1.)once you have posted you may not post again!
2.) please only use the form! (if you have questions put it under
the form! and if you have posted already and have a question feel
free to pm me ^-^
3.) no spamming!
4.) all pokeheroes rules apply!
5.) you have 2 days to post after i have drawn to get your prize if
you do not post the number will be redrawn!
6.) please fill out "what will you do with it if you win".
Leave "password:" Blank
7.) If you are away for the 2 days after the raffle ends you will
be excused if you provide a reason.
just fill this out and i will pick a winner using random.org and
then that post # wins!
What will you do with it if you win? I shall call it Princess (the
Poke) ^^
Username?: saketo ":P"
Other?:hmm nothing else to add
Password: lol what pass ^^ xD?
What will you do with it if you win?: become a shepperd and start
flocking shiny mareep
Username?: Goldenarcanine
Other?: ........Happy Halloween
What will you do with it if you win?: Id give the pokemon lots of
hugs and use the pd to rehome homeless pokemon at the auction house
Username?: infinityplayspokemon
Other?: Good Luck Everyone!
What will you do with it if you win?: use the pokemon to work on my
pokedex, and pd wise, would use for shiny hunts
Username?: yuki_cross
Other?: thank you for the chance, and good luck to all ^_^
What will you do with it if you win?: If I get a Uxie, I'll call it
"The Bringer of Knowledge" If I get a Shiny Mareep, I'll fully
evolve it into Ampharos! PD, spend it~
Username?: TimTam
Other?: Thanks for this~
What will you do with it if you win?: If I won the Uxie, I would
probably sell it. If I won a shiny Mareep, I would adore it. And if
I won the PD, I would save it to sponsor my future hunts.
Username?: ikkeme
Other?: This is a great raffle!!
What will you do with it if you win?: If I won the Uxie or shiny
Mareep, I would keep and raise it as my own.if I won the PD, I
would Give it to someone who would be in need of money.
Other?: thanks for making the raffle
What will you do with it if you win?: I'd keep the Pokémons and use
the money to get me a mega able Absol <3 I'd just put an Ever
Stone since Mareeps are cuter than Flaafy and Ampharos :3
Username?: vilela
Other?: Thanks for the Halloween raffle <3