hunt xDD This Surskit hunt is driving me nuts right now - I hope I hatch a shiny soon though ;-;

Shiny Mienfoo and Mienshao look pretty o3o nice hunt choice

Added you Humza.

[i]"Shinah. It means