Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Bug Reports → Confirmed Bugs → zoomNo pop-up, just clicking without result.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Current code:
if (stLeft - 10 >=
$(".garden_interface").offset().left && stLeft + 10 <=
Simplified: if ( a - 10 >= b && a + 10 <= b)
Simplified: if ( a - 10 >= b && a + 10 <= b)
This code will never be executed. if b is 20, a must be 30 or more for the first part and a must be 10 or less for the second part => impossible.
Working code:
if (stLeft - 10 <=
This is tested on Chrome (zooming, no pop up) and Firefox (no zoom, pop up works)
Since the if statement was impossible I don't think testing more browsers is necessary.