Forum Thread
Trick or Treat
Forum-Index → News → Trick or TreatHalloween Event
*turns on the creepy flashlight* wooo, it's haaaalloween ~ Emera Town is wrapped by silent darkness, flickering street lights, random wind noises and... Happy trainers ringing on door bells, asking for candies!
Yay, it's candy time again :D
Similar to last year, we are having a very special Halloween Event Distribution with creepy Event-Pokémon, some nice trick or treat'ing and bags full of sweet stuff!
Our new special Event Distribution starts on October 16th.
Your task is to collect

The collected Halloween Sweets can be traded for Event Eggs or special Event Items. More information about that can be found on the Halloween Event Distribution page (This page can also be accessed from Home → Halloween Event).
New Feature: Collect candies on Rumble Missions! After purchasing the item "Explorer Halloween Upgrade" on the Event-page, your Pokémon are able to find a few sweets on their missions.
You will see & claim the collected amount when retrieving your Pokémon. But be careful, maybe your Pokémon returns with empty hands but with a belly full of sugar...
Similar to last year, every user has a "Trick or Treat Skills Level". This level is displayed on the Event Distribution page and it determines how well you are doing when Trick or Treat'ing other members. The higher your skills level, the more "Trick or Treats" can be performed per day.
Everyone who participated in last year's Halloween Event still got 20% of their Skill Points from last year (Maximum: Level 3). So it's a little easier for everyone who has been active for over a year now :)
Another event we are holding this year is Community Drawing Event.
For more information and to sign up for this event, check out the thread here

In other words: I will implement some small "Easter Eggs" in the next few days :3 They can be either a little creepy, entertaining or just.. random.
First Easter Egg: Click on the Header of this news post.
Also don't forget to change your background image setting to our cool Halloween-theme! This is obviously optional, but it really looks awesome and you should definitely consider changing it for the month of October.
Happy Halloween, everyone!
I loved the Event last year.
I'm really looking forward to it! <3

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...
For the rest awasome!