'First Shiny Pokémon = First egg obained (Lowest ID)'
So my Furfrou that was hatched 2 years ago has a lower id, so would
that not be considered the first? (If input it as a santa)
I'm only asking because I know other people try and push for theirs
to be first under this 'logic' because I did mine as the same time
as you guys probably only a moment later xD
I think this is the first os Rudolph, Almost certain
since I obtained it immediately after reset as I believe my advent
door bugged as I did 500 interactions a minute or so before reset
and did not have to do 500 interactions again for the door.
I'm sure of mine. It appeared on idex as soon as the eggs were
released so it hatched pretty fast. I didn't made the feed earlier
cos I was with a slow computer and wasn't able to enter threads,
maybe that was a mistake as now is harder to check.