Forum Thread
show how many nuggets and big nuggets a user have
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → show how many nuggets and big nuggets a user have"Money: <number of PD>"
soo, down this money thing will have
"Nugget: <number of nugget>"
and down nugget will have
"big nugget: <number of big nuggets>"
I think this is a good suggestion because in GTS some people want nuggets for some pokemon and some people offer a random pokemon saying that will give nugget and dont give. Soo this will show if have or not.
But wouldn't Random users PM The one with a lot of BN Offers like "My pikachu fer your 5 BN?" Or what if the person wasn't selling the BN but got stormed by a bunch of people..
Im neutral on this
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
And I don't want anyone to see how many nuggets I have.
Why? Because you may not have some, but other have and so do I. And my nuggets are my thing not anyone else to ask me to buy them or trade them because if someone wants to trade them he would state that.
There are enough user who were asked for things they wouldn't trade away. And nuggets are highly in demand.
Nuggets symbolize real money. They are used for premium and stuff.
For the trades, if you are getting scammed, have a mod handle this.
The reason this should not be implemented is simple. People with nuggets would be bombarded with beggers. Yeah, sure, report the beggers....except when it is 5+ people on a daily basis
One of my friends had one screenshot of their userbar up, showing that they had 20 nuggets at the time, and was asked to sell the nuggets by a lot of people.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
If you know it has been suggested before, do not make yet another thread to clutter up the suggestions forums even more. Instead go and find one of the threads, make sure that it wasn't rejected, then bump that one.
Now for the reasons this shouldn't be accepted:
1) Spam/Harassment.
Even without this feature, there are users who will spam or harass over nuggets. After all, it's slow to get them without paying to the site, and people who can't pay can be rather mean about it. I've made reports in the past from users bugging me for the nuggets that they saw I had from a partial screenshot. (They saw "

2) Just stating "Not for sale" is not effective in this case. As, again, it relates to real money.
3) To prevent scamming, it's fairly easy. Get them to send the nuggets before you accept the trade. (Or send what you're offering for them). If they don't follow through, then you lose nothing. If they do, then you back out, then they weren't the ones scamming.
4) This has already been rejected. A few times.
If it was suggested in the past before and rejected, what's stopping it from doing it now when there's more users? More users means they will be more people to donate to the site and acquire Nuggets and especially more beggars.
This is definitely a true statement for myself personally, especially because I already get enough beggars with PD already.
Let's say I was making a trade with someone for 3 BN and they went to my profile and saw that I had 4 instead? By human nature, most users would want the 4 BN rather 3 and most definitely would ask for it.

Please try to avoid making duplicated suggestions with the forum search function. It isn't necessary for everyone to suggest the same thing several times. Just go to the original and bring it back to life if it wasn't rejected. If it was rejected, please leave it be. Especially since that means a moderator or the admin specifically moved it there in the first place.