There is a password this time
1.)once you have posted you may not post again!
2.) please use the form! (if you have questions put it under the
form! and if you have posted already and have a question feel free
to pm me ^-^
3.) no spamming!
4.) all pokeheroes rules apply!
5.) you have 2 days to post after i have drawn to get your prize if
you do not post the number will be redrawn!
6.) please fill out "what will you do with it if you win".
Leave the password blank. do not type anything~
7.) If you are away for the 2 days after the raffle ends you will
be excused if you provide a reason.
just fill this out and i will pick a winner using and
then that post # wins!
What will you do with it if you win?:Give to my good friend
Other?:Hope i win im glad i had a chance to join thank you for
creating this raffle! :)
Password: Alpha Sapphire Omega Ruby
What will you do with it if you win?: Add it to my most prized
collection of shinies =^_^= and forever love it, of course
Username?: yuki_cross
Other?: thank you for the chance, and good luck to all
Password: neither
c: c: c: c: c:
What will you do with it if you win?: Gift one of My Friends, or
stay with it. I saw the new prizes, Gosh I really want that Mareep.
Username?: Piplup
Other?: I love Shiny Butterfree's Eyes, they are green, and Green
is my favorite color! I Love Mareep.
Password: I dont have money to buy. .w.
What will you do with it if you win?: I'll keep it in my party and
call it Fluying butter ouo
Username?: MrMostacho
Other?:Thanks for the chance!
Password: ømega Ruby <3
What will you do with it if you win?: Place it in my party and take
care of it just like all my other pokemons^^
Username?: AnimalDragon
Other?:Thank you so much for this chance, good luck to all!
Password: Not sure, i think Omega Sapphire.
What will you do with it if you win?:I will always keep ti in my
party and give it love and train it. I will nickname it Apocalypse
for the Absol, Cottoncandy for the mareep,nightmare for the
nannette etc.
Other?:thank you so much for doing this
What will you do with it if you win?: Keep it <3
Username?: Tune
Other?: This is really nice, can't understand why you're raffling
away lovely shinies . o.
Password: I pre-booked AS about 2 months ago haha. Can't wait for
it *dies from hype*
What will you do with it if you win?: name her and keep her.
Username?: novasplitz
Other?: thanks for the raffle
Password: neither, I have no money :'(
What will you do with it if you win?: luv it and level it
Username?: Oddballme
Other?: Thank you!
Password: Hopefully both eventually. But for now, Alpha