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~~ The FlightRising Club ~~
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Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 19:00 (9 Years ago)
hmm got a smokebillow sham from last chest I opened, ugh I need one
more un hatched egg gah
Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 19:05 (9 Years ago)
just hatched these babies. might even sell them i'm not 100%
Greili OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 60
Forum Posts: 645
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 20:09 (9 Years ago)
Winter Wind in the Marktplace :D
i´m so pissed right now.
I lend Madison28 15k Treasure a while ago.
When i asked for it, she send me 30k PD, i send it back and said. I
want my Treasure, not PD.
And now, she ignores me since 9 Days -.-
EDIT: wow.. i got an awnser now.
Forum Posts: 551
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 21:06 (9 Years ago)
Guys, I found one of my old dragons in a new lair, and it looks
like he's a traveling dragon!
I'm pretty happy for Supernova. ;v;
He even got some lore and all that!
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 21:53 (9 Years ago)
//flops in// oml. Does this look good on him...? e.e If not.. throw
some suggestions at me...?
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yuumi OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 43
Forum Posts: 667
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 22:02 (9 Years ago)
anyone selling cheap familiars? i accept any `^´
im gonna make some radioactive soup
Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 22:28 (9 Years ago)
I just bought two dragons from AH, i need some Apparel suggestions
(and Name for the 1st one), anyone mind helping? ^^
Maybe Bleak Birdskull and Bloody Bandages for him?
Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 00:14 (9 Years ago)
Made a thread for my lair cleanout:
[R.I.P J2 (Granny), aged 105]
Forum Posts: 719
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 00:18 (9 Years ago)
@Lovi o.o that second one is beautiful! How much did you pay?
Nezumi OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 60
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 00:29 (9 Years ago)
I suggest Blizzard as a name.
All of the dragons and hatchlings on
this page ,
this page , and the last four dragons on
this page are for sale. Any with double colors
cost 15 Gems, any triple colors are 20, all others are 11.
If you buy a hatchling for fodder, let it grow up first.
Howdy o3o/ I'm Scribbles in
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 01:41 (9 Years ago)
oh wow managed to get a set of conjurer's cobwebs in a chest 0_0
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 01:43 (9 Years ago)
Yea.. I've gotten familiars and a couple of the new apparel.. No
noc eggs though :U..
Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 02:19 (9 Years ago)
(I hope this is okay to ask here...)
I'd like to buy nuggets with Flight Rising nuggets. It would be an
exchange rate of 1:800 nuggets to treasure. (Even though the exact
rate would be 1:750 I'm putting it in the seller's favor.) Please
let me know if you'd be willing to trade with me.
Forum Posts: 166
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 02:31 (9 Years ago)
Could I please buy this hatchling for 15 gems?
Nezumi OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 60
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 02:35 (9 Years ago)
Sure! :) I'll send the CR. What's your username?
Howdy o3o/ I'm Scribbles in
Forum Posts: 166
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 02:37 (9 Years ago)
Thanks! My FR username is Mellark.
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 03:43 (9 Years ago)
Whew finally got more lair space! And, hatched 5 beautiful
Forum Posts: 892
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 03:43 (9 Years ago)
Congrats on five beautiful Noc babies~~
Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 03:49 (9 Years ago)
just got this beauty :)
Forum Posts: 892
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 03:57 (9 Years ago)
@Professor Maple
Nice~ I like the dark and neon mix~