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Game Records

Registration: 19/11/2013 (11 Years ago)
Time Played: 734:24 Hours
Total interactions: 78,312
Money: 573,070

Starter Pokémon:

The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
1x Ultra Saddle found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.
Woot. o:
What is this even for..?
Good luck!
Happy Holidays! (:
Event Legends:
Raylong - 40,000 PD
Polestar - 65,000 PD
Other Pokes:
x26 Unown - 15,000 PD ea.
Rotom (Lawnmower) - 6,000 PD
Cosmog - 45,000 PD
Lugia - 7,500 PD
Shadow Lugia - 10,500 PD
Celebi - 8,500 PD
Raikou - 45,000 PD
Entei - 100,000 PD
x2 Regirock - 5,500 PD ea.
Regice - 15,000 PD
Registeel - 19,500 PD
Mega Rayquaza - 95,000 PD
Primal Kyogre - 95,000 PD
Mega Groudon - 95,000 PD
Jirachi - 25,000 PD
Shaymin (Sky) - 70,000 PD
Heatran - 65,000 PD
Uxie - 30,000 PD
Mesprit - 35,000 PD
Azelf - 30,000 PD
Palkia - 110,000 PD
Dialga - 110,000 PD
Kyurem - 70,000 PD
Keldeo 60,000 PD
Meloetta Pirouette - 250,000 PD
Zygarde (Core Forme) - 90,000 PD
x3 Hoopa - 5,000 PD ea.
x2 Lunala - 60,000 PD
You might ask, "Why not just give them away like others have?"
Because for one thing, I am not those other people. They were nice to do that, but I'm not going to. The second thing, I worked my butt off trying to get the poke`s that I did. Blood, Sweat, and a whole lot of Frustration. I'm not going to just simply, Give that all away. It comes with a price, especially if should I come back ever again, at least I'll have coinage to do stuff with and not be super freaking broke.
So uh, yeah.. Comment if you're interested I suppose? (No, I will not give any away for friends), and especially not kiss-ups. If you try to guilt trip me like a child, I will simply block you. (: Get it?
See ya soon.
3075 6302 6697
:3 Have a great daayy.
2660 8832 5913
Trading Dragon Gems (I have 5) for 50 Fire gems each 1 dragon gem.
Willing to trade other gems in my possession for Fire Gems. 1:1.
If interested, just palpad me in asking what gems I have and Ill screenshot it for ya. (: If interested in the other offers, please palpad or message me. !
Thank you to anyone who helps in advance. <3 You are awesome.
(and since I saw the update on fire gems now..)
I am buying FIRE Gems for 850 PD ea!
Palpad/Message if You or Someone you know will be interested in selling their gems just laying and wasting. ;p
Thank you in advance to everyone who helps. (: <3
I have 2 Slots open as of right now, but I will be doing things a little bit differently this round. May open more once I start Premium up again.
1 Person can have Up To TWO (2) separate orders ONLY if you desire BOTH Genders. Otherwise, Only One (1) order is allowed.
Price: S. Male - 280,500 PD / S. Female - 300,000 PD
\-OR-/ M - 187 Nuggets / F - 200 Nuggets.
(Will accept a mix & match payment:
M - 150,000 PD + 94 Nuggets / F - 130,500 PD + 100 Nuggets.)
Payment plan is Half NOW & Half LATER. No ifs, ands, or buts. I won't change it.
If anyone is interested, PALPAD/MESSAGE ME. Come before the slots are filled!
(Prices come from the Price Check Forum so they are fair).
Last Action |
Reading the news (5 Years ago) |