I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username: Onyx Present You Are Donating: 25k PD, 1 Dragon Gem, 1 Gold Key,
and a Plushie of choice Your Wish List:
* Mega or mega-able (absol *-*)
* Sky Pillar Map
* Star Pieces
* Retro Egg Voucher
* Other: Santa Jaws
Accepted!~ Please set up the trades and send everything. The
plushie will wait until when it is time to send the presents
I will set up the GE for dragon gem.
I'm on the nice list, Nova!
(This is a lie ;c) Username: Omnia Present You Are Donating: 50k PD, 300+ Dream Points, 2 Small
Nuggets, a bunch of Dustoxes, and anything else I might find
o3o Your Wish List:
*Sparkly popcorn and blue chocolate chip cookies(I'M SERIOUS)
*My fricking shiny to hatch
*Copy of "Blood of Olympus".....
*And a freaking female Mudkip. Other: Santa Jaws (IS COMING TO TOOOOWNNN...)
cx SPARKLY POPPPCOOORN *twirls and the stuff comes raining down*
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username: Dcasom Present You Are Donating: 2 artworks, 2 fire stones, 2
thunder stones, a Glaceon, a Snowy Castform, and a Bulbasaur
couple Your Wish List:
* 2 megastones ;v;
* art improvement
* a female Misdreavus
* weather balloons
* Mismagius plushies : D Other: Santa Jaws
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username:xXxDragon_Charms Present You Are Donating:5k pd,10 pokemon,10 gems
[u]Your Wish List:
*Star pieces
*mega able charzirad X
*Normal gems
* Other:Santa Jaws
Omnia, send the PD. And you can't send less than 50 small nuggets.
Save the DP for when the presents are given out. I will contact
you. No dustoxes need. Mainly looking for what is posted in the
first post. :) Sorry.
Dcasom, you're art is amazing I must say. The users who get those
will be very lucky!! *__* Could you set up the trades please? I'm
adding you now~
Dragon, as long as the pokemon are ice type, events, or anything of
the first post, then send them over if you wish. please send the PD
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username: TimTam Present You Are Donating: 3 Fairy Gems, Disguised Exeggcute, another
Disguised Exeggcute Your Wish List:
* A legendary bird <3
* Rumble Maps (or summons)
* Plushies with nice messages~
* Ice Gems
* A PH family! Other: Santa Jaws
I'm on the nice list, Nova!
Present You Are Donating:Moon stone,Thunder stone,Charmeleon,4Water
gems and an Eevee pair
Your Wish List:
*Lugia Egg Voucher
*And a lot of Luck to who parcitipated! ^^
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username:XManuel1239 Present You Are Donating:50 fightning gem,50 electric
gem Your Wish List:
*Shiny Braixen
*Shiny Delphox
*Shiny Piplup Other:Readed the rules :3 and Santa Jaws
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username:Shadow_Koin Present You Are Donating:Sky Pillar map Your Wish List:
*A shiny Sylveon
*A mega-able
*A mega stone
*Small Nuggets //I can dream right?
*And Dragon gems Other:Santa Snap Jaws o3o
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username: Finhawk Present You Are Donating: 3 retro starter egg vouchers Your Wish List:
*Scraggy plushies
*Dark gems so I can buy more scraggy eggs
*More time to sleep
*Motivation to interact more Other:Santa Jaws is totes cool.
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username: Minions Present You Are Donating: Mega able charizard y Your Wish List:
*A life of course
*An extra life
*Poisen gems
*A lump of coal Other: Santa Jaws!
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username:Geisha13 Present You Are Donating:4 star-pieces, 5 water stones, 1
dreadplate, 3 female Wartortles
and I can give Zoruas (any gender) if you need ;P Oh and
Plushies~ Your Wish List:
*New friends!!
*Shiny or mega pokes~
*Rumble maps
*My missing plushies
*Dragon gems Other: Santa Jaws
[color=darkred]I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username:Dedennemaster205 Present You Are Donating: Dedenne Your Wish List:
*Rumble Area Maps
*Fairy Gems
*Electric Gems
Other: Santa Jaws!
LucarioTheAuraGuardian and XManuel, please re-read the rules and
edit your form. ;)
Kaka, please do not spam in here. I have reported your post.
Geisha, just send whatever that doesn't fit on the wartortles on
the Zoruas(: I can use them as presents as well. Plushies I will
tell you who to send them to. :)
Other than the two I tolod to fix their forms, you are all
accepted. Please set up all your trades in the GTS and send PD. :)
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username:Pitaryt Present You Are Donating:
3 normal gems,Deerling(winter),Deerling(autumn),Pumpkamboo,2 gastly
and 2 haunters(how to give the gems?I will put the pokemons in
GTS) Your Wish List:
*New friends :)
*Rumble area maps
*Boxes and keys
*Any unwanted pokemon(It's Christmas everyone need to be happy)
*PD Other:
Santa Jaws
Only 24 days left to Christmas!