Forum Thread
[closed]Grand Raffle Heroes
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [closed]Grand Raffle HeroesRules
::All PH Rules::
::Dont Spam::
::Dont Rush Me::
::Everyone can choose 2 free numbers::
::You have 48h to claim prize::
::Raffle Ends 16.11 Or When All Numbers Will Be Out::
::To Claim Reward Please PM Or Pal Pad Me. Dont Make Post Here!
Prizes and Winners


Number List

1. apqsyafiqp
2. Squirtle002
3. elianne
4. Piolla
5. elianne
6. XyChrus
7. DarkWolf
8. SwaggySpheal
9. AriaceMasquirell
10. ~Kid~
11. crystal_the_dragonair
12. NaeltheDbzFreakXD
13. CatLady
14. Rini00
15. WhiteAndBlack2
16. DarkWolf
17. ~Kid~
18. Professor_Joe
19. Miky
20. CadetArianRae
21. Christy-Taylor
22. Squirtle002
23. Miky
24. Mew248
25. paivansade
26. QwakDuck
27. Amphareixon
28. twinArmageddons
29. ItzAChaaaaarmander
30. FatherOfDaycare
31. Uchiha_Sasuke
32. BlackMamba
33. Professor_Joe
34. Princess
35. ItzAChaaaaarmander
36. XManuel1239
37. NovaSplitz
38. destinys-call
39. Chicken
40. Latios_Master
41. danijust
42. Furret
43. GlaciaSnow
44. Amphareixon
45. Ultimate
46. QwakDuck
47. Christy-Taylor
48. CadetArianRae
49. AshKetchumKalos
50. piggylover29
51. YZXslasher1327Q
52. ikkeme
53. MinhTheMegaDeoxys
54. abgrade
55. piggylover29
56. Ultimate
57. not-existed
58. Stephanotis
59. Lugia
60. XManuel1239
61. NovaSplitz
62. Aldeiabragues
63. ItzAWhaaaaale
64. Fionna
65. Krys
66. hoodlor
67. 0Ice0
68. Nighty
69. MinhTheMegaDeoxys
70. Furret
71. kalac
72. kalac
73. MrMostacho
74. MrMostacho
75. hiddenhell
76. Angell
77. AshKetchumKalos
78. Skar
79. YZXslasher1327Q
80. MeloettazMelody
81. paivansade
82. Abby
83. Yoru
84. Mew248
85. crystalsnow25
86. BlackMamba
87. crystalsnow25
88. SwaggySpheal
89. Jimm
90. FatherOfDaycare
91. not-existed
92. danijust
93. Doopliss
94. Jackling
95. Diana
96. ikkeme
97. XyChrus
98. Stephanotis
99. AriaceMasquirell
100. MeloettazMelody
101. Angell
102. Skar
103. Yoru
104. Eeveelution8
105. ItzAWhaaaaale
106. DarkDragonite
107. iAttorney
108. Diana
109. Jokar
110. Flohpulver
111. Rini00
112. Riolu
113. Nighty
114. ShinyBisharpKing
115. 0Ice0
116. Dedennemaster205
117. Krys
118. ShinyBisharpKing
119. tatelo1
120. cissnei
121. Comfort
122. Abby
123. abgrade
124. Eeveelution8
125. hiddenhell
126. Piolla123
127. Axicia-Sho
128. Pokelator
129. AkariMoon
130. CatLady
131. Herbstpoet
132. Fionna
133. Flohpulver
134. Jokar
135. Shizuka
136. Korrina
137. Riolu
138. Jimm
139. Pokelator
140. cissnei
141. DrewArmstrong
142. hoodlor
143. DrewArmstrong
144. GlaciaSnow
145. Raylong268
146. JinX
147. Raylong268
148. LordLucario
149. Dragoniss
150. yuki_cross
151. Humza-Senpai
152. WhiteAndBlack2
153. TimTam
154. Tras23
155. drafang62
156. Humza-Senpai
157. Pokemonlover28
158. Spade
159. Lugia
160. yuki_cross
161. CrashKing
162. CrashKing
163. AkariMoon
164. Doopliss
165. drafang62
166. DarkDragonite
167. Tras23
168. Shizuka
169. Potato_Kun
170. Comfort
171. Sturmi
172. Axicia-Sho
173. Spade
174. tatelo1
175. Percy
176. TimTam
177. Latios_Master
178. TeawithSoda
179. Potato_Kun
180. Jackling
181. Herbstpoet
182. Chicken
183. JinX
184. Sturmi
185. Remy
186. Uchiha_Sasuke
187. Percy
188. LordLucario
189. Aldeiabragues
190. Pokemonlover28
191. destinys-call
192. Hideyoshi
193. twinArmageddons
194. Dragoniss
195. Hideyoshi
196. dhawal
197. dhawal
198. Princess
199. crystal_the_dragonair
200. apqsyafiqp

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!