Okay, here's one more suggestion for the auction house.
The dropdown list in AH shows all the pokemons. As in GTS,
the pokemon present and how many of them are there are shown like
Bulbasaur(5) and so on.
Can't this be same for Auction Houses, so that it is easier to look
up for pokemons we want.
POSSIBLE POSTS FOR DISAPPROVAL Q) GTS has so many pokemons, so showing there makes
sense, not for auction house.
A) This would just increase the ease, so that you don't have to go
through the whole list, and sometimes there are more than one same
pokemon, so it gives a better comparison between them if only that
pokemons are shown.
i think you didnt get what i said (maybe i have expressed this in a
bad manner).
The pokemons which are not in the auction house are also listed in
the auction house.
In all, I just suggest to make this drop down list like in the GTS.