-1 because scroll
-1 because it looked a bit too crowded, like the images were too
big, and the text was just shoved in there
-0.5 because you have a a lot of gifs ;'0 also,Idon'tthink"PMs"wouldhaveanapostrophesinceit'sapluralnoun,notapossessive
I love the way it's organized !!
-0.5 because there aren't any spaces between sentences
-1 because there's a lot of bold ;'0 plain italics would look
better imo
Very pretty, though~
it's sort of bland. it scrolls down, too, and im not a big fan of
that. however, this could easily be fixed with the use of the
center code, a gif or two, and/or some color.
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
❤️ Beautiful, love the custom widget!
❤️ Lovely, and no scroll!
❤️ Bland colors, but the fact they are bland honestly makes it look
better; in your case!
⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and
profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these
-1 for the image appearing to be too big (?)
-1 for a general lack of eyecatchers [but good information!!]
-1 for a few spelling/ punctuation errors
-1 because the "goals" thing should go in a diary imo
-1 for scroll
-1 for the boring way the information is presented
-1 for large disorganization
-1 for complete lack of capitalization and spaces after punctuation
-0.5 for lack of capitalization
-0.5 because imo the colour of the blue text could match the
Altaria plushie better [I finally see what you did there omg]
-1 because I feel like it needs a different image of something, or
another? Unsure of what exactly it needs, but a bit more of an
eyecatcher I guess
-0.5 because it's /slightly/ empty