Zephyr debated whether to go to the field trip or not. “I mean
like, it be fun….. should I just fly there instead of riding the
bus? Naw, I’ll go and ride the bus.” Flying to the bus, Zephyr
scrambled on the bus and sat on the seat across from Gale and
Zephyr, not used to being rudely woken up, used her instincts and
kicked Ezri in the stomach with her bent leg. Swinging off the
seat, Zephyr regarded Ezri. "Never wake me up like that." she
Six, sitting near the middle of the bus, was completely silent the
whole time. When they arrived at the castle, he admired it. Brining
out his notepad, he began a rough sketch.
"Well... Were actualy at the ruins of a place called 'spell hold'!
It used to be a prison for the WORST criminals ever.... It was
remarkable! I read all about it!" Dalran responded to Gale.
(Oh yeah guys before we continue i need to request something
everyone who was involved in the gates thingy plz update your form
in the sign ups . I need to update a few things as well)
"Alrighty classes. It's time to explore the place, but please be
respectful... you are all representing the school. You may go at
your own pace, but must be back out here for 3:00 PM." A teacher
said. Soon after, the students started getting off.
"Come on! Let's get going!" Dalran said, getting off.