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Trick or Treat

Forum-Index News Trick or Treat
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,814
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:20 (10 Years ago)

Halloween Event

*turns on the creepy flashlight* wooo, it's haaaalloween ~ Emera Town is wrapped by silent darkness, flickering street lights, random wind noises and... Happy trainers ringing on door bells, asking for candies!

Yay, it's candy time again :D
Similar to last year, we are having a very special Halloween Event Distribution with creepy Event-Pokémon, some nice trick or treat'ing and bags full of sweet stuff!

Event Distribution

Our new special Event Distribution starts on October 16th.
Your task is to collect Halloween Sweets through interacting, 'trick or treat'ing other members or by collecting them on Rumble Missions! There are different enjoyable possibilities for you to collect a huge amount of candies - but not only for your belly!

The collected Halloween Sweets can be traded for Event Eggs or special Event Items. More information about that can be found on the Halloween Event Distribution page (This page can also be accessed from HomeHalloween Event).

New Feature: Collect candies on Rumble Missions! After purchasing the item "Explorer Halloween Upgrade" on the Event-page, your Pokémon are able to find a few sweets on their missions.
You will see & claim the collected amount when retrieving your Pokémon. But be careful, maybe your Pokémon returns with empty hands but with a belly full of sugar...

This Event ends on October 31st

Trick or Treat - Skills Level

Similar to last year, every user has a "Trick or Treat Skills Level". This level is displayed on the Event Distribution page and it determines how well you are doing when Trick or Treat'ing other members. The higher your skills level, the more "Trick or Treats" can be performed per day.

Everyone who participated in last year's Halloween Event still got 20% of their Skill Points from last year (Maximum: Level 3). So it's a little easier for everyone who has been active for over a year now :)

Community Drawing Event

Another event we are holding this year is Community Drawing Event.

For more information and to sign up for this event, check out the thread here

More Halloween Stuff

Watch out during the next two weeks - some parts of Emera Town are turning creepy and dark... Be careful when meeting a young lady with a Drifloon! And also pay attention when walking outside at night - you never know what happens when an Espurr crosses your way. They can be pretty scary!
In other words: I will implement some small "Easter Eggs" in the next few days :3 They can be either a little creepy, entertaining or just.. random.
First Easter Egg: Click on the Header of this news post.

Also don't forget to change your background image setting to our cool Halloween-theme! This is obviously optional, but it really looks awesome and you should definitely consider changing it for the month of October.

Happy Halloween, everyone!
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:21 (10 Years ago)
Awesome, I'm looking forward to this!
Those who do not feel the rain, never see the sun.

Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a bro~ken Hallelujah

Merci to Squertle908 for editing
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:21 (10 Years ago)
Event Halloween Sweets Distribution!! Woooow
The Fire and Dark Pokemon Are The Best!! xD

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 139
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:22 (10 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,019
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:22 (10 Years ago)
Aww yeee! Really looking forward to it! :D
[center]Disclaimer: This is my signature. This is not directed to you personally but to everyone.

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:22 (10 Years ago)
Can't wait *will be on til 1 in the morning now*
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 137
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:23 (10 Years ago)
This will be awesome! :D
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:24 (10 Years ago)
Woo! I know someone who will be pulling several late nights/early mornings to get the events while they still have time =D And someone who will be playing on their phone when hanging out with friends, lol.

Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 262
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:24 (10 Years ago)
OMG! *-* I love Halloween because of that: Creepy event pokémon *-* (We don't really celebrate Halloween were I live, heheh)
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 394
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:25 (10 Years ago)
whooo such excitement, i'am back after one year and can't wait to have my first Event after a long Hiatus. i totally love Halloween and i'am hoping for some really creepy ghostpokemon or even a walk at the graveyard...

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 321
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:25 (10 Years ago)
Awh, yeah.
I loved the Event last year.
I'm really looking forward to it! <3

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3

(c) by Pein
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 78
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:26 (10 Years ago)
Imagine. The Event Pokemon! Should be a CREEPY ESPURR or a Zombie Poke. I am sooooo excited! :P :P ;) :) c:
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:26 (10 Years ago)
will what you get breack your chain

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 23
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:27 (10 Years ago)
This should be fun :0

Like the most Halloweenie thing I do this season.

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 190
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:27 (10 Years ago)
My idea \/ (click)

Pokesona made by: CutieAnimals

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:29 (10 Years ago)
I guess I'd better start getting ready then. ;3

Graaaah! Espurrrrr! o0o
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 375
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:31 (10 Years ago)
dont care ima not be careful if i see the girl with a drifloon ( grabs jinx ) jinx u r gonna help me around emera kay? it will be fun! holloween is fun! u can go crazy bc holloween is a ghost pokemon's playground!

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:38 (10 Years ago)
Hallowen Yay How Good And My Exams Are Starts How Bad
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 383
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:40 (10 Years ago)
Everyone who participated in last year's Halloween Event still got 20% of their Skill Points from last year (Maximum: Level 3). So it's a little easier for everyone who has been active for over a year now < not sure what to think about that part.

For the rest awasome!
, prof contest

(30 DP )
72/100 (20 DP)

Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 394
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 20:43 (10 Years ago)
i remember the sweets from last year, collecting goods during interactions is fun for a click-addict like me, hopefully i'am able to join for a longer time...

*thinks about a place to hide from the Floongirl*