Forum Thread
The Event Shop
Forum-Index → News → The Event Shop
A merchant from a distant region came to Emera Town to open his new shop! He's constantly breeding Event-Pokémon to get some eggs and sell them.
He's already gained a lot of money with this business and he doesn't know where to deposit all of it. That's why he invented a new currency: The

There are several ways to get some Event Points
→ Some of them are hidden in
→ You may be rewarded with some Event Points from time to time after fulfilling certain tasks.
→ Or you can buy them with

Important: This shop makes it also possible(/easier) to hunt the Event-Pokémon. That means hatching an egg from the Event Shop breaks your chain (in case that your currently hunting a different species).
Which Event Pokémon would you like to buy or maybe even hunt?
And you got the Event Voucher (Common) from the Adventcalender last year. That means you can pick one common Event Pokémon for free.
shayminluvr: What do you mean exactly? These are all of our Event Pokémon that we got so far.
Which means that they will become available again through Event Distribution in the future. (Or some quest, part of a new feature or whatsoever. We'll see)