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A Gijinka Tail [Lit.--PG13]

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs A Gijinka Tail [Lit.--PG13]
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 527
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 22:26 (10 Years ago)
Aramina fist-pumped the air. "Gyesh! Now let's go!" She pulled Rosanna behind her while she ran to the beach. This is gonna be awesome! She got a few scratches on her legs as she ran too close to a bush, but she ignored it. The scratches didn't hurt much, and were not bleeding.

She stopped behind a close circle of bushes, not far from the beach. There, she let go of Rosanna. "Shh, we've gotta be quiet," she whispered, and got on her hands and knees. She crawled through a small gap between the bushes that was low to the ground, and motioned for the Minun gijinka to follow her. She peered through the leaves and twigs at the beach. "Woah, what do you think that is?" she whispered. "It looks kinds like us, but kinda not. Come see. But be careful and stay low down, I don't know if it's friendly."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 22:58 (10 Years ago)
Di continued to watch, very confused now. When the creature scratched the Hydreigon's chin, it... seemed to like it actually. No, that couldn't be right. She was sure this creature was no good. All the vibes she got from it were bad. When it laid down, she saw her chance. When the hydreigon plopped down as well, the temptation was too great. Stepping out just a bit, enough to have a clear shot at the creature and not the pokemon, she took a deep breath and let her anger build, thinking of how terrible this thing must be to pokemon, and how scared all the pokemon have been. She opened her eyes again and opened her mouth to release a rather large dragon rage attack.

((And don't worry, I expect this will probably be blocked~ ;D))

Lein sighed and followed the girls. It was obvious the other girl wasn't even electric type now, just a Furret. The minun must just have gotten scared and let off a little more spark than usual. But knowing something was up and not wanting to see two lovely ladies get hurt, he simply had to follow. At the tree line, Lein decided to hide behind a tree. The girls were much smaller than him and could hide by crouching. Besides, crouching with them would be a bit creeper-ish for his style. He just peered out from behind the tree, willing his tail to be still. Indeed, the Furret girl was right. It was like them... yet not. He didn't like it. It had scared the pokemon away, and something just generally felt... wrong.

"Shhh, I don't know how good it's hearing is," Lein whispered softly bu urgently to the girls.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 527
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 23:27 (10 Years ago)
Chaol suddenly pushed Artemis to the side sharply, and his headphones fell out. At first, Artemis was confused at why his partner would push him so suddenly. He realized why when he saw a wave of blue energy sweep past. He stuffed his headphones in his pocket and leaped to his feet. He looked to the source, and saw a girl, standing near the edge of the beach. He made a fist.

"What the *censored* is wrong with you? Are you CRAZY?!" He yelled. "Chaol, let's go!" Chaol crouched low to the ground, and Artemis hopped onto his back, swinging one leg over in one fluid motion. He hung on tightly as Chaol leaped from the ground and took flight.

Palla and Chirin, seeing Chaol and Artemis, flew over the treetops to meet them, and circled in the air. "Where's Huttser?" asked Artemis. "Never mind, I'm sure he'll show up in a bit." The group landed on the beach again. Artemis dismounted, and scanned the forest for the girl again.

"You know," he shouted, there was a hint of anger in his voice, "if you wanted a battle, you just needed to ask! No need for attacking me, thank you!"

Aramina nodded. "Okay, I got it, I got it. WOAH! Do you see how high that thing is?!" She pointed to the sky as the thing and the Pokemon next to it flew into the air. "What do you think they're--" she put a hand over her mouth, remembering that they had to stay quiet. "I mean, what do you think they're doing up there?" she whispered.

"All those Pokemon look really strong," she said. She looked at the Luxray gijinka. "Hey, Rosanna, do you think he could take them? I mean, he's fully. Evolved."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 416
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 23:44 (10 Years ago)
Rosanna looked at the other Gijinkas.
"Maybe," she replied to Aramina, "But not all of them at once." She wasn't sure how she felt in this situation.
With all those big flying Pokémon around, she didn't feel safe. She felt scared again. A lot of strange things were going on and she wasn't comfortable with it. Are those Pokémon bad? She didn't quite understand.
"A-Aramina? What should we do now? Should we follow them?"

Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 01:29 (10 Years ago)
Takumi whistled softly, watching Artemis. "That's cool. Wonder what's gonna happen next." he said in a cheerful voice. His head still slightly hurt from when he woke up, but he was feeling better now. Especially when he rested with Rairakku and Reiji laying next to him, purring or whatever it is. It was quite comforting.

He stepped out of the shade he was in and headed towards the group of three he saw. Two of them where small, but one of them was about the same size as him. Once he thought he was in ear shoot he called out a greeting, trying not to scare them off. He really had no clue where they were after the boat crashed.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 527
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 01:51 (10 Years ago)
Artemis ran a hand down Palla's scaly neck. "We should go see what that girl wants," he mumbled. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a cloud on dust as Huttser streamed across the beach, and stopped just before he collided with one of Artemis's other Pokemon.

"Huttser, just in time. I think I might need your help in a minute or so," he said. He called his Pokemon into their Pokeballs, except for Chaol. I might not have time to bring everyone else out, in which case I'll need to have a Pokemon ready to fight. Artemis started to walk in the direction he had last seen the girl.

(I have to go to dinner, be back later.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 01:57 (10 Years ago)
Di shrank into the forest when the attack missed, yet he still saw her. Swearing under her breath, she retreated further, and watched him take off on the Hydreigon's back. How dare he use that pokemon for it's wings!

When he landed with two more, strong pokemon, she swore again. There was no way she had a chance in a fair fight. When he called her out, she hesitated. Staying in the shadows, she called back to him after the other pokemon disappeared into those tiny round cages.

"I'm not stupid, those are strong pokemon you've got enslaved there! And I have plenty of reason to attack, thank you!" she called. Not wanting him to find her by her voice, she immediately started sliding around quietly to a different view, trying to keep hidden.

Lein was quite surprised to see the attack. From the distance, he saw the Dieno girl. His first thought was that she had to be crazy, but then again, something had to be done. When the girls suggested that he could take the human on, he rubbed his head, a bit embarrassed and awkward. "I'm plenty strong ladies, but that Hydreigon alone has to be a lot stronger. Deino's and Zweilous are much harder to evolve."

Just then, the new voice called to them. Idiot! Lein whipped around to see what stupid Gijinka could think to make that much noise when even the strong pokemon around here seemed to be puzzled by the creature on the shore. Immediately, he could tell this was no gijinka. Another one of those things?! Without waiting, he stepped between the girls and the creature, and began charging energy. In just a split second, he was firing a Thundershock at the thing. It was strong enough it should hurt, but hopefully wouldn't hurt the trees around.

"You girls should go!" he ordered,quickly, looking over his shoulder at them.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 02:05 (10 Years ago)
Rei blinked as she watched Artemis walk after Diana, from her perch in a high tree. "Hmm...." she muttered to herself, dropping down, somersaulting in the air and landing on her feet on the ground.

"So what's happening Miss. Show Off?" Akane watched, from her reclined position on the ground, her tail twitching slightly, at the thought of something possibly dangerous.

Rei shrugged. "Not sure. Some thing happened and there are some...beings. They look kinda like us, but not exactly." she replied. "So far I spotted two. "One headed towards Lein, Rosanna, and Aramina, and ones trying to find Diana." she paused for a moment, putting one hand on her hip, the other on her chin. "You know I think he's headed towards where we last left Hikaru."

They were both quiet for a moment before they both freaked. "Hikaru!" they shouted, and took off, headed towards their 'ward'.

Hikaru blinked as watched something try to find Diana. Getting up from his spot on the grass he took off after him, looking at Chaol with curiosity.

He quicked his pace, his short legs moving as fast as they could to keep up with the taller being. He couldn't keep his curiosity in check any longer and he gave up once he was walking next to Artemis. "What are you?" he asked, looking up at him.

Takumi's eyes widened at the attack. 'Dang!' he thought. It was an electric attack. "Rin!" he called out, tossing his Luxray's pokeball into the air. In seconds Rin was between them, using Thunder to counter the attack.

Takumi sighed in relief, before stepping up beside Rin, his hands up in the air, palms facing them. "Whoa, hey calm down! I'm not like Artemis over there trying to pick a fight. I just want to ask a few questions." he tried to explain.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 527
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 03:18 (10 Years ago)
"Enslaved? What are you talking about?" Artemis called back. "These are my partners. And based on that attack, you've got Pokemon too, so why are you ratting out on me?" He slowed down, looking to his right. There was a little kid with...blue hair. Okay, not the strangest thing he's seen.

