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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Arseny.
Posted: Mon, 05/10/2020 06:28 (4 Years ago)
This was solved some time ago, time to be moved to solved.

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Posted: Mon, 05/10/2020 06:06 (4 Years ago)
I'm pretty sure server is not recording the time of evolution.

Otherwise all this would easily work if people would accept that the first on site is for the whole evolution line instead of every single specie. For example, if there is the first on site bulbasaur with an everstone, there can't be the first on site ivysaur nor mega/giga/normal venusaur.

Lastly, what should decide whether is it the first on site or not, time of adopting an egg or time of hatching it? People always go with the second but the first is more fair since not everyone needs the same amount of time or effort to hatch an egg. (mostly speaking about premium and flute)

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Posted: Mon, 01/07/2019 21:15 (5 Years ago)
Several problems with shadow pokemon.

1) they won't appear in "missing dex" search at all
2) when searching auctions both in "all auctions" or specific auction, shadow pokemon appear with sprite of their normal, non shadow version.
3) related to 2), shadow pokemon appear when searched for their normal version (for example, seaching clefairy will show shadow cleafairy too, but as stated in 2), with an original sprite.

As a promoted auction, shadow sprite will appear normally, no fixing needed there

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Posted: Sat, 30/03/2019 20:31 (5 Years ago)
Lovemeter was filled day before.
Day started as x2.
Bonus disappeared somewhere, most likely after the first speed clicking (actually, the goal was achieved, it turned to x3, next time the goal wasn't achieved, unclear whether it turned to no bonus when the clicking started or 10 mins later when it was confirmed that goal wasn't reached)

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Posted: Wed, 06/02/2019 13:37 (6 Years ago)
Just to share my own experience.

When I found out about removing conversations from recent (apparently, X icon is invisible on my phone but still clickable), I immediately took care of my pal pad.

First I know is the pal pad icon wasn't glowing, all recent messages (with the oldest one being 9 months old) didn't appear as new, as it is supposed to be.
Then I started deleting and deleting, at some point I started finding some (over 2 years) old messages appearing as new, while the funniest part is that I was the one who replied the last, hence it's impossible to be new. And at this point I also noticed pal pad icon glowing, which stopped once I removed everything I wanted to remove.

(Coincidence or not, if not all, almost all conversations that are 4+ years old appeared as new)

Otherwise, I have no problems (yet) with the update.

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Posted: Tue, 20/11/2018 10:49 (6 Years ago)
Not sure if this should be classified as special case or not, but, why removing names from ranklist should be a thing:
(Spoiler because inappropriate language)
Show hidden content

Number 3 if not obvious enough

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Posted: Fri, 02/11/2018 09:57 (6 Years ago)
Not sure what is bug exactly since I don't know what was the idea behind this, but I noticed:

When user gets banned, their name disappears from the "Most Interactions" list (for both temporary and permanent ban), while the same thing doesn't happen on any other list on ranklist page.

In my opinion, banned users shouldn't be included on any ranklist.

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Posted: Mon, 29/10/2018 00:53 (6 Years ago)
Haven't posted for so long here, I don't know why, like nothing is happening anymore or I'm tired of anything. To be honest, I feel like I have lived like a plant this year. Or just emptiness, no desire to write/talk aboit anything, like nothing matters anymore, nothing is changing.

Well, "nothing is changing", then ridiculous amount of things change all of a sudden and is just so stressful and you don't know what to do anymore.

And then what is great, to remember your life theories. So NPC meme, I'd rather call it theory, it hit me well, not so long I discussed a little about some things I thought about, now this too.
No wonder, when your life has a terrible quality it's easy to get these stupid ideas and even unironicaly believe in themselves.

