Forum Thread
[A][C] Mari's Improvement Challenge [ONGOING!]
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A][C] Mari's Improvement Challenge [ONGOING!]Link to your single post: (Down below :3)
Password: Latias

when the world is no more
the moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly
away with me
Link to your single post: This one here =w=
Password: uhh... Xerneas?
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Tumblr || DeviantArt || Youtube || Twitter

Link to your single post: here
Password: Noibat
I might as well practice with my tablet, right love? oUo
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Link to your single post:
Password: Kingdra
Again, I'll probably flake off early, but eh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Day 1: Hello from the other side
Day 2: Blah blah whatever, roar
Link to your single post: This one
Password: Victribell
Day 1: Hello From the Other Side

Note: I used these brushes right here made by (redheadstock in DA)
This was rushed, Imma go to bed now, it's way past bedtime
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
Link to your single post: I'm just gonna do it here XD
Password: Giratina
Link to your single post: I'll make a journal entry once it begins ^^
Password: Tyrunt
Hello from the other side
Entries are due the next reset, not the one in a couple of hours.
And don't forget: for this run, you guys will be responsible for your own names in the google sheets chart. Link in the first post~
got this piece done
Well peeps, c'mon! We gat a saying in my country: A good start is half of the job!
Here is my entry for today, but I'm gonna finish it up in my free time, then post the updated picture (Thta's okay, right?) since I'm planning on a lot more shading<3
@Giltine13: I so love that banette design oh my ovo* Makes me see my banette is so simple xD (I don't have her as gijinka though, just human). Creepy pretty feel
And so I'm in time yesss but I can't work more on this today :\ I'd be happy to fix it though, since I like the idea that came to me. My poor bab Helen entry - pretty much like the dark side where she lives and someone from the real world helping her >w<
Gotta add some in between frames, color and go over the sketchy lines :v