"Well, I'm a Dragon Master. Or at least, I'm trying to be," he said. The kid looked about nine or ten, so he might not have seen a trainer before. He explained further, "I travel the world with dragon-type Pokemon. See Chaol here?" He put a hand on Chaol's neck. "He's one of my partners. Shouldn't you know about this kind of thing? I mean, I learned about Pokemon trainers long before I was your age..."

On a closer inspection, he noticed the kid seemed to have ears and a tail that looked just like a Shinx. "What is this, some kind of cosplay? That's probably the best cosplay I've ever seen. It almost looks..." Wait a second, this kid has real Shinx ears! What kind of island is this?! Artemis remained calm. "Your ears and tail, they're not real, are they?"

Aramina grabbed Rosanna's arm again, and pulled her through the bushes. "We need to get out of here!" she said. "Plus, what if one of their attacks accidentally hits us?" She ran as hard as she could. "Do you know of anyplace close by we could go that's safe?"

She tried to remember if she knew a place, but she couldn't think of one. They could climb a tree, but Aramina kind of doubted Rosanna's climbing skills. The only place she could think of was where she lived, and that was almost halfway across the island. She tripped over a root, and let go of Rosanna's arm out out of surprise, falling down. Tears welled up in her eyes. She sniffled.

"I think I hit my knee on something. It hurts so much," she said. She stood, but couldn't put much weight on her left foot without too much pain.

(Gotta love how Aramina keeps dragging Rosanna behind her everywhere.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 03:36 (10 Years ago)
Di was totally confused by this creature. "Of course I don't 'have' a pokemon! I-" she cut off when she saw the little shinx boy wandering behind the human. Biting her lip, she debated what to do. When the creature noticed, she could wait no longer. Bursting out of the trees, she scrambled across the sand. Darn stuff was so hard to run on!

Finally, she made it to them and but herself full body between the two, arms spread out and facing the creature and the pokemon it had enslaved. "Get out of here, kid. This thing could be dangerous," she spat the word without even facing the child. Without warning, she summoned a Bite, directing the large fangs that appeared straight at the creature, not even caring about the Hydreigon in it's control anymore.

Lein growled, watching the girls go. "How should I know that? Pah! And you're even holding one of my own hostage! I think you'll answer my questions, then get the hell out of here. What the hell are you? You're not a pokemon or a Gijinka. At least not like any I've seen before. We Gijinka don't hold pokemon hostage!" His ears laid back flat, but his tailed waved behind him with sharp motions, making him obviously perturbed. Just like the Deino, he didn't like these things that made the pokemon fret and hide. And that poor Luxray had come from a teeny tiny ball. He doubted even a Shinx could be comfortable scrunched in that! Purposely misaiming, he shot a little warning Spark, but continued to use Charge to build energy in case this turned into a bigger fight.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 527
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 04:02 (10 Years ago)
Artemis tried to dodge when he saw the girl from before start to attack him again, but he didn't quite move quick enough. He felt a Bite connect with his upper arm, and he jumped back. His arm started to bleed, and he clamped a hand over it.

"Thing? What are you talking about? I'm human, you idiot, just like anybody else. Are you saying you're not? And why does talking to a little kid seem like such a crime to you? Honestly, it's like you've never seen a trainer before." He shook his head. "Look, I was really hoping you'd turn out to be a nice person and all, but do you have to keep attacking me? It's like my mere existence is pissing you off."

An idea began to shape in Chaol's mind. This strange-looking human smelled like a Pokemon, and he wondered if she could understand Pokespeech. He tried to speak to her, "You have no need to attack this human, he has done nothing wrong to you. And I am not enslaved by him. I choose to be with him, because he is my trusted friend, just as I am his. But if you continue to harm him, I will have no choice but to teach you the true meaning of pain."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 04:10 (10 Years ago)
Di snarled. "He-oo-man? What the hell is that? Ter-ane-er? Stop talking so cryptic!"