I don't believe I had any true influence about my life theory, idea is quite similar to movie "The Truman show", like, whole world is build around me, just for me. But of course, as a torture, where is fun otherwise, some simulation where I am the experiment, psychological and sociological if that is even a word.
So I'm studied all the time, at least I didn't got too shizophrenic yet from that since that would mean no privacy and god, half my internet doings is privacy I'm ashamed of thanks to my family, they barely know anything I do on internet.

Family is also a reason to think like this, it's quite interesting, other than me, 4 members, both parents and two brothers they all seem to have completely different personalities. Next, older brother and mom are able to be obnoxious everyday, while with younger brother and father I share some similarities. It's really weird somehow.

Since everyone is simulation, well, eventually there are others in the same simulation but we will never meet or we will never know that we are in simulation or we will never learn other person is also being in simulation as victim, which means we will never get a sign that we are in simulation. And we can also do a overkill by getting a sign that we are in simulation but can we believe it since it's part of simulation?

In my specific case, I'm chained to Serbia pretty much, other than that, several vacations in Macedonia, only thing is school trip where I saw most notably Budapest and Prague. Maybe world doesn't really exist for me, just a small portion I'm put into like a cage.
This theory works well, since it's a torture, I'll obviously be put in some hole of a country, Serbia is too good for that, too many bad things happened to this country in last 150 years that it doesn't makes sense that all that truly happened, 5 wars in previous century.
Everything is bad here, so bad that listening to how someone from USA or Germany live is such a pain for soul, something that is completely normal for them is either luxury or unbelieveable for me. Really, feels like I live in poverty compared to them even though I had sorta normal living circumstances.
This is what is driving me crazy, jealousy is my sin, why couldn't I have all the nice things?
Being almost 22, never had any job, never had any real money from parents, save all pocket money and still it's nothing to allow you to buy anything special, I was better with spending that on garbage seems like since I have never saved for anything. It's so great hearing how someone with a stupid job working kess than 40h a week has better earnings than my father after so many years of working on a high position with 47 working hours a week, and having to feed 5 member family, mom had no job, basically never. Really great, misery to see that happening, that's why I don't want to listen to other's life, triggers my jealousy and I feel like I want to die. Amazing how friend from America thought I'm driving a car just because I was having a ride, I don't even have a license while I can only dream about possesing a car, although my dad has one, still no reason to bother about costy license.
And I better don't get into the facts that I'm still virgin, never kissed a girl, never had a girlfriend, amazing for 22 y.o. guy, or in modern terms pathetic loser.

So many things saying how this is really a simulation of torture I'm stack into it, and I'm also shaped into a coward so I don't commit suicide and ruins everyone's fun, or maybe I get to that point and be unlucky to survive with terrible consequences.

Since it's a simulation, now when I convinced myself into this crazy theory, how can I trust anyone?
Truth is, I don't fully trust anyone, but to those I should trust by normal terms (where I think I'm living a normal life but having some bad luck) I tell I trust them, sorta I do, but at some points I want them to disappear, so all they know about me disappears with them which is quite ironic considering I live in simulation.
Just another moment to bang my head to the wall because I don't know what is happening anymore, can I even trust myself.


There is tons of stuff I could talk about but it's too private to leave it in public diary that nobody reads.
It's just ridiculous, just when I thought I know what I'm doing with my life (which is seriously questionable), someone happened to me and made me destroy my last try to get back on the track I am expected to be by everyone in my environment even though it is not what I truly want (although, I have no clue what I truly want other than to be truly happy, I'm quite sure everyone who knows me think I'm a happy and positive person, almost true, that's just a mask, and what is a mask other than lie, but lie I tell to myself just to cover misery and try to keep going, but where am I going I don't know, it's either a roundabout or just longer route that leads to the same as the short route, meanimg is obvious, it's negative).

So yeah, now or never, either forget about things being simulation or get another proof that you are in a simulation of torture. Last hope I'm able to do something with myself, see you next time in 7 days, either as a new happy person, similar unhappy person, or maybe we never see each other again.

