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Sonic the Hedgehog Fanclub

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs Sonic the Hedgehog Fanclub
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 298
Posted: Mon, 09/12/2013 00:59 (11 Years ago)
I didn't see this anywhere, so I thought that I would make this thread. Feel free to talk about anything Sonic related! From the games, to the comics to the television show!The only rule is that your conversations must be STH related.

Other than that, Go wild!

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 513
Posted: Mon, 09/12/2013 01:47 (11 Years ago)
the game soundtracks are some of the best video game music out there hands down, i cannot be convinced otherwise lol i used to have trouble picking out a favorite piece of music from them until this happened and i fell in love with it like wow

also, tails is a cutie, am i the only one who waited for him to catch up when he started falling behind?

This signature is under construction, kiddos!

Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 1,269
Posted: Mon, 09/12/2013 05:57 (11 Years ago)
I can't say I dislike the Sonic series, but I never really got completely into it :p

The only games I've played were old ones for the GameCube (unless the Olympic ones with Mario count :p), but they were (probably) the best :'D More specifically, I played Sonic Mega Collection, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (which they now have for the X-Box, even though it's the same exact thing :I), and Sonic Heroes. I guess Mega Collection would count as multiple, since it has alllll these fun games on it -w-

I've watched four episodes of two series. I had them on DVD, I don't even know where I got them cx This, this, this, and this of Sonic Underground, and this, this, this, and this of The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Yessss it did take me forever to find and link all of that, but it was fun and now I have the urge to go play with my Chaos in my basement even though it's the middle of the night x3

No, you're not the only one .o. But I think he teleported sometimes if you went too far ahead :p
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 18/01/2014 10:24 (11 Years ago)
I can't remember when I fell inlove with sonic >w<.But I think it's when I'm 6.Then at the age of 7,I bought Sonic Riders(which is for ps2).Then I bought Sonic Riders:Zero gravity(but it was pretty hard).Until now,I still play Sonic Riders in my (almost) old ps2.

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 27/01/2014 22:17 (11 Years ago)
Ah, I adore the Sonic games! 8D
The original STH and a Sega Genesis were the first game and system I owned. <3 (My parents had an NES and an Atari 2600, but the Genesis was all mine!)
Adventure and Adventure 2 are my favorites!