However, when the Hydreigon spoke, she stiffened. "Choose? Why would you want to live in a tiny little cage?" she retorted sharply. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard one of my own say! Has this thing brain washed you, too?" However, she refrained from attacking again. Trying to take down a Hydreigon was begging for trouble. She'd never win that battle. Even a Zweilous was well beyond her abilities. Her arms lowered a bit, but only to take a more defensive stance, seeing as the Shinx boy no longer seemed to be in danger. There was no doubt, though: if she was attacked, she wasn't sticking around to fight back. She had her own tail to save, granted it was small and not visible under her dress.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 416
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 04:20 (10 Years ago)
Fighting noises were erupting around them. Rosanna could feel the tense electric currents in the air.
"Aramina, are you OK?" From a pocket in her dress, Rosanna took out a roll of rough cloth.
"Here," she said. "Maybe this will help your knee."

Rosanna started to wrap Aramina's leg in the gray cloth. Aramina looked to be in great pain. Please be OK, Aramina...
More electricity charged through the air. Being a Minun Gijinka, she was sensitive to any changes like these. Her small, blue ears constantly alerted her of the danger in the area. Unfortunately, it wasn't an ability she could just turn off.
"Aramina, we have to get out of here!" She placed her left arm under Aramina's, grabbing her shoulder. "Can you stand?"
Danger. Danger! We need to leave....but I don't know of any safe places nearby. What can we do?
Not far from where they were, she could hear talking. The voices were getting louder, raised in a verbal battle.

((I won't be RPing on Sundays.))

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 527
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 04:57 (10 Years ago)
"One of your own?" asked Artemis he realized what Chaol must have said. "Are you ignorant? You're not a Pokemon, don't you see? You and me...we're more alike that you think. And I'm not talking cryptic. You...you really have no idea what a human is, do you? I'm a human, just like my partner is a Pokemon. They're just names for different kinds of living things. And a trainer is a human who lives alongside Pokemon. You look human, and your clothes and hairstyle remind me of a Deino. Do you like Deinos?" Artemis began to feel slightly dizzy. I need to get this wound treated. He climbed onto Chaol's back, and held on with his good arm.

"And by the way," he said, as the Hydreigon prepared to take off. "Has anyone ever called you...beautiful?" Chaol leaped into the air, and caught an updraft on his wings.

Aramina sniveled. "Y-yeah," she said quietly. "Maybe. I think I might need some help, though. She leaned her weight on Rosanna.
"I think I can walk, but we have to go slow, kay?" She tested her bad leg a bit. It hurt quite a bit to put weight under it, and she would be limping for a while, but normal types like her usually made fast recoveries. By tomorrow, she would be running around again like usual.
"I think I know an Audino who can help. She's usually the one who helps my cuts and stuff. I saw her near here yesterday, but I dunno if she's still here."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 05:48 (10 Years ago)
"I'm a Deino Gijinka stupid!" Di growled. "And if you lived along side pokemon, why the hell would you tap them in little cages?!" But the human took off. At his departing comment, her face flushed bright red, mainly with rage, but a little bit of embarassment as well. "I... WHAT THE HELL?!!" she stumbled with what to say, then shouted after him. Hydreigon or not, she released a massive Dragon Rage after him, the blue purple fire shooting into the sky. Post facto, though, she regretted it only because she dreaded what the Hydreigon would do. Without any more pause, she raced off back to the tree line, completely forgetting that the Shinx boy had ever been there, so focussed she was in the human and it's enslaved, brainwashed pokemon. Out of the sand, she was ready to bolt back to her home, but her hair stood on end. Literally, there was quite a bit of static in the air, and looking over, she barely made out a Luxray Gijinka between the trees. He was focussed on what seemed to be another human. Well, she hoped he could handle it, because she was high tailing it away from here. She was never a fast runner, but now she felt as if her feet were flying over the ground, jumping over rocks and roots, dodging trees.

((That's it for me for tonight. I won't be on again until 19:00 server time.))
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 13:31 (10 Years ago)
Takumi sighed softly. "Alright, then can you explain. I've seen anything like you guys. You're completely new to me. I'm a human, and this is Rin. She saved my life when I was little. I'm a pokemon trainer." he said.

Rin growled softly, stepping in front of Takumi. Well trying to step in front of Takumi. "Rin." he said. She looked up at him before letting out what seemed to be a sigh, and laid down.

Takumi smiled at her, and sat down with her and started to pet her. "See? I don't want to hurt anybody. I'd just like some answers please."