From theorizing to the best mental breakdown ever, I don't even know what to think anymore. I'm so full of dumb thoughts that just make my life harder or I really have trust issues.
Then, why am I scared of changes when that is exactly what I need, I should be scared of keeping things being the same way. This is simply so dumb, maybe this is why I make trust issues too often, retarded method of self defence I can't control, and I can't speak about the.trust isseues, it is so awfully disrespectful to person I talk about that (counting it is about that person). So how not to think whole simulation is about mentally breaking me, because this is so awful what is happening to me.

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Posted: Thu, 25/10/2018 08:36 (6 Years ago)
Yes that is the reason, search doesn't check titles, only words that appear in the body of the post.

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Posted: Wed, 24/10/2018 11:36 (6 Years ago)
Forum search works fine for me.

What have you searched exactly, so I can check as well?

(not sure if you know, but for phone users forum search button doesn't appear at all)

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Posted: Wed, 24/10/2018 11:29 (6 Years ago)
Last post turned 3 months old today, time to clean some dust here.
Also long time no see, I've changed name in the meanwhile too, previously Vasily.

I've set up a private trade, 1000 ice and 1000 flying gems for 1.5m pd, so if you can we have a deal.

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Posted: Tue, 09/10/2018 20:03 (6 Years ago)
As far as I know, eggs in egg storage are sorted by the dex number, just like how pokemon are sorted.
Otherwise I have no opinion on the suggestion.

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Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 19:12 (6 Years ago)
I don't see anything weird related to that part, so I can't speak about that moving problem.

While in the first post you mentioned
"It seems like the "GIVE A HUG?" & "FEED FREE BERRY" is pushed a bit to the right side or just centered weirdly"
When you compare it with a desktop versions, it looks the same, no special moving to the right.

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Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 18:49 (6 Years ago)
That's a good question, on my phone in Firefox looks normal, while on some other browser nothing looks normal (literally allows me to see all the work that Riako has done while prepairing the mobile site)

If it's not a bug, then it's complaining

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Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 17:15 (6 Years ago)
Pokeheroes mobile site version, that's all. Technically not a bug.

That is the planned look for the index page so you should start getting used to it.

Change is not fully done, since as Riako posted in one of his feeds, this is the planned look

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Posted: Tue, 28/08/2018 13:10 (6 Years ago)
Ah, maybe we got a little misunderstanding in the naming things.

It's hard to tell whether this is a bug or complaintment since we don't know for sure if it was Riako's intention or not.

Anyway, it's "unnatural" for same text to appear in two different formats. Also enabling BB codes for plushing log doesn't seem like a problem, but that is on Admin to determine.

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Posted: Tue, 28/08/2018 12:40 (6 Years ago)
I don't have knowledge in this, but I'm quite sure it can be fixed.
I noticed that for images, but this is not related to that at all.
I meant (well, I didn't say in the first post since I thought it was obvious enough that is related to text codes) .... so, struck, underline, italic and bold, these codes don't work (for struct text I'm sure, for others I'm speaking from memory, but it can always be tested)

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Posted: Tue, 28/08/2018 12:13 (6 Years ago)
On notification page when you receive a plushie (with coding in message) BBCodes work, while on gift log page they won't apply and the [ ] part is clearly visible.

I don't know how to explain it better, I can eventually send a plushie to show this.

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Posted: Tue, 28/08/2018 10:36 (6 Years ago)
I can confirm this is happening, regularly one pokemon is left without interaction if I don't start the clicklist again.

For me, thing occurs often, but always the first time I try to clean the clicklist, which contains mostly 60-70 eggs and pokemon, while later it rarely goes above 20 and bug never happens.

EDIT: I'm talking only about friendlist click list, forgot to mention just in case.

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Posted: Mon, 27/08/2018 17:30 (6 Years ago)
Have you changed username not long before that?
I know that after changing username, in next less than five minutes you are unable to change avatar and use pal pad.

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