found another chest, yay! found the opposing forces familiar this
time, also snagged a black wolf in the same loot pile as that chest
, whee I love that familiar
Selling 9 Red Goo, 2.5k each. That's already way cheaper than the
prices in the AH. Gems not included. Also selling 3 Red Ooze and 1
Red Sludge for the same price.
Finished my first hatches other then what they give you to start
out with. Are they any good? I think the last one was cute, but I
didn't like the parent pairs really...
I will try to sell first two cheap or exalt later on and might keep
last dragon. Has a nature look going kind of a I love that color
pink. Don't really like Fae dragons though :/
@lechatbox I know you're looking for pd but would you be interested
at all in trading the first or last one for a different familiar (
unless you already have a cragback ursa ) if not , how much pd for
first and last?
@Lucrecia, I already have that familiar.. :L (as for pd, I'll take
the lowest AH price in treasure and times that by 2) because 2 pd
is equivalent to 1 treasure right?
Does anybody have a Cloudkeeper Herald they'd like to trade for a
Wavebreak Snarler, Thornthick Thief, or Agol? I really wanna get a
Cloudkeeper Herald so I'd be willing to trade one or two of these
for one of those.