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Sonic the Hedgehog Fanclub
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Sonic the Hedgehog FanclubOther than that, Go wild!

also, tails is a cutie, am i the only one who waited for him to catch up when he started falling behind?
The only games I've played were old ones for the GameCube (unless the Olympic ones with Mario count :p), but they were (probably) the best :'D More specifically, I played Sonic Mega Collection, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (which they now have for the X-Box, even though it's the same exact thing :I), and Sonic Heroes. I guess Mega Collection would count as multiple, since it has alllll these fun games on it -w-
I've watched four episodes of two series. I had them on DVD, I don't even know where I got them cx This, this, this, and this of Sonic Underground, and this, this, this, and this of The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Yessss it did take me forever to find and link all of that, but it was fun and now I have the urge to go play with my Chaos in my basement even though it's the middle of the night x3
No, you're not the only one .o. But I think he teleported sometimes if you went too far ahead :p
Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?