Hikaru blinked before shrugging, thinking about the new information. Looking around he noticed another he-oo-man and started off towards him. Upon closer inspection he could see another Gijinka and a Luxray. As he got closer he saw it was a Luxray Gijinka.

He started to move faster, wanting to pet the pretty Luxray. When he got close enough he jumped, landing on its back happily. He giggled happily.

Rin felt a small weight land on her back, but on closer inspection only felt what seemed to be a Shinx. She stayed quiet and looked at Takumi, who was smiling at the boy.

"Well hello there." Takumi said pleasantly. "I'm Takumi. And you are?"

Hikaru blinked, looking up at him. "I'm Hikaru. Are you a he-oo-man?" he asked.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 14:39 (10 Years ago)
Luthra had been walking for a while, and was getting more and more worried. The Starly on her shoulder was no help, either. As they got closer to the beach, it got more and more jittery. It kept spouting things out like "Danger! Danger!" and "Intruders!" that weren't helpful at all. All of the pokemon where on edge, escpecially the bird pokemon. And the closer they got to the beach, the more worried she got. She couldn't even try to imagine what had happened there to get everyone so riled up.

She was so intent on getting to the beach and figuring out what was wrong that she didn't hear the voices up ahead or register the amount of static in the area. She rounded a corner and imeddiately ran into two Gijinkas. The Starly screeched in surpise and flew into the trees. Her face grew red in anger, and she took out her worry for the pokemon on the furret and minun without even realizing how young one of them was or that the other one was injured.

"You idiots!" she yelled angrily. "You scared off the Starly I was helping!"
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 15:17 (10 Years ago)
Lein studied the other Luxray. He had been saved countless times by other pokemon, usually Luxio's and Luxrays, when he was just a Shinx. Maybe there was a word of truth to this he-oo-man thin.

The shinx kid was quite unexpected, though. When he tackled the foe Luxray, Lein stumbled back a bit in surprise. His first thought was if it could possibly be Luthra, his sister, but he quickly registered that the kid was too young, and also a boy. "Yeah, he's he-oo-man kid. And I don't know about you, but I'd feel a lot better if you came away from there," he growled. The Luxray seemed fine, but he didn't like the look of the he-oo-man still. What if it was holding other pokemon hostage to work for him? Like a ground type! That could spell disaster...

Addressing this human again, he narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, appearing to relax a bit, but in reality he was as tensed as any cat pokemon right before they sprang. "So, what do you want to know? 'Some answers' is pretty generic."
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 15:36 (10 Years ago)
Ichigo was sleeping the trees when she was woken up to the sound of a Hydreigon take off. She immediately climbed to the top to see the pokemon and saw a gijinika riding it. That's strange, I wonder what Hydreigon would let a gijinika ride it? Suddenly a bunch of Starly flew away as fast as they could and seemed to be scared of the gijinika riding the Hydreigon. Ichigo started to climb trhough the treetops chasing after the gijinika to find out how he convinced a Hydreigon to let him ride it and why he was scaring the Starly.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 527
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 17:54 (10 Years ago)
Aramina shrank back when another gijinka started to yell at her. "S-sorry," she said. "How did we even scare it?" she asked. The Furret gijinka hid behind Rosanna. Eek, this lady is scary...

"But, um, have you seen an Audino around here anywhere? 'Cause, well, um, we need to find her, so I can, um, yeah," she said. She shuffled her feet in the dirt, not sure what to do with the situation.

Artemis called out his other Pokemon. Palla and Chirin flew alongside Chaol, and Huttser glided below them. "Did any of you find anyplace calm?" Palla and Chirin didn't show any signs that they had found anything, but Huttser took the lead, gliding towards a volcano. A volcano? I don't think that's the best place to be, Artemis thought.

The Garchomp swooped down to the base of the Volcano, where an old building rose from the ground. So, people do live on this island! The entire group dived down, and stopped in a clearing at the building's front. To say the least, Artemis was a bit disappointed. It seemed that this building hadn't been used in quite a long time. Still, it seemed that the island inhabitants avoided it, so he could at least get some rest before they figured out why everyone dressed so strangely.

"Nice work, Huttser," he gave the dragon a rub near the base of his neck, his favorite spot, and half slid, half jumped off Chaol's back. I need to get this wound treated. It's worse than I originally thought. He led the way into the building, stumbling a few times. Palla offered herself for support, and Artemis hung one arm around her neck.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists