Forum Thread
Minor Updates
Forum-Index → News → Minor UpdatesChange regarding the "Community badge":

In order to prevent SPAM in our
forums, your forum posts must now be up for at least 24 hours in
order to count towards this badge. Means if they are deleted by our
moderators during the first 24 hours for being SPAM, you will not
receive the Community badge for them. So try to post something
The secure https protocol is now enforced. When visiting PokéHeroes via the unsecure and deprecated http protocol, your browser will now automatically redirect you to the secure protocol version.
You should not notice anything different by this update.
Mega-able Chikorita can now hatch from regular eggs!

Credits for this great mega sprite go to our user Lemon by the way! :)
The current Plushie Event Distribution is going to end a little early - tomorrow, actually. Reason for this is that our anniversary is coming up on July 1st (Monday), and as every year, we will be having a Mew Plushie Distribution starting on that day :)
Update #1: The PokéDex entries have been updated to include the shadow frequency of a species, as well as the sprite of the shadow version (only visible when there is at least one shadow version of this species on-site):

Originally suggested here!
Update #2: Two new Pokémon ranklists have been added: "Least Shadow Frequency" and "Highest Shadow Frequency"
Update #3: Two new trainer ranklists have been added: "Most Shadow Pokémon" & "Most ShadowDex entries"
-> Shadow Pokémon are now properly displayed with their shadow sprite on the Auction House page.
-> A bug where certain shadow Pokémon were able to evolve at the Salon has been fixed.
-> A filter for Shadow Pokémon has been added to the GTS search.
During last night, PokéHeroes' economy was heavily affected by a small group of users who were massively abusing a bug at the Berrygarden. Basically, they were able to generate an infinite amount of PokéDollars. (The bug has obviously been fixed by now)
A total of 100 Billion PokéDollar was generated and widely distributed (via trades and auctions). Most of the PokéDollars have also been spent on the Daycare and on Egg storage boxes.
Considering that the common wealth before the bug was around 10 Billion PokéDollars, this bug abuse strongly affected the overall economy.
Therefore, following actions, unfortunately, had to be taken:
Who is affected?: Users who made trades with large sums of PokéDollar during 10PM and 5AM this morning.
What has been done?: The PokéDollar stats of these users have been reset to the amount they owned yesterday at 6AM (which was when our last backup was made). The daycare credits and amount of egg storage boxes have been reset for these users as well.
I am deeply sorry about this incident and for everyone who is affected by this now. I hope that you understand, that resetting parts of your account was a really necessary step. I can assure you that we are doing everything we can to prevent this from happening again.
If you feel like you were unfairly affected by this action (i.e. you got the money through fair means and it was now removed), then please send me a Private Message with a detailed description of your situation. Don't worry - I have tons of backups and logs! I will be able to manually re-review every case.
Note that "I got the money as a gift/from a trade" does not count as a "fair means" reason in this case. I am afraid that this money is now lost; since it was black money created through a bug. If you got them via a "fair" trade, then please contact your trade partner and try to sort out the situation.
Thank you for your understanding. I hope we can now continue playing and enjoying this game in a fair and balanced way.
Selunar and Lunastar have been added to the Event Shop!

This Event was created by -Banette- as part of our Event Spriting Contest.
Plaguekrow has been added to the Event Shop!

This Event was created by Tesoro as part of our Event Spriting Contest.
Mega-able Zubat can now hatch from regular eggs!

Credits for this great mega sprite go to our user Mafia by the way! :)
Due to the increasing amount of available mega-able species, the chances for hatching a mega-able Pokémon have been increased by 10%.
For the same reason, the effect of the Mega Cuff (premium item) has also been adjusted: It now triples your mega chances instead of only doubling them! The price stays the same.
Due to the increasing amount of Dex Reward legendaries, their breeding chances at the daycare have been increased by 30%.