Forum Thread
Egg Radar Chip (Special)
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Egg Radar Chip (Special)I think it would be nice to be able to buy the egg radar chip for "special" eggs. I am fully aware that there may be reasons against this at the moment (such as the event shop, special should be harder, etc.) but I am also aware that certain "special" Pokemon would be well worth the money the radar chip costs when shiny hunting.
EDIT: In light of recent ideas and the fact that I just came back to this, I will add some clarification. This will be mostly for event Pokemon that are breedable. Those eggs, when there are extras, are also theoretically released to the tall grass, and so they should, theoretically be find-able.
This is essentially what Tina said. And sorry it took me so long to edit and stuff, school came up.
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Skiddo was an event Pokemon, but now it has a normal rarity. I'm sure that all the other Gen 6 Pokemon will have normal rarity soon.
Like.. Fletchling, Pumpkaboo, Bunnelby.
[i]"Shinah. It means
(I lost this, and only just found the view your subscriptions tab....which may or may not be new, I don't know...)
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
I've never liked the special rarity. Legends should obviously have the legend rarity, and normal Pokemon should have regular rarities. But it's here, so we can't do much 'bout it. A chip would edge the special rarity closer to the regular ones, which I'd like.
If your including the breedable events, then I support this even more.