Forum Thread
Become a Wiki Helper! [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → News → Become a Wiki Helper! [CLOSED]Hello everyone!
As you may have guessed from the title, we are looking for more Wiki Helpers! By becoming a Wiki Helper, you will be able to create and edit articles on our Wiki, and keeping all information up to date for everyone.
In case you did not know - the Wiki is closed for everyone (apart from the current Wiki staff) to prevent users from making unnecessary SPAM. By becoming a Wiki Helper, you will have full access to the Wiki, which will allow you to edit and make articles.
To apply, you will need to make some articles about a specific topic, and it's important that you Private Message the article(s) to me (Toothie).
This is the list of the articles which will need to be made for submission. You can pick any topic you want to write about.
Note: You can make a minimum of 1 article. Making more than 1 article will increase your chances of becoming a Wiki Helper.

• "Event Pokemon" article - (Event Pokemon in general)
• "Union Room" article
• "Item bag" article
• "Friend list" article
• "Storage Boxes" article - (Must include "Bill's House" information)
• "PalPad" article
• "Party"
• "Battle Shop" article
When applying, or writing/submitting an article, you will need to look out for the following:
• Trainer Level - Please make sure your Trainer Level is 15 or higher before applying. Your Trainer Level can be seen on your profile, and on your user bar.
• Active - It is extremely important that you are active on Pokeheroes. (Spending time on PokeHeroes for at least a day)
• Grammar - Grammar is the key when writing an article. Your article will need to be clear and understandable to read. This includes correct spelling, and correct punctuation.
• Information - Make sure what you're writing about is related to the topic you're meant to write about. If you're writing about the PalPad, you need to write about the PalPad. In other words, do not go completely off-topic.
• Language - Please write your articles in good English. Chat language, swearing and inappropriate language is not allowed in the articles.
• Helpful - Your article will need to be helpful for people, and informative as possible. This will mean going into detail about certain features.
• Images - Images/Screenshots are important in articles, as they will guide users who are stuck with something. If possible, try including some screenshots in your articles.
Q: Will I get a Wiki Helper banner if I'm accepted?
A: Yes, you will.
Q: How many helpers will you accept?
A: Currently there is no limit, but we will be picking mostly the active ones. We will also pick helpers based on how good your article submissions are.
Q: How many submissions can we make?
A: As stated above, you can make one or more, about topics stated in the spoiler box above.
Q: How can I add screenshots in my submissions?
A: Check out this BBCode guide.
Q: Will we be able to use BBCode when making articles on the wiki?
A: The wiki does not use BBCode. It will have it's own special wiki code.
Q: Where will the accepted helpers be announced?
A: On this thread. If you are accepted, you will receive a PM.
Q: Is there a time limit for this?
A: There is no time limit for this currently - but there is also no need to rush. You all have plenty of time, and I will start picking the Helpers when I think the time is right. (Mostly judging on how many submissions I will get)
[i]"Shinah. It means
For the articles, IE "Event Pokemon" (or other many faceted sections), do you want a large article about them all, or were you thinking articles about specific event pokemon?
Also, in the same note, may I write submissions about things the wiki may be missing as well? After I write some examples of the other stuff of course.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
1. I'd like a large article about them in general.
2. No thanks - It's best to stick with the articles provided in the main post.
Edit: I have added two more articles which users may work on. ("Party", and "Battle Shop")
[i]"Shinah. It means
Toothie judges.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
There is no time limit for this currently - but there is also no need to rush. You have plenty of time, and I will start picking the Helpers when I think the time is right. (Judging on how many submissions I will get)
Please read the first paragraph on the main post. The wiki is closed for other users right now, so you cannot make or edit articles on the wiki yourself. This is why we're looking for New Wiki Helpers to do that.
Write your article here on PH, and Private Message me it.
[i]"Shinah. It means
• Trainer Level - Trainer lvl-38 :>
• Active - I am here at least 17 hours per day.I rarely leave the site for 1 or maximum 2 days.
• Grammar - Not a problem at all.If I pay attention everything will be okay.Coding will also be easy for me if it is requited.
• Information - I'll search information before I will write something & send it to Toothie
• Language - British or American English...doesn't matter.I'll make sure that the article can be understood by anyone which reads it.
• Helpful - short or long,helpful & clear.The only words I need.
• Images - Screenshot via Lightshot or other sites.They can be edited in SAI or PS CS6 with no problem
-I'll try my best Toothie -senpai >uo/

Toothie said that you must write your application on at least one the following topics:

• "Event Pokemon" article - (Event Pokemon in general)
• "Union Room" article
• "Item bag" article
• "Friend list" article
• "Storage Boxes" article - (Must include "Bill's House" information)
• "PalPad" article
• "Party"
• "Battle Shop" article
That means that you can pick and chose from this list and then you will be evaluated on what ever you wrote. You can't choose to write on anything that was not listed. So basically article=topics.
As for writing anything, make sure your are concise and that the information if helpful to the reader(this sounds like a no brainier lol). For example in the DW shop article it isn't written with uber detailed things like a walk through of how you actually send a plushie to a friend (which would be gaining the points, entering the user name, adding a message, and them receiving a notification). This information seems obvious and simple to understand for people who know English so it was omitted from the page.
For aesthetics it doesn't need to be fancy with ribbons and fancy dividers. The information is usually just divided in major headings and smaller sub-heading for more elaboration on that subject. (You can try to Emulate that feelings by using horizontal lines and different text sizes ^^) Include images if you think it is necessary.
I hope this helps you and anyone else planning to apply! Good luck! :)

• Trainer Level - 17
• Active - I am online nearly everyday for an hour or two, maybe more.
• Grammar - I am not a native English speaker, but I always try my best.
• Information - I normally do not go off-topic when I write stories, so it's unlikely I'll do that in articles.
• Language - I do not swear, rarely use chat language and do not use inappropriate words, so I think I'm safe....
• Helpful - I believe people (in real life) commend me for an extraordinary amount of detail.
• Images - I know how to include them, and I already have.