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Interaction Multiplier IconIce Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 39

Trainerpoints: 1,641/4,601


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Game Records

Trainer ID: #409092190
Registration: 19/11/2013 (11 Years ago)
Time Played: 734:24 Hours
Total interactions: 78,312
Money: 573,070
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


Got some Unown up in the AH for a day. If anyone is interested, go take a bite out of them. :3
5 Years ago
You push the green key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Ultra Saddle found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

Woot. o:

What is this even for..?
5 Years ago
Okie Dokes people. I have put a few of my shinies up on the A.H. If you are interested, they are in the 1-2 day set up. (:

Good luck!
5 Years ago
Selling All of My Specials, Shinies, Events, and Legendary Pokemon. Currently selling out Legendaries, go check out my page to see the prev posts of what is being sold as of right now.

Happy Holidays! (:
5 Years ago
Second round of Pokes for Sale. (: Palpad Me, do not message or comment. First Come, First Serve.

Event Legends:

Raylong - 40,000 PD
Polestar - 65,000 PD

Other Pokes:

x26 Unown - 15,000 PD ea.
Rotom (Lawnmower) - 6,000 PD
Cosmog - 45,000 PD
5 Years ago
First round of Pokes I'm Selling. Palpad me if you are interested. It's first come, first serve!


Lugia - 7,500 PD
Shadow Lugia - 10,500 PD
Celebi - 8,500 PD
Raikou - 45,000 PD
Entei - 100,000 PD


x2 Regirock - 5,500 PD ea.
Regice - 15,000 PD
Registeel - 19,500 PD
Mega Rayquaza - 95,000 PD
Primal Kyogre - 95,000 PD
Mega Groudon - 95,000 PD
Jirachi - 25,000 PD


Shaymin (Sky) - 70,000 PD
Heatran - 65,000 PD
Uxie - 30,000 PD
Mesprit - 35,000 PD
Azelf - 30,000 PD
Palkia - 110,000 PD
Dialga - 110,000 PD


Kyurem - 70,000 PD
Keldeo 60,000 PD
Meloetta Pirouette - 250,000 PD


Zygarde (Core Forme) - 90,000 PD
x3 Hoopa - 5,000 PD ea.
x2 Lunala - 60,000 PD
5 Years ago
So.. I've been thinking about it for a while now, especially since I've lost interest in coming on here much anymore. (Life stuff, and other shizz.) Sooo.. I'm gonna be selling off my pokemon. That's right. The legendaries, the shinies, the specials too. I will be making a list shortly of prices.

You might ask, "Why not just give them away like others have?"
Because for one thing, I am not those other people. They were nice to do that, but I'm not going to. The second thing, I worked my butt off trying to get the poke`s that I did. Blood, Sweat, and a whole lot of Frustration. I'm not going to just simply, Give that all away. It comes with a price, especially if should I come back ever again, at least I'll have coinage to do stuff with and not be super freaking broke.

So uh, yeah.. Comment if you're interested I suppose? (No, I will not give any away for friends), and especially not kiss-ups. If you try to guilt trip me like a child, I will simply block you. (: Get it?
See ya soon.
5 Years ago
7675 1413 0167

Add me on Pokemon Go. (:
5 Years ago
If you are still looking for friends on Pokemon Go, try adding my hubby here.

3075 6302 6697

:3 Have a great daayy.
5 Years ago
Hey all, if you're still looking for a friend on Pokemon Go, then add me. (:

2660 8832 5913
5 Years ago
Interaction exchange? c: Leave a <3.
5 Years ago
Buying Fire Gems for 825 PD ea.

Trading Dragon Gems (I have 5) for 50 Fire gems each 1 dragon gem.

Willing to trade other gems in my possession for Fire Gems. 1:1.

If interested, just palpad me in asking what gems I have and Ill screenshot it for ya. (: If interested in the other offers, please palpad or message me. !

Thank you to anyone who helps in advance. <3 You are awesome.
5 Years ago
Buying Fire Gems for 850 PD ea.

Palpad if interested. <3
5 Years ago
shiny pidgey from wonder trade. rip. xD
5 Years ago
Buying FIRE gems for 850 PD ea!

Palpad if interested!
5 Years ago
In turn with my Shiny Fennekin Hunt starting, I now desperately NEED Fire Gems!

(and since I saw the update on fire gems now..)

I am buying FIRE Gems for 850 PD ea!

Palpad/Message if You or Someone you know will be interested in selling their gems just laying and wasting. ;p

Thank you in advance to everyone who helps. (: <3
5 Years ago
Starting into my Shiny (Starter) Fennekin Hunt! Slots are now O.P.E.N.

I have 2 Slots open as of right now, but I will be doing things a little bit differently this round. May open more once I start Premium up again.

1 Person can have Up To TWO (2) separate orders ONLY if you desire BOTH Genders. Otherwise, Only One (1) order is allowed.

Price: S. Male - 280,500 PD / S. Female - 300,000 PD
\-OR-/ M - 187 Nuggets / F - 200 Nuggets.

(Will accept a mix & match payment:
M - 150,000 PD + 94 Nuggets / F - 130,500 PD + 100 Nuggets.)

Payment plan is Half NOW & Half LATER. No ifs, ands, or buts. I won't change it.

If anyone is interested, PALPAD/MESSAGE ME. Come before the slots are filled!

(Prices come from the Price Check Forum so they are fair).
5 Years ago
Help hatch my fennekin eggs, and I'll return. Just leave a heart! <3 :3
5 Years ago
Hey, you! Yeah, You. With the tail!

Go check out this New Suggestion!

Give your honest vote. (:
5 Years ago
Help hatch my fennekin eggs, and I'll return. (: Just heart it so I know! <3
5 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (5 Years ago